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Everything posted by loudtom

  1. Whoa John I have seen you talk about it and have felt your passion above and beyond our shared trajedy, now I know why... Thank something you are still here. tom tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  2. Gonna miss you Johnny. Glad I had a chance to give you the woo woo's when I was down last... BSBD my friend! Say hi to Erin... tom MB #2936 tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  3. John, sometimes I just don't get you. An educator opposed to education who's demonstrated education works and can save lives. John gave us the info and we decided it was good and wanted to use it. He is never pushy and gives us the information we need. We make the decision to use it or not. Thanks John! lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  4. What John said. These were expierienced people with lots of training and jumps. As an S&TA I plan to talk to all the jumpers I come in contact with at my small dz and let them know what is up... And our dz will have a plan for all four of us in the air at the same time. I try to make light of my small dz cause we won't have the same problem bigger dz's will have, but we will still have a plan. lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  5. Or guys riding thier motorcycles there, or drunk people running into airplanes with thier golf carts... that kind of stufffffffff... But you will have a blast that is for sure!!! yo tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  6. I don't think I will make Skyfest but I will be at the TSR again this year. YOU guys down there in both Dallas and Houston know how to throw a boogie... lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  7. YEA what Beth said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take that you guys... Although I will be attending some of those events myself, he was asking about FreeFall... lt And David if you do have any problems or just want to get more advice when you are there, stop by the AFF tent and we will be glad to help any way we can. tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  8. Thanks Gary and John and everyone else I don't know who posted. I am going to put up this thread on our website so all of our jumpers can benefit. lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  9. great, thanks you guys hope to see him in february when our dz invades zhills... lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  10. It just so happens I am also 4 for 4. And I know Da Bears are gonna win. It may not be pretty, But Soldier Field and some D-fence will win the day!!!!!!!!!! Nice try though... lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  11. I pm'ed the carbones about two weeks ago to see if they had seen him recently and haven't heard back yet. That sure was early (or still late) for Jerry. I got to hang out with him a little when he was in Pahokee. We had a blast... Anyone seen him recently at Zhills?? lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  12. Blue Skies Tom... Liz reminded me that we did know each other way back when.Give Erin a kiss and a hug for me. loudtom tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  13. Get well soon Bill. Loudtom tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  14. Since I just became an S&TA if any of this DZ's people need to be signed off I would gladly help out. Just pm me and we will make it happen. yo tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  15. ... tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  16. I didn't realize how much the 200 ways were... Maybe Texas won't be so hot this time huh John? Oh wait this will be your first time won't it? Bring it with you. You know what I mean. Champagne would be nice. For after.
  17. That is why I put an IF in the sentence. And I agree with Ron about posting without telling people who you are. If you work there what do you have to hide for. All most of us want is to know the truth. Or as close as some of us can come... And barring that we might as well make up stuff What is all the secrecy about? lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  18. Guess I made my point about voting. The EC needs something, I am not sure what... Since none of us know the real story about who asked him to stop and how long it took him to stop after he was "asked to do so" and why some of them looked the other way for so long and then jumped on him like he was on fire. I heard that Glenn B. had seen this and knew it was happening. But again if he was asked to stop and he didn't maybe that is why they acted so harshly... And I give credit to anyone standing up and giving their opinion. That is what this country is about. I am voting for you Jan!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe you don't want me too but I am Anyway, if we are all a little safer for it... lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  19. I am already invited to the TSR for next year. But since the Z-thing is so close I am wondering if alot of people are doing both or since z-hills is first if it is going to effect our attendance at the TSR. I might apply to see if I can get on the 200 ways but since I have been on the last two TSR's and am a Texas State Record holder now I kinda feel obligated and really want to hang with the Texas folks. And I may not be invited to the Z-thing. Anyway was just wondering how these two being so close together was effecting things. lt yo tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  20. I apologize Scotty. I did not intend to have this sound like a personal attack on you. In my zeal to get people to vote in the upcoming USPA election you got caught it the crossfire. My BAd. I didn't mean to tell you to shut up. It was about the voting. So many complain and then do nothing when they have a chance to. Please accept my apology and thanks for calling me on it. tom tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  21. Your chance and everyone elses chance to change things if you do not like the current USPA BOD is coming up. If you vote then rant. If you don't then you really have no right to spout. Signing petitions for this incident is fine, but for long term effect find out about the canidates and send in your form. This goes for everyone who has a problem and wants to do something about it... And if people at this dz said things long before it became public forum stuff and it was rejected because, 1, "you are not a TI so Shut up, or 2, "just shut up", then people did what they were supposed to. Take it to a higher power. It didn't get handled by the dz S&TA's so someone had to step in and make it right. You have to agree that something needed to happen to bring the departed back into the fold. Don't you? Do you think it is ok to fly a tandem student like that? lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  22. Obviosly you are not a TM or you would know why, even after such a tragedy, they would want to take up more students. Of course some TM's don't do it for the same reasons I and other very dedicated TM's do: Because we love the sport and want to train and bring more people into our passion. Jacko must love doing it to have so many student jumps. I would like to see him be able to take both AFF and Tandem students again. While I do not know him personally his videos show he has the talent and the knowledge it takes to teach and train and be safe and if he convinces the powers that be that he will comform to the industry standards then he should be allowed to take students. Yea I have a problem with the management of this particular dz but I want all instructors who can meet the requirements and follow the rules to be able to do what we love. Take students on safe and fun jumps. If petitions will help I will sign one to let the BOD know my support for what I feel is right. lt yo tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  23. John those who live by the pun thanks 62 lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)
  24. Unfortunately for you John I will be there tooooo. Gonna change your mind now? yuck yuck yuck lt tom #90 #54 #08 and now #5 with a Bronze :-)