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Everything posted by GARYC24

  1. I'll send some phone cards to the address you posted. Maybe a few other things too. Will do this Sat., after work.
  2. Santa statistics No known species of reindeer can fly. But there are roughly 300,000 species of living organisms yet to be classified. While most of these are insects and germs, this does not rule out flying reindeer - though Santa and my uncle Ralph, in his drinking days, are the only people who've ever seen one. There are two billion children (small people under the age of 18) in the world. But since Santa doesn't (appear to) handle most non-Christian children, that reduces the workload to about 15 per cent of the total (roughly 378 million according to the Population Reference Bureau). At a rate of say, 3.5 children per household, that's 91.8 million homes. One presumes there's at least one good kid in each. Santa has 31 hours of Christmas to work with, thanks to the different time zones and the rotation of the earth, assuming he travels east to west. That's 822.6 visits per second. For each eligible household, Santa has 1/1000th of a second to park the sleigh, jump down the chimney, fill the stockings, put presents under the tree, eat any snacks, kiss mommy when available, get back up the chimney, hop in the sleigh and move on. Assuming each of these 91.8 million stops are evenly distributed around the earth, we're now talking about 0.78 miles per household - a total trip of 75.5 million miles, not counting stops to let Santa and the reindeer do what most of us must do at least once every 31 hours. This means Santa's sleigh moves at 650 miles per second, or 3,000 times the speed of sound. The fastest man-made vehicle, the Ulysses space probe, moves at a poky 27.4 miles a second (a conventional reindeer, by the way, can run 15 miles per hour, tops). Assuming each child gets nothing more that a medium-sized Lego set (two pounds), the sleigh is carrying 321,300 tons, not counting overweight Santa. Conventional reindeer can pull no more than 300 pounds. Even granting flying reindeer could pull 10 times the normal amount, Santa would need 214,200 reindeer. This increases the payload (not counting the sleigh) to 353,430 tons, or four times the weight of the Queen Elizabeth II. 353,000 tons travelling at 650 miles a second creates enormous air resistance, which would heat the reindeer to incandescence in the same fashion as spacecraft or meteors entering the earth's atmosphere. The lead pair of reindeer will absorb 14.3 quintillion joules of energy. Per second. Each. In short, they will burst into flame almost instantaneously, exposing the reindeer behind them and creating deafening sonic booms. The entire team will be vaporized within 4.26 thousandths of a second. Santa, meanwhile, will be subjected to centrifugal forces of 17,500.06 gravities. A 250-pound Santa (a wee bit of an underestimate) would be pinned to the back of his sleigh by 4,315,015 pounds of force. The Internet originator's conclusion to the above: "If Santa ever did deliver presents on Christmas Eve, he's dead now."
  3. The cellulose acetate used to make cigarette filters can take decades to degrade. Cigarette butts are biggest source of litter, with a total of 4.5 trillion butts thrown on the ground in a give year, world wide. These two facts combine offer a huge concern for the environment. But, to make it worse, cigarette butts release toxic chemicals into the soil and water when they are tossed on the ground. This is a severe threat to plant and animal life. Small animals may mistake the butts as food, and upon ingestion, the butts block their digestive tracks, which could cause death by starvation. If you think that is bad, consider the fact that those toxins from cigarette butts are also contaminating water supplies which may be supplying your drinking water. What chemicals are found in cigarettes? Cigarette smoke contains a total of 4000 chemicals, 42 of which have been proven to be carcinogenic. Just to give you an idea, here are some of those chemicals: benzene, an additive in petroleum; formaldehyde, an embalming chemical; ammonia, you use that to clean your toilet with; acetone, otherwise known as nail polish remover; tar; nicotine, an addictive drug, also used as an insecticide; carbon monoxide; arsenic, a rat poison; and hydrogen cyanide, which is used in gas chambers.
  4. I got a $10 tip, and had a drink, too!
  5. Christmas - Tips to Reduce the Stress Christmas is typically one of the most stressful events of the year. The expense of buying gifts, the pressure of last minute shopping and the heightened expectations of family togetherness can all combine to undermine our best intentions. Some practical suggestions can help you reduce your 'Christmas stress'. Budgeting for Christmas For many of us, the Christmas aftermath includes massive credit card bills that can take months to clear. Christmas doesn't have to be a financial headache if you plan ahead. Stress reduction strategies include: As early as you can in the New Year, work out a rough budget of expected Christmas costs. Don't forget 'hidden' expenses such as food bills and overseas telephone charges. Calculate how much disposable income you have between now and Christmas. A certain percentage of this can be dedicated each