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Everything posted by Luv2Fall

  1. I listened to "mom".........she was a hot lady and somewhat of a "sugar momma" to me.
  2. Same was the mom. "Mom" having been a model, I sure as hell wasn't gonna turn her down. In retrospect, it's dirty toward the daughter........just not right.
  3. Had a mom and daughter combo during my early was fantastic for a while........daughter didn't know and "mom" kept me extremely busy while her daughter worked second shift as a nurse. A combo can get a bit "uncomfortable" while all is eating dinner together either at home or out.
  4. ........plumbers and their snakes...why yes. Don't forget the UPS guy.
  5. Hmmmmmmmmm...........seems more and more (both M & F) forget what comittment is all about.
  6. So.........John Edwards gave up "readings" on "Crossing Over" and entered into the political arena?
  7. Thanks for paying mine.
  8. New York's Junior Senator Hillary Clinton was attending a party, when she noticed Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. She walked over to him, and in a quiet voice said; "If you were my husband I would poison your drink." Schwarzenegger smiled, leaned forward, and whispered in her ear, "And if you were my wife I would drink it."
  9. What browser do you use? Thanks for the post..........been having problems with JAVA script and thinking about scraping IE.....pretty convinced now.
  10. "Those sum purty lips you got dar boy"
  11. Why thank you, Sir. lol
  12. ......full figured women.
  13. Not within the character of my past persona, but I agree with you..........nicely put........simplifies what is otherwise a complexed subject.
  14. Most often, under fire, it isn't anything to do with belief or "cause", you do it for your buddies..........that's the way it works.
  15. I guess I can be catorized as being "Non-Demoninational having strickly a Protestant background with a Baptist "flavor" lol. I've had some formal study of Theology. The foundation upon which I believe is Jesus Christ. I have my beliefs based upon many years of personal study, and I do not participate in any form of organized religion.
  16. Nope...........I'm a Lemming for other reasons.
  17. I'm a Lemming of the highest caliber.
  18. Yep......put myself through and then enlisted into the military and made a career of the same.
  19. I remember those funds out the window, MTOE equipment red-lined due to not having parts as we once did, base closures, personnel shortages, more deployment and doing more with less, training funds, training funds and training funds.............including ammo and started sucking the big one.