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Everything posted by skymiles

  1. The world is a better place today with one less hate monger.
  2. Republican-Led Review Backs Intelligence Findings on Russian Interference
  3. Not just an idiot, but an idiot with a personality disorder
  4. skymiles


    The W.H.O. did sound the alarm early and often about the coming pandemic. Should they have sounded the alarm louder?
  5. skymiles


    Just another part of the Democratic hoax.
  6. skymiles


    At least some Republicans have come to their senses.
  7. skymiles


    Our Liar and Bullshitter in Chief.|2 His press conferences do more harm than good.
  8. skymiles


    That what "unfit for office" and incompetence looks like.
  9. skymiles


    The Trump administration anticipated and planned for a pandemic in 2019 but Trump fired all the high level officials that knew about it.
  10. skymiles


    Well, you better tell Fox News Fox News suddenly changes its tune
  11. "Memo reveals a House Republican strategy on shootings: down play white nationalism, blame left"
  12. I'm sure it was for tax advice or something like that.
  13. skymiles


    ‘Heartbroken’ Trump Critic Ann Coulter: He’s a ‘Shallow, Lazy Ignoramus’‘heartbroken’-trump-critic-ann-coulter-he’s-a-‘shallow-lazy-ignoramus’/ar-BBKNU6V?li=BBnb7Kz
  14. Really!
  15. See article. Also, imagine if Clinton had won the election but lost the popular vote. Any guesses on the right's reaction?
  16. Because they are bigots and too stupid to know that they are.
  17. According to this article, Fox News is responsible. Good read.
  18. Now you're getting it Bill. See how simple the solution is when you don't understand the problem. Life is so much easier as a Republican - none of that thinking stuff.
  19. Wasn't that suppose to be the lesson of the GWB presidency?
  20. McCain got swift-boated. The GOP is getting a dose of their own medicine. Disgusting, isn't it?
  21. Maybe republicans are bigger fuckups. You don't hear about all the drivers who got home safely. You just hear about the ones who wrecked their car.
  22. As we have seen in your many posts, logic plays absolutely no role in your world.
  23. Cheney's "quagmire" statement came BEFORE March 2003. Bush's statement in the OP cam BEFORE he signed the SOFA. Some of us are on record as saying the 2003 invasion hype was based on unreliable statements by Bush&Co BEFORE it happened. I'll partly agree with you there. But tell me, which is better, 1) leaving Iraq for political purposes, ignoring your military advisors, or, 2) waiting around a bit taking a political hit for not doing what you said, and thus not having to spend twice as much redeploying troops? Did politics play a role in Obama's decision to pull all the troops out? Probably and it's a shame if it did. But maybe he was also tired of US troops dying for a failed policy like most of us. Just how many more troops, how many more years, and how many more trillions of dollars would be required? Like I said before, I would have preferred a residual force but then again I ain't volunteering. Nonetheless, Bush made the possibility of a residual force much more difficult by signing SOFA. Speaking of politics - I believe the decision to invade Iraq was made, in large part, to ensure the re-election of George Bush. WMDs were likely but mostly served as a cover story. However, in order to properly effect the election, the invasion had to start very soon. I say this because Bush withdraw the weapons inspectors before they could finish the job. What was the rush? Because they were getting in the way of a good war that would guarantee the Bush's re-election. Now that's politics if true.
  24. Unfortunately that happens all the time. Thank you for saying so. I too would have preferred a residual force but perhaps a full withdrawal was necessary to get rid of Maliki.