week (or fortnight or month) to covering your expected Christmas costs. Don't be discouraged if the amount seems small. If you save $5.00, $10.00 or $20.00 per week over a year, it can provide you with a hefty nest egg. If your nest egg isn't enough to cover your estimated expenses, perhaps you may need to refigure your Christmas budget to a more realistic amount. If you have trouble keeping your hands off your Christmas nest egg, consider opening a 'Christmas Club' account. Presents If you have a large circle of extended family or friends to buy gifts for, it can be very costly. You might be able to reduce the stress and cost of Christmas for everyone if you suggest a change in the way your family and friends give presents. For example, you could suggest that your group: Buy presents only for the children. Have a Kris Kringle, where everyone draws a name out of a hat and buys a present only for that person. Set a limit on the cost of presents. Christmas Shopping According to a recent study by Roy Morgan Research, around 60 per cent of Australians dislike Christmas shopping, just 20 per cent plan their shopping expeditions, and the majority of us (nearly 75 per cent) often come home without a single purchase for our efforts. Stress reduction strategies for successful Christmas shopping include: Make a list of all the gifts you wish to buy before you go shopping. If you wait for inspiration to strike, you could be wandering aimlessly around the shopping centre for hours. Buy a few extras, such as chocolates, just in case you forget somebody or you have unexpected guests bearing gifts. If possible, do your Christmas shopping early - in the first week of December or even in November. Some well-organised people do their Christmas shopping gradually over the course of the year, starting with the post-Christmas sales. Buy your gifts by mail catalogue or over the Internet. Some companies will also gift-wrap and post your presents for a small additional fee. The Christmas Dinner Stress reduction strategies include: If you are cooking lunch at home, delegate tasks. You don't need to do everything yourself. Consider keeping it simple - for instance, you could always arrange for a 'buffet' lunch, where everybody brings a platter. Buy as many non-perishable food items as you can in advance - supermarkets on Christmas Eve are generally extremely busy. You may need to order particular food items (such as turkeys) from your supermarket by a certain date. Check to avoid disappointment. Consider doing your food shopping online. The store will deliver your groceries to your door. (Keep in mind this option is more expensive than visiting the supermarket yourself.) Book well in advance if you plan to have lunch at a restaurant. Some restaurants may be fully booked for months before Christmas, so don't wait till the last minute. Relationships Stress, anxiety and depression are common during the festive season. If nothing else, reassure yourself that these feelings are normal. Stress reduction strategies include: Don't expect miracles. If you and certain family members bicker all year long, you can be sure there'll be tension at Christmas lunch. Avoid known triggers. For example, if politics is a touchy subject in your family, don't talk about it. If someone brings up the topic, use distraction and quickly move onto something else to talk about. Use relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or focusing on your breath, to cope with anxiety or tension. Family members involved in after-lunch activities (such as cricket on the back lawn) are less likely to get into arguments. Plan for something to do as a group after lunch if necessary. People under stress tend to 'self-medicate' with alcohol, cigarettes and other drugs. Try to remember that drugs can't solve problems or alleviate stress in the long term. The Little Extras Other ways you might be able to reduce the stress include: Write up a Christmas card list and keep it in a safe place so that you can refer to it (and add or delete names) year after year. Plan to write your Christmas cards in early December. Book a date in your diary so you don't forget. Christmas cards with 'Card only' marked on the envelope can be posted at a reduced rate during November and December. Overseas mail at Christmas time takes longer to arrive. Arrange to send cards or presents in the first half of December, to avoid disappointments (and long queues at the post office). For great savings, buy Christmas necessities (such as cards, wrapping paper, ribbons and decorations) at post-Christmas sales. General Health & Wellbeing Some other ways to keep your stress levels down include: Try to be moderate - it may be the season to be jolly, but too much food and alcohol is harmful, and drink driving is a real danger and illegal. If you can't (or don't want to) step off the social merry-go-round, at least try to eat and drink in moderation. Get enough sleep - plan for as many early nights as you can. Keep moving - keeping up your regular exercise routine can give you the fitness and stamina to make it through the demands of the festive season. Where To Get Help Your doctor Financial planner Your local community health center. Things To Remember Save a percentage of your disposable income throughout the year to provide a nest egg for Christmas expenses. Make a list of all the gifts you wish to buy and shop early. Don't expect miracles - if you and certain family members bicker all year long, you can be sure there'll be tension at Christmas dinnerunch.
