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Everything posted by bobsoutar

  1. Give it a few more jumps before you think seriously about buying a new rig. In 30-40 jumps time your needs will be different and you will also have a better idea about what you want.
  2. Have you notched up some extra jumps since your profile says 300? You need 500+ to do wingsuits in the UK and Empuria.
  3. These seem incredibly vague guidelines, even for PADI. I would check your dive profiles very carefully and then make your own decisions about flying.
  4. [So what is normal cabin pressure on a commercial airline ? ] I believe it is supposed to be 5,000' and the maximum allowable is 8,000'.
  5. Should find the 9 cell easier to land when you get used to it as the angle of attack is more shallow - so you will get more glide and have to step down a little later than on the 7 cell. You don't normally buy the demo (although you could try to do a deal) - if you like it you order a new one in your own cool colour scheme.
  6. Work on adopting a really proud position - get your head up looking forward at the horizon, puff your chest out and push your feet and knees down more. Good progress so far though - keep at it!
  7. Big guy at my drop zone jumps one and loves it. He loads it at 1.2 so you may want to test jump a couple of sizes to get one you are happy with.
  8. Yes. I think a lot of people take high-strength or max on the dosage initially to build it up in the system.
  9. Aint they great. My first one was from a guy on my second RW jump - guess he was after beer 'cos he wasn't on the first one.
  10. You can do but I don't like the idea of being on full drive and then having to let go of the toggles to loosen a chest strap. Probably better to loosen first and then pay plenty of attention to what's happening when you release the brakes.
  11. Long brake lines wont make any difference to the openings (although I would shorten them enough to stall the canopy). The critical length is the length from canopy to where you set your brakes when packing - this can make a big difference to your openings.
  12. I would get it checked by a rigger before you jump it again. It could well be a problem with the brake lines and/or settings.
  13. Not sure of the official wording but something along the lines of being liable to collapse in turbulence.
  14. Try a few different ones out. The Competition Cobalt springs to mind as a good sub for the Ninja.
  15. [How tough is it supposed to be to get your booties on your feet??? ] Only done 4 birdies but got a good tip on the bootee issue. Leave the zip undone so that your knee is not inside while you put your foot into the bootee - then straighten your leg and zip up.
  16. All good advice. I would add that the track is a rigid position - really tense all your muscles as you hunch your shoulders, suck your belly in and lock you knees out straight. This next method doesn't suit everyone straight away but it gives a flatter track that will cover good distance. In addition to the above, I also keep my ankles together (but toes apart and pointed), roll my hands over (palms facing the sky) - sort of saluting the thighs, with elbows slightly bent and pushed downward a few inches. Practice on the ground (if you start standing up, you should start to topple forward) and be sure to snap into the position - in the air (particularly after a jump with others) you will need to pick a heading and lock into your track quickly.
  17. PD are renowned for good after sales service. If it isn't right, they should send you a replacement that is.
  18. Check for other traffic and steer away using rear risers if necessary. Get onto correct heading. Collapse slider and pull down past brakes. Loosen chest strap. Release brakes and fly home.
  19. Never try to teach a pig to sing! It wastes your time and it annoys the pig!
  20. Thinking of going for my AFF rating soon. Any pearls of wisdom that you could pass on would be greatly appreciated.
  21. I've got a PC9 and it is excellent - easy to use, dv in & out, fairly small and good quality videos. I think that the 101 is similar and an updated version of the PC9.
  22. Couple of friends of mine had similar problems with the finger joints. Have you tried taking Glucosamine & Chrondroitin capsules? They seem to do absolutely nothing and then suddenly the problem disappears after about a month. Also, get a packing tool if you are going to be packing - much easier on the fingers than a normal pull up chord.
  23. Sure just go for that. Maybe pull a bit higher so that you can enjoy a longer ride down - nice time to reflect! Congrats anyway.
  24. Sorry to hear about the grounding, Gary. Have to agree with the others though, it does look like body position. PM me if you are looking to sell it.
  25. I have an old Talon for CRW. There is a place just above the right legstrap that you could use or under the right mudflap.