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Everything posted by beezyshaw

  1. I'm just going to leave the dog thing to owner discretion, but I know the airport will be most unhappy if dogs are running around loose on the ramp. So just everyove please be very responsible for your 2 and 4-legged children. That superman picture was taken in none other than Metropolis, in southern Illinois. You drive by it on the way to WFFC.
  2. About dogs, we'll be running the boogie at the old dz location, and I'd say it is not "dog friendly". When the dz moves across the airport in the near future, dogs won't be a problem. But for now, there's just not enough wide open space for dogs to running around.
  3. Update to the raffle prizes... HiPerUSA, (1) 40% off any Nitro or Blade canopy Sunrise Mfr. / Wings Container, (10) $75 factory rebate certificates; (2) 50% off certificates, for container only not including options. PD, (1) 35% off any PD canopy Sunpath, (1) 30% off any Javelin container SSK, (2) 50% off CYPRES 4-year maintenance Aerodyne, (1) 40% off complete system, and (1) 30% off any aerodyne canopy RWS, (1) 40% off Vector III Micron, including 25% off all options Bev Suits, (1) 25% off purchase of any BevSuit Tami and Scotty Carbone, - 10 Closing Pin Necklaces - 1 Custom Para-Pet made with Chris's Name and Rig Colors - Tickets for a Carbonezone Free Dinner Saturday Night (Smoked Pork Loin, Rice Pilaf, Baked Beans, and a Salad) West TN Skydiving, (1) Entire weekend (you pick the weekend) of free jumps at WTS Appalachian Amusement Center, 30 minutes of wind tunnel time Precision, (1) 40% off any Xaos-21 or Xaos-27 cross braced main canopy Don't forget, you can pm me and arrange to buy tickets even if you're unable to attend. As tickets are drawn, winner selects prize of choice, so send me your prize preference and get in on this!
  4. Tell Scotty I'll be there Friday morning. I'm meeting the tent people up there around lunch time. Now, here is the list of raffle prizes so far. I expect a couple of additions today. And don't forget you can pm me and arrange to buy tickets even if you can't be there Sat. evening for the drawing. You can pick the order of prize preference if your ticket is drawn. Chris' family is deeply appreciative of everyone's kindness and generosity. HiPerUSA, (1) 40% off any Nitro or Blade canopy Wings Container, (10) $75 factory rebate certificates; (2) 50% off certificates, for container only not including options. PD, (1) 35% off any PD canopy Sunpath, (1) 30% off any Javelin container SSK, (2) 50% off CYPRES 4-year maintenance Aerodyne, (1) 40% off complete system, and (1) 30% off any aerodyne canopy RWS, (1) 40% off Vector III Micron, including 25% off all options Bev Suits, (1) 25% off purchase of any BevSuit Tami and Scotty Carbone, - 10 Closing Pin Necklaces - 1 Custom Para-Pet made with Chris's Name and Rig Colors - Tickets for a Carbonezone Free Dinner Saturday Night (Smoked Pork Loin, Rice Pilaf, Baked Beans, and a Salad) West TN Skydiving, (1) Entire weekend (you pick the weekend) of free jumps at WTS Appalachian Amusement Center, 30 minutes of wind tunnel time
  5. I can't believe I've overlooked the post from Dawn Suiter to add THIS to the list of awesome raffle prizes... I GOT IT I GOT IT I GOT IT!!!! I am proud to announce that I am now making a Gift Certificate for 30 MINUTES TUNNEL TIME at Appalachian Amusement Center.... for the fundraiser!! most excellent
  6. HUGE UPDATE: Mike Mullins just threw this into the prize mix... One Weekend of free King Air jumps at West Tennessee Skydiving ( weekend of winners choice). Now, how's that for a two dollar raffle ticket payout?
  7. OK, here's the way we'll do the prizes... We will sell raffle tickets for two bucks each. The first ticket drawn will get their choice of prizes. Next ticket drawn gets choice of remaining prizes, and so on. The more tickets you buy, the better chance of winning what you really want. As for Wade's idea about buying tickets in advance, I don't see a problem with that. I mean, we're trying to sell tickets, right? So, if anyone wants to buy some tickets in advance they can pm or email me ([email protected]) and give me the order preference of prize winnings and I'll make arrangements for the money transaction.
  8. You talk pretty tough for a guy that got a free control line replacement from me on my competitor's canopy. Hey Robbie, listen up... HEY EVERYBODY, COME TO TULLAHOMA!
  9. Here's what I have so far... HiPerUSA, (1) 40% off any Nitro or Blade canopy Wings Container, (10) $75 factory rebate certificates; (2) 50% off certificates, for container only not including options. PD, (1) Discount TBA for any PD canopy Sunpath, (1) 30% off any Javelin container SSK, (2) 50% off CYPRES 4-year maintenance Aerodyne, (1) 40% off complete system, and (1) 30% off any aerodyne canopy RWS, (1) 40% off Vector III Micron, including 25% off all options Bev Suits, discount amount TBA Tami and Scotty Carbone, - 10 Closing Pin Necklaces - 1 Custom Para-Pet made with Chris's Name and Rig Colors - Tickets for a Carbonezone Free Dinner Saturday Night (Smoked Pork Loin, Rice Pilaf, Baked Beans, and a Salad) I'm still waiting to hear back from a couple of other folks.
  10. Update: The grass is mowed, the bathroom is clean, a 40' tent is rented and being put up for shade, the KingAir is all tuned up and ready to roar. I've made several calls to other equipment mfrs. and lots of generous prizes to be had. Not sure whether to auction them or raffle them off. I'm open to suggestions about that; whatever will net Kristi and Haley the most $ is of course the best plan. We'll have several tandem pilots available so if anyone wants to bring some passengers bring 'em on!
  11. Response from the Electric Company to complaints about a recent electric bill... Dear Electric Customer, Just a little note to let you know we understand your anger in the recent price hike. But it should be noted that you have no choice. We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you. You have no choice. We have the power, you need the power. Too bad, so sad. Sucks to be you. We have enclosed a little picture to help outline our response. Have a nice day and keep those checks coming! Sincerely, Your Local Power Co.
  12. Like it would matter to you when you got your new canopy! I mean what other company gives you brand new demo to jump while we make your cute lilttle sissy ass "custom colors" one!
  13. OK, Spence, please don't give me shit for hijacking the thread, but if anyone wants an alternative to the Beach thing, don't forget that Mike Mullins is flying a fund-raiser for Chris Martin's family at Tullahoma, TN this weekend. So, if you can't make it to the beach, make it to the Beech!
  14. Yep, I know I'll have my tandem rig with me for anyone wanting to make a tandem, and the dz's rigs and a couple of other people will also be there with their own tandem gear as well, so bring 'em on! Thanks, see 'ya then.
  15. You bet! Contributions can be made to: Haley Martin Memorial Fund P.O. Box 674 Tullahoma, TN 37388 Thanks on behalf of Chris' family for the generosity.
  16. Yes, agreed. And the tandem instructors I work with don't complain all day either. Sounds like a move to a more positive energy dz is called for here.
  17. One day a blonde was riding on an airplane. There was a loud noise that came from outside the plane. The captain came on the intercom, "Attention passengers, we just lost one of our engines; but don't worry, the other three engines will keep us up. Also, we will arrive at our destination about an hour behind schedule." Half an hour later, another loud noise sounded from outside the plane. The captain once again came on the intercom, "Attention passengers, do not be alarmed. We lost another engine, but the other two will still keep us flying. We will arrive at our destination about three hours late." After the captain said this, the blonde leaned over to the passenger next to her and said, "If those other two engines go out, we'll be up here forever."
  18. beezyshaw


