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Everything posted by Raefordite

  1. Way cool! Congrats. Enjoy the summer - skydive!
  2. Congrats! Welcome to the sport. Now you need to get your skydive on video so you can take that ME! ME! ME! stuff to work and show them. Maybe you'll get others hooked on the sport as well.
  3. Curious. I know what I pay at the pump. Saw what 10,000 gallons of Jet-A cost this week. Ouch! Any jumpers see their DZO's reflect the increase fuel costs into increased jump fees?
  4. Cool new jumper! Welcome to the sport.
  5. Be sure to keep us posted as to how you like your jump in July!
  6. angelssix - Welcome to North Carolina! Hope to get to meet you some time. What are you studying in school?
  7. Congrats Skybill and thanks for the smooch on the plane before your jump. Miss Peggy didn't mind a bit when I confessed. Hope to see you in the air for many more years.
  8. Cool! Welcome to skydiving. Of course after you give most of your inheritance to Nola, you can jump with all of us. It just takes a very large inheritance.
  9. www.uspa.org The Unites States Parachute Association is a great resource! Let us know where you are going to learn and how it goes.
  10. KP: Skydive Dallas is a great choice. Good people, good place to learn. As an AFF instructor some students do better their first few skydives if they have done a tandem first. If you have the budget - do a tandem first. It will take less bucks than a FJC and Category A jump (at most places), less time and you can enjoy it all. Then if you want to go on to AFF, great, less anxiety since you know what to expect. ALSO - find out if they have tandem progression. If you tell them you want to do AFF, but using a tandem to "check it out" first, they may be able to offer that. Good luck and keep us posted as to what you do and how you liked it!
  11. http://www.jumpraeford.com/hotels.htm Follow the above link for a list of hotels and the below link for directions to Raeford Parachute Center. http://www.jumpraeford.com/directions.htm Feel free to PM or e-mail me if I can answer any questions.
  12. Welcome to skydiving and the forums. Hope to see more of you!
  13. Raefordite


    Any group member can go out to USPA web site and check on a membership and license number(s) for a member. It allows us member DZ's to verify information if the jumper has lost their USPA card, didn't receive it yet, etc. A GREAT tool - thanks USPA!
  14. Paul will be sorely missed. Thank you to all that have pulled together. We are a family.
  15. No fair!!! You just reminded me of the tantalizing tasty ice cream I have in the house. I completely forgot about it until this thread. Got to logout now....
  16. I've had several folks donate money to Paul & family through Raeford Parachute Center. Thank you. FYI - I plan to send money to the family on Monday. So if anyone wants to process a donation via Visa or Mastercard, please get me your information by Sunday afternoon. Kate
  17. Elfanie: I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. My heart, thoughts and prayers go out to you, Tammy's husband and her child(or children) she has left behind.
  18. "Expedition for troubled youths." Go figure - you don't think this teenager has a bit of anger management issues do you? Finally, a situation where his aggressiveness helped save his own life!
  19. I can think of two words to wish Sadddam. They are not Happy Birthday.
  20. http://my.webmd.com/hw/health_guide_atoz/hw109096.asp This link provides a good overview of what 1st, 2nd & 3rd degree burns are. Regarding the rest of your questions, Paul is fighting for his life. Let's leave it at that. Feel free to IM me.
  21. Try a jumpsuit and a full face helmet. It may be hot but a lot nicer to your body than the side effects of prednisone. Good luck! The allergies are just as bad in North Carolina right now.
  22. Here it is again if anyone missed it on the other thread: If anyone wants to use Visa or Mastercard to make a donation to the Rafferty's, please IM me and we will process it through Raeford Parachute Center to get to the family as quickly as possible.
  23. If anyone wants to make a donation via Visa or Mastercard, please IM me and we can process it through Raeford Parachute Center to get to the family as quickly as possible. God bless Paul.
  24. I hope and pray the news I have heard is not true. Please someone tell me it is not.