  6. Actually didn't get paid for it,, just helping out. But helped stuff ads in Sunday time for LATimes. Fingers get real dirty, can't pick your nose and after awhile you really want to pick your nose and/or rub your eyes. Oh, and some job putting tags on t-shirts and going to the post office ! (that one I really liked and even got paid!)
  7. My Sweet Lady - John Denver Always on my mind - Willie Nelson I can't live if living is without you, Nilsson(?) And that song that says..big boys don't cry, big boys don't cry...
  8. I know the feeling.. I got a job. we had a meeting, yesterday, all need to get more work done, all need to work OT (volunteer first, then possible mandatory OT) Now we are working the next few Sat's, until who knows! Ah, the extra OT $..could be able to get min. 10-15 hr OT pay a week...but, 6 days a week! I just don't comes first!
  9. Too much info to copy, better to go to link.
  10. And now a word about, actually make that a few words about how to act in the gym. This is purely my opinion, but all the other 200-pound guys and fit ladies that share the gym for more than Holidays & Resolutions will probably agree. This stuff may seem humorous, but its all-true, and I seen each one happen. Here is a list of things that could point you out as a newbie. Funny Fitness #1 Don't stare at a dieting bodybuilder who is stuck on the treadmill. He doesnt want to be there (he wants cake) and isnt in the most friendly mood. Even though you may only be appreciating the body that he developed, he will probably still bare harsh intentions toward you! Funny Fitness #2 Dont stare at the fitness bunny on the treadmill either. If she cant kick your butt, her dieting boyfriend on the treadmill next to her probably can. Funny Fitness #3 Dont talk to people in the middle of their set. Like so, " Excuse me! Yes you with 400 pounds on your back, do you have many sets left? Id like to do my crunches right there! Funny Fitness #4 If you can do an exercise in a space that doesnt require any gear, do it. Dont do curls in the squat rack, leg raises on the bench press and dont sit and talk on a bench when someone might need it. Funny Fitness #5 Like the above, dont stand two inches from the dumbbell rack to do your laterals, people need to get in and out of there to get at the weights. Funny Fitness #6 Dont use half of the cable crossover to do one arm triceps pushdowns and the like. The crossover machine is for chest and requires both halves. Use an independent single pulley somewhere else. Not Funny Cell phones: At least get off the bench for the conversation. Funny Fitness #7 The weights have homes. They like their homes. When they dont go home, they get angry and do mean things. All the little dumbbells go together and all the big ones go together. So no 15s up by the 120s. The little plates have homes also. See there was this one time during a personal training session where I grabbed a 45 off the leg press. What I didnt see was that someone had put a 25 in front of it instead of on its own peg. Off came the 45 in my hands and down went the 25 on my foot. This is a great way to learn composure if your interested. Funny Fitness #8 If a book or shirt is on a bench, someone is trying to save it because they are doing exercises back to back. These are called "super sets" and the guys that do them are usually super big. It sure is awkward to be sitting there picking your nose when bubba comes storming around the corner. Its such an easy thing to wait a second to find out or to ask someone if they are done on the equipment. Funny Fitness #9 While its o.k. to use a couple of machines if its not peak hours, dont monopolize the gear. You cant reserve a treadmill for an hour while you run back and forth from the weights to the treadmill to do circuit training. Boy, this one really ticks people off. Funny Fitness #10 Watch out for I.L.S. Invisible Lat Syndrome. This is where even though there is nothing under your shirt; it looks like your carrying around two beer kegs under each arm. People are laughing at you. Funny Fitness #11 Wipe your sweat off of the gear; no more needs to be said. Actually yes it does, especially if Im going to be putting my face in there on the lying hamstring curl. Wipe it off! Funny Fitness #12 Change your gym clothes and don?t put them on after they have been fermenting in your locker for a week. Strong in smell doesnt count! Funny Fitness #13 For the manly, there is a new invention called "deodorant". It runs a close second to something called the "shower". Check it out. Funny Fitness #14 It is right and proper to ask someone for a spot on an exercise so you dont hurt yourself. The only thing to keep in mind is that your requests dont interfere with someone elses training pace or that you become a hindrance because your always using a weight that is too heavy for you. Like wise, dont ask the personal trainer for a spot while he is in the middle of a session with someone else. At $50 an hour, your spot just cost someone $2.50. Very Funny Fitness #15 Ladies: No more pink thongs over black spandex, please! Dont throw them away though because they may need extras