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Everything posted by beezyshaw

  1. You're problem is you sent it "Next Day Air". All you had to do was look on the UPS website to estimate shipping and delivery and you'd see that by cheap ground service it would get there the next day. Basically you just threw a bunch of money down the drain.
  2. Actually, elasticity of dacron during an opening is not the same as elongation. Elasticity is the temporary "stretch" of the fiber as it is loaded (like a rubber band has); elongation is a permanent lengthening over time. Some fibers have lots of elasticity with no tendency to elongate, and visa versa.
  3. I've seen many ribs tear in canopies after abnormal openings, and yes usually the crossport is a good place for the tear to begin, as it is a "weak point" in the rib. But I don't think that fraying from wear ever causes the tear. For instance I have seen many ribs torn that began at a crossport, but the crossport itself was in perfect condition with no frayed edges. So I think that it is a coincidence when you see a torn rib and a frayed crossport.
  4. Even though crossports are made with a hot knife when the ribs are cut, the amount of airflow, over time, causes the holes to start to fray. Don't worry about it, it won't cause a problem. If you try to burn the edges (as I have heard some people suggest in the past), you will only make rough edges that will damage other fabric of the canopy. So, to say it again, just leave the canopy alone and jump it like it is.
  5. I jumped a Monarch for a paid gift delivery jump one Saturday morning from "about" 500 ft. due to low clouds. I had serious motivation (financially) for the "show to go on". I had many jumps on this canopy, I had the pilot of the Cessna pour the coals to it to give me lots of airspeed after the door was opened, exited with pilot chute in hand, and had a fully opened canopy about 30 or 40 feet below exit altitude. Was it a stupid thing to do? Hell yes. Would I do the same thing again? For the right amount of money, hell yes. But remember, "I'm a professional, don't try this at home!"
  6. You people all fell into this guy's trap. He's a travel agent looking to motivate people to get out and about. See, all your discussion about the benefits of seeing the world are booking tickets right now
  7. I'm not so sure skis would've worked; I don't think they've even invented a landing gear that was needed at Skyfest. Well, they have, but I haven't seen them anywhere except at monster truck rallies! Of course the good news is Steve has paved the entire loading area. Although that's bad for the mud wrestling factor
  8. Damn boy, at least you could've taken 'em out of your garage for the photo I want to see your water heater and shit like that
  9. Not trying to be a smart ass, but skids are what choppers have, that Otter is on skis.
  10. As Chris' best friend and work partner for many years, I'd love to sit down with you and let you know how I feel.
  11. Oh, yea, uh, I'm gettin' right on it boss.
  12. Lost Puppy My neighbour has lost her puppy and is desperate to find him. She does a lot of traveling and always brings her dog with her. Yesterday, she was sitting on the couch watching TV when she realized she hadn't seen her pup in a while and can't think when or where she last saw him. She has been putting up signs everywhere. (See attachment). If you have seen this dog, please let me know and I will notify her. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Oh sure, Andy, like I'm going to let you know where I make our canopies, so you can go to them and get them to make canopies for you so you can be the big dog and have your own parachute company so then all the skydiver chicks would really dig you because you had your own parachute making company then I would just be a nobody and then I'd have to start all over and find another gig and stuff and... and... and... No, it's not in Taiwan.
  14. Please see this thread...
  15. At our sewing plant they don't give a damn about the nfl or ncaa. Now at those "other places", like in Florida, well, ...
  16. QC isn't quite as good if production workers get distracted...
  17. A male patient is lying in bed in the hospital, wearing an oxygen mask over his mouth and nose, still heavily sedated from a difficult, four hour, surgical procedure. A young, student nurse appears to give him a partial sponge bath. "Nurse", he mumbles, from behind the mask. "Are my testicles black?" Embarrassed, the young nurse replies, "I don't know, Sir, I'm only here to wash your upper body and feet." He struggles to ask again, "Nurse, are my testicles black?" Concerned that he may elevate his vitals from worry about his testicles, she overcomes her embarrassment and sheepishly pulls back the covers. She raises his gown, holds his penis in one hand and his testicles in the other, lifting and moving them around. Then, she takes a close look and says, "There's nothing wrong with them, sir." The man pulls off his oxygen mask, smiles at her and says very slowly, "Thank you very much. That was wonderful, but, listen very, very closely...... "Are-my-test-results-back?"
  18. Put me on the list, and of course I'll bring lots of nylon to pass around.
  19. As I've never (in many, many jumps on these canopies) experienced anything like the nose "folding under", I think it's safe to say it's a non-issue in this case.
  20. I suppose I should have said tandems "should" never be in close proximity to others; certainly never say "never"
  21. All the test jumps on the prototypes of the Icarus Tandem were done by myself and Charlie Mullins, when Precision was manufacturing the Icarus product line. The canopy was of course designed by Paul Martyn (JYRO). In finalizing the design, once we were satisfied with flight characteristics, the last steps are usually slider size and brake settings, to provide the best combination(s) for good openings. In jumping the test canopies with many different placements of the brake cat's eyes, we continued to agree that the closer the cat's eye to the toggle, the softer the openings. When the deployment brakes were in what would be considered a "normal" setting, the openings were always "firm". Not any harder than some tandem mains made by other manufacturers, but certainly firm. Our thinking was that if we could provide a superior flying tandem that opened softly then we would have a product that would really be a winner with tandem instuctors. By the time we had what we considered the best openings, the brakes were set so shallow that it seemed rediculous to even have deployment brakes. One of the important reasons for brakes is to slow forward speed at opening so as to reduce the likelyhood of a canopy collision. As tandem canopies are never in close proximity to other canopies at opening time, this was a non-issue. Thus the decision to eliminate the deployment brakes on the canopy.
  22. Hey Jay, I know this is probably old news by now, but I just got turned on to the "" website and if you're not already doin' it, it ROCKS! The IT guy at Tracie's office (who is really anal about piracy and stuff) told me he was using it and so I signed up and got a couple of albums last night...CHEAP! Like really really cheap, and they have this explorer interface you download that makes it a snap to do everything, very well organized. And the best thing is you pick the encode method you want and bit rate, etc. They offer mpeg4 (aac for ipods) as a format so importing into the itunes is flawless. Has all the tags and info so the ipod library is done right. And more about the cheap part, I just got the new Coldplay album for $1.71, I could have gotten it for a buck-twenty in 128 quality! And I can sleep at night 'cause I ain't stealin' nuthin'
  23. And if you don't have time to watch them all, be sure to watch "time to leave home"