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Everything posted by sangiro

  1. Late adolescence maybe? Safe swoops Sangiro
  2. You're not giving me enough information to work with. Please email me your username and I'll look into it. Safe swoops Sangiro
  3. Right on! I feel better already!
  4. Heya - does anyone have some good news, a story, an article...anything that I can post to the home page that will make it look less depressing? Too many stories about accidents! Safe swoops Sangiro
  5. Hey freefallfreak, Welcome to the forums....My name is Sangiro. I have a web site, you can see it here. I like to skydive.
  6. Dave, Here's what worries me about this helmet. The neck-line at the back of the head on this full-face is basically straight... How do I look forward and up to check my air space if the helmet pushes on my neck and back preventing me to to do this? Most skydiving full face helmets are designed to allow that type of movement of the head. Safe swoops Sangiro
  7. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing! You should strap on a freefall camera as soon as you safely can....
  8. Added it guys.... Safe swoops Sangiro
  9. Hey landmissile - great review. Why not add it to the Safire reviews in the gear section before it gets lost in this forum? Safe swoops Sangiro
  10. In your case, from what I understand...I believe they are "checking you out"!
  11. Post deleted by sangiro
  12. News about our Australian brethren... Safe swoops Sangiro
  13. That does it! I'll not only jump with you, I'll buy your jump ticket as well!
  14. Heya all, I'm flying into LA tomorrow morning and out again in the evening for work. If you see my plane...wave when I pass over!
  15. Welcome back Carrie! Do tell....and how about a few pictures of your break? Safe swoops Sangiro
  16. Yeah! Now this post rocks! Welcome back - if you ever see me at a DZ, tap me on the shoulder and I'll gladly jump with you!
  17. Yup - of course the Auctions was designed so only you can bid on your item.... Serious though, you need to at least tell me the name of your auction and which category you posted it to so I can go see if I can see it. With the amount of info you gave....what should I be looking for? Safe swoops Sangiro
  18. sangiro

    Earth Lights

    Speedracer - I believe he's taking you for a ride.... Omrimon...the large land mass in the middle, in fact it's about a fifth of the globes total land mass, is Africa.... that is NOT Israel The very bright one in the top left, lotsa lights and wasted energy, accept for in California, is North America..... that is NOT Israel The one just below that, where you can see the people dancing, is South America.... that is NOT Israel Now moving back to the center of the picture at the top, where you see the mad cows and that one really bright light shining out of the Queen's ass, is Europe.... that is NOT Israel Now, to the right you will see a few guys throwing back some good vodka, that is Russia and the former USSR....that is NOT Israel To the right of that you see an area where only some people are allowed to have lights, that's China....that is NOT Israel On the far right in the center of the map you have a little island that has almost as many lights as the rest put together, that's Japan...that is NOT Israel In the bottom right corner you see a somewhat odd land mass with nervous sheep where people decided to live on the edges only, that's Australia....that is NOT Israel get a bit more specific, at the southern tip of Africa (which is not Israel) you'll see an abnormal concentration of lights caused by police cars chasing car hi-jackers, that's South Africa....that is NOT Israel either Now if you look on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean, just northeast of the Nile..that brightly lit country which could be caused by either explosions or protest marchers....THAT IS Israel!! If you're still not sure.... make sure to look in all the places that you know are NOT Israel last.... Safe swoops Sangiro
  19. sangiro

    Earth Lights

    Bwaahahahahahaaa! - that's to damn funny man! Safe swoops Sangiro
  20. sangiro

    Old Topics

    Nope the're still there...check the Announcments Board Sorry froggie! Safe swoops Sangiro
  21. Bwaaahahahhaaa! Safe swoops Sangiro
  22. Sure, I don't mind if you want to pay me an AFF! Safe swoops Sangiro
  23. Agreed! How much? Safe swoops Sangiro
  24. Hey guys - still working on the T's. Got some quotes to get them printed. It will be a limited print at first. Now I'm looking to find a reasonable price that I should ask. Will be a good quality T with the logo on and a choice of the motto on the back or not...What do you think? I'll pay... More than $20 $16-$20 $10-$15 Better be under $10 Now, I'm going to listen to what you'll be willing to pay...but remember - this ain't no damn democracy! I've also contacted a few folks who may be helping me with some more funky designs for the future. Got to make a start though. Safe swoops Sangiro
  25. Hey - I'm a bit behind om my emails... haven't seen it yet...lemme check! Sorry for the wait! Safe swoops Sangiro