if Miami Vice makes a come back. Guys? Retire a shirt when it starts to walk on its own. Gross Funny Fitness This is strange to me but I better mention it cause I seen it happen. Don?t blow "farmer snots" on the gym floor. Really. Funny Fitness #16 Dumbbell presses. If you bring your knees up on the last rep, you can put the dumbbells on your knees with your arms straight and ride them until youre in the upright position as you drop your knees. This way you wont have to drop them from four feet causing a thunderous boom that scares the crap out of everyone and bending the dumbbells so they look like 100-pound bananas. Funny Fitness #17 For the guys, if your going to shave, comb your hair, brush your teeth or whatever in front of the mirror, keep your cloths on. As comfortable as you may be with yourself, we dont need someone we dont know selling hot dogs in the locker room. The showers are single purpose. If I see anything other than clear water running around my feet, I'm going to freak.
  11. Sleep in and still get up early. Clean room, bathroom, truck and go to laundry mat. Cooking for myself 2 fresh yellow fin tuna steaks! Go to local beach for awhile. Call my Mom.
  12. “Smashed Potatoes” First, you squish the mashed potatoes. Then, you put them in a pan. Make the pan hot. Add salt and pepper. Cook it a little bit. Put them on a plate. Then, eat them! “Big Fat Turkey” First, you go to grocery store and buy a big fat turkey. Put it in the oven. Add some spice to spice it up! Turn on the oven to 450 degrees. Cook it for about hour or more. Then it is ready. “Super Cool Mashed Potatoes and Gravy” by Joey Go to the supermarket and buy a box of mashed potatoes. Don’t forget the gravy! Throw it in a pan and add the gravy. Stir it for 20 minutes. It is done. Put it on your plate and eat it! Be careful it might be hot so blow on it! “Really Good Chocolate Cake” First, you put the cake cream in a pan and you mix it up. Put it in the oven for 8 minutes at 50 degrees. Then, when you smell it, it is done. Then, you put the chocolate cream on it and add some sprinkles. Then, it is really good chocolate cake. “Sweety Sweet Potatoes” First, you wash the sweet potatoes. Then, you put them in the oven. Then, they are done and very hot. After they cool, they are ready to eat!
  13. Yes, that is the way it is. Someone's trying to put together a $25 a square for SuperBowl, I suggested why not $ one makes that much at this place! hahaha
  14. Thanksgiving Day Game. I got: $5 square Cowboys 8, Broncos 3 $1 square Broncos 0, Cowboys 4 Are these good numbers?
  15. Mine's going good. I don't have any cigs. I'm broke till tomorrow (Payday) And I am not going to bum one, because I opened my mouth yestersday about not smoking one today, and If I get caught smoking one I will never hear the end of it..and that will make me look like my Word is no good, and that is a bad thing because I would like to be known as a Man of his Word! So, there, how's that sum it up! hahaa
  16. I'm going to Dennys.(restaurant) Sit/walk along the beach for awhile. Do some cleaning and go to laundry mat all by myself on Thanksgiving Day.
  17. It's good. Just wanted to note that every year, there is always at least 1 person who messes up trying to cook one.. either a fire, or injury.. Best to get correct stuff and instructions.
  18. I've quit lots of times. I started smoking again because basically I enjoyed it and decided I did not want to quit.. However, at some point the $ and common sense/fact that I can really get cancer and die a slow death has to kick in... Thank You.
  19. Everyday is a gift. That's why it's called it the PRESENT.
  20. Good website...I just calculated 1 pack a day for past 5 yrs. Total $10,048.00 and that was only $4.00 a pack! $28 a week, If I can save that for next 5 yrs! Wow.. Nice to be reminded how much money I waste! Count me in! I signed up!
  21. The Covenant starring Adrian Barbou. (the last scene in the movie, is a girl I use to know!)
  22. GARYC24

    Turkey Shoots

    Reason was because no one was allowed to walk up with their own ammo. ammo was handed to you at the target area. When your not up at the target (10 people, 10 targets) all guns were not loaded. You show up and leave with no loaded guns. If anyone showed up with with ammo they were escorted off. As far as I know it the ammo was not reloaded shells, bullets, etc..they had what you needed. They been doing this for many yrs. On a special note, earlier in the day, they did however kill a rattle snake and parents were told not to let them wander around, because there are snakes out there and they don't play back very well! Some other guy took the snack home and ate it!
  23. GARYC24

    Turkey Shoots

    (they handed out ammo to you at the target area, no one could bring your own ammo) And after shooting standing around drinking beer smoking cigars, talking to cops..ahh..and all legal! hahahaha.
  24. GARYC24

    Turkey Shoots

    I went to one this weekend. Never attended one before. Used a 22 rifle, 16ga and 12ga shotgun. I missed to whole target w/12 ga on second shot.~! Had some good laughs! Haven't shot a gun since 1980! Had a good time..$2 beers. hosted by American Legion. Anyone else go to shoots, etc.?
  25. I saw him at a dinner concert last month very small place, sat 2 tables in front of the stage!