    A man standing in line at a check out counter of a grocery store was very surprised when a very attractive woman behind him said, "Hello!" Her face was beaming. He gave her that "who are you look," and couldn't remember ever having seen her before. Then, noticing his look, she figured she had made a mistake and apologized. "Look," she said "I'm really sorry but when I first saw you, I thought you were the father of one of my children," and walked out of the store. The guy was dumbfounded and thought to himself, "What the heck is the world coming to? Here is an attractive woman who can't keep track of who fathers her children! " Then he got a little panicky."I don't remember her," he thought but, MAYBE....during one of the wild parties he had been to when he was in college, perhaps he did father her child! He ran from the store and caught her in the parking lot and asked, "Are you the girl I met at a party in college and then we got really drunk and made wild crazy passionate love on the pool table in front of everyone?" "No", she said with a horrified look on her face. "I'm your son's second grade teacher!"
  19. I've offered to help Mike with the boogie in any way he might need, as I'm sure all the old Tullahoma regulars are anxious to do. I went up to the airport the other day to scope things out. Here are a couple of things that I'm planning to do to prepare for everybody having a great weekend jumping Mike's KingAir... I'm not sure about Chris' mower, so I'm going to take my lawn mower middle of the week and cut a bunch of grass. I am contacting a lot of other manufacturers about donating anything they can for a raffle or auction. If we can help Kristi and Haley by raising some money that way I think it'd be great. As the main landing area is a couple of hundred yards from the packing area, I'm going to have my van and trailer available for a shuttle back to the packing area so we won't have to walk. And lastly (and this is where I need a lot of help) I am going to rent a big tent for the weekend so that we will have ample packing in the shade. I certainly plan on paying for part of this myself, but maybe if we can all pitch in the cost of a pack job or two I won't get stuck paying the entire bill for the shade. Jason's getting a porta potty lined up for the guys, and we'll use the bathroom indoors as the "ladies room". If anybody else can think of something I'm missing, please let me know. C y'all there !!
  20. Mark, wait a dip down in the porta-potty with a glass of good vodka? Now I KNOW you've got problems.
  21. OK, I've finally figured it out. Without naming any brand, every time I drink a "XXX XXXX" I keep thinking the smell reminds me of something I can't quite figure out. Today it dawned on me. It smells like the stuff they use to sanitize the porta-potty with! Now if THAT doesn't make you thirsty!
  22. A knot in your bridle is first of all not necessary. It is adding a step that doesn't need to happen. It puts extra wear and tear on the bridle. Depending on the type of knot, which I assume here is a sort of slip-knot which is easy to un-do, it is leaving a loop in the bridle that if left there will invite problems. This step in packing is just dumb. Just cock the pilot chute in the right sequence, and go jump. Plain and simple. Just because the centerline of the pilot chute moves an inch or so and the colored section moves slightly does NOT mean the pilot chute is collapsed. That little bit of movement doesn't change a thing. If you feel you have to see that green (or whatever) color in the little window, after you close your container put your foot on the pin and re-cock the pilot chute, then stow it in the pouch.
  23. beezyshaw


    That's right, my place, everyone's invited! Here's the details...
  24. [reply...]told me to tie a knot in the bridle when i am packing Anybody else agree with this? Looks like a malfunction just begging to happen. If you cock the pilot chute a second time right after you put the canopy in the d bag, even if the mark in the window disappears, your pilot chute will most certainly still inflate and operate normally. I don't think I like the idea of the knot, as it's just something else to forget to un-do
  25. A "step through" is when the jumpers body and container go through the lines, meaning that the container or canopy must be passed back through the lines to get the canopy oriented correctly and ready to pack again. It usually happens (with tandems anyway) when on a no-wind day the canopy falls on top of the tandem pair as they are still seated as they land.