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Everything posted by chaoskitty

  1. Its just too bad you never smile and or give big huge hugs.
  2. A Texas address does not make you a Texan. And lack of one doesn't mean you're not.
  3. I'm sure your SO would be pleased to hear you say that. I disagree though.. being single sucks. Especially today.
  4. You dirty dog! Go sit in the corner and... read. Such a rebel.
  5. She probably wouldnt have listened. But at least she didn't constantly expose her personal life to a website full of people in a community she's trying to fit in to. (was that sublte enough?)
  6. Deciding to get a divorce and actually being divorced are not the same thing. But I come from that weird moral ground where you should actually finish one relationship before you begin another.
  7. Nice job on the Drop Abuse gig!
  8. I think they're hillarious. The best way to define yourself as an attention whore is to say "someone was mean to me, I'm leaving!" and wait for the influx of sympathy. But I really think its funny when people who dont skydive anyway, make a big deal about leaving, and then they DONT! (Not directed at you chris, I know you bumped yo head.)
  9. This is the website for the dropzone in Tullahoma. Good looking out though, lots of skyride websites look legit.
  10. Tullahoma was my home dz for a long time, and I love jumping there. Right now they are open 2 weekends per month. I wouldnt recommend that dz at this time if youre looking for coaching or instruction of any kind. Once you've got your own gear and A license, and you can pack yourself and dont mind packing outside, Tullahoma will be a great option for you. Til then.. skydive the farm and skydive alabama are both full service, great drop zones.
  11. I havent talked to him since Monday. But lately he's been doing better every day. I'm sure he's doing MUCH better now that he is at home and out of the hosptial. Its always better to be home.
  12. You guys are just awesome. I love you guys. You too, Psycho.
  13. Yeah.. I have pretty high standards, and "heeeey sexy, you know I'm looking for a greencard..." isn't quite what I was hoping for in a marriage proposal. But you're sweet, thank you.
  14. Venemous?? No my dear, I was just saying that you've been here so long you feel like part of the family! I'm crushed that you think I could ever be so cruel.
  15. Awww you're leaving? It seems like just a few years ago that you got here! I'll be out on Sunday.
  16. He went home from the hospital earlier this week.
  17. Maybe you should practice some Jiu Jitsu with your girlfriend ... He would, but he's scared she would kick his ass!!
  18. ahhh I see. I thought that by "we" you meant you and Matthew.
  19. So by "we", you are saying that people mistake him for you, too?
  20. Thank you for your avatar.