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Everything posted by kitof1976

  1. On a "hop'n Pop" that make one a " three second brotha" !!! "We see the world just the way we are...
  2. I sense experience talking here?! "We see the world just the way we are...
  3. That's a cheap one "We see the world just the way we are...
  4. I had the same question in the back of my mind... But I don't know if anyone that has tried it would openly post about their stunt and the logistical issues they had to overcome "We see the world just the way we are...
  5. 2 Kindergaten schools (switzerland) 1 elementary school (switzerland) 1 junior high school (switzerland) 2 high schools ( switzerland) 1 coed boarding high school (switzerland) that one was the best year of my life ) 1 high school (california) 2 junior colleges (california) 2 universities (california) total 12 schools...... and still no diplomas whatsoever "We see the world just the way we are...
  6. My best advice when it comes to safety is to read and inform yourself as much as you can about skydiving. The more you know about gear, possible emergency situations, incidents that might have happened to some other people ect... the safer you will be and the more likely you will react correctly in an emergency. I have learned a lot from my instructors, but I have also made the effort to seek the information on my own. This web site is a good place to learn about safety eventhough one should take everything with a grain of salt since some people may not have the experience to give the best advice. The USPA website is also a good source for accurate information. The skydiver handbook might also be of interest to you as it contain lot of valuable info... Bottom line: The more you know... the safer you will be. "We see the world just the way we are...
  7. Salut le gars, J'ai jamais eu l' occasion de sauter le vector 3 mais je crois que c'est du bon matos. Comme lazy frog a dit, le javelin odyssey c'est la bombe mais bon le prix qui va avec aussi. Si tu recherche un bon sac harnais pour pas trop cher regarde aussi le nouveau Wings de sunrise rigging et ils sont de plus en plus populaire. Si t'as un question particuliere sur un type the matos envoie moi un PM. "We see the world just the way we are...
  8. LMAO "We see the world just the way we are...
  9. Look around when it comes to buying gear... like you said this doesn't seem like a bad deal. My best advice when it comes to buying used gear is to shop around your DZ, the internet, the classified in this web site... heck even try Ebay!! That were I got my main and I got a kick butt deal on it! Just look around before you buy anything... and don't take advice from people trying to sell you something. Had I bought the stuff they recommended at my DZ I would have been out almost a grand!!! Just my 0.2 cents... "We see the world just the way we are...
  10. reply] I'm starting to think it's more a combination of adreneline and dehydration. I had nothing but two glasses of milk to drink that morning. That'll probably screw you up pretty bad right there. I noticed the same thing when I started to jump. I use to be pretty nervous on the days I would jump and I would not eat very much in the morning before heading out to the DZ. As a result I would start to feel a bit dizzy and would get headaches from dehydration. So now that I am not so nervous anymore, I make it a point to get a good breakfast and keep eating and drinking troughout the day and my headaches and nausea have gone away. Hang in there, you will get use to it and it will be fine pretty soon. "We see the world just the way we are...
  11. I have a Triathlon 150 and I just love it. It's really easy too pack because of the non slippery ZP material and the openings are great! I haven't had the chance to fly many other canopies but I think Triathlons are a great canopies to learn on! They feel rock solid in rough air and they fly awsome. I probably wouldn't buy a Triathlon brand new to learn on, but a used one with a few hundred jumps is a good choice for a first canopy IMHO. "We see the world just the way we are...
  12. My wife totally supports my habit!! As long as I don't neglect my responsabilites as a father and husband she is totally cool with it! I have the whole thing pretty balanced and I have the best of both world!!! Blue ones Chris "We see the world just the way we are...
  13. Amen Brotha! "We see the world just the way we are...
  14. I am married to a wuffo and I have two young girls. I can tell you that it can work just fine... Like Bkdice said it all comes down to what kind of people we are! IMHO the key to success in a marriage is to keep everything in balance. I have always tried to accept her for who she is and she is doing the same for me. If you have to try to change someone fundamentaly to make it work, you are in the wrong marriage!! My opinion on this is that if you have your skydiving addiction in balance with the rest of your life and that your are not neglecting some of your other responsablities, there are no valid reasons that your mate can give you to stop doing what you love. In my case, I make a point to devote, my time and money between my skydiving passion and my regular life as a father and caring husband. Sure sometimes I wish I could jump more and spent more money on my addiction... but it wouldn't be right to just do what I want all the time. Not if you chose to get married!! The bottom line is to keep everything in balance. If you have it balanced there is no reason for you to give it up... You may have to slow down a bit, but you shouldn't have to quit! "We see the world just the way we are...
  15. Here's something I wrote about how I felt when I first started jumping... Weekday Musings I just read your essay. All I can say is : "AMEN sista!!!" "We see the world just the way we are...
  16. Ever since I started skydiving, that's all I can think of. I mean no shit, there is not one day I do not think about flying... I even sometimes stick my head out the window when I commute to work in the morning It has really put things into perspective for me. I am so much more peacefull now that I ever was. I used to let little things irritate me. But now I don't sweat the small stuff anymore. I love the fact that when I leave the DZ at the end of the weekend I have a stupid smile glued to my face for the rest of the week!!! Skydiving is one of the best thing that I have ever done. "We see the world just the way we are...
  17. Here is a picture of the freely pants I made... I tested them and they fly great! Thanks for all the advice! "We see the world just the way we are...
  18. Thanks for all the good advice. I have found some black medium weight polycotton and also some heavy duty 100% cotton fabric with a pretty cool flaming design. I have been working on my pants and I just finished them last week! I put a test jump on them last saturday and they worked great!!! So far everything held together. I was kind of scared that I might end up butt naked I'll post a picture of my pants shortly on here. My wife think I look like Evel Knivel... she also mentioned Freddie Mercurie skydiving Not sure how to take that... Maybe some conoisseur eyes might say something more encouraging "We see the world just the way we are...
  19. 26 and I still get carded for smokes! "We see the world just the way we are...
  20. That's a good one chad... I am kind of faced with the same dilemma! "We see the world just the way we are...
  21. I was just wondering if anyone has a new smart reserve in their container and had to use it yet. I have have one of them I would love to hear some feedbacks on the opening and flight characteristics from someone that got to experience it first hand. "We see the world just the way we are...
  22. If you are looking for some glow sticks, go on Ebay and type "glow sticks"... You will find all the glow sticks you need at incredible prices... I bought 200 of them for 20 bucks shipping included. You can sell them or give them out to some of your buddies. Or you could use all of them for yourself and look like a skydiving christmas tree here is another website for glow sticks [] "We see the world just the way we are...
  23. Come on Dave... You know you liked it Hey!!! You know women are attracted to men who can sew... Here is the link:[url] "We see the world just the way we are...
  24. You know I don't think that is really true. I can guarantee that there are some students out there that love to get the advice of someone knowledgable. I know that for a fact... because I am one of them! To tell you the truth it really pisses me off that I have now 32 jumps and never jumps with an instructor, or someone that commented on my progression. So don't give up... some of us like to receive advice as long as the critics are constructive and not condescending. "We see the world just the way we are...
  25. I would say "wings"... But I might be a little biased because I never jumps any other container. All I know is that the customer service I received from Sunrise rigging was awsome and you get a really good bang for your bucks. You might want to see if you can score yourself a 50% off coupon from someone for around 150 Bucks. Then I guarantee your wings container will smoke any other container when it comes to get your dollars worth... Like I said I might be biased... "We see the world just the way we are...