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Everything posted by NorrinRadd

  1. Ahh.. my bad. I thought corn-fed was good. I am more of a horse person.. not so much a cattle man. Either way, Alberta beef is tasty, tasty stuff... whatever they are doing they should keep it up! Edit: I guess I was being a bit of a Canadian butthole... so I apologize. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  2. In which case trolling is the real hobby Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  3. and now you are showing us just how much intolerance you possess. Did I diss Ontario? No ... I simply stated that Harper is governing like a Liberal (which he is) because whoever controls Ontario controls 24 Sussex Drive. Pretty sure I just complimented Alberta... Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  4. When you refer to all the Ontario liberals you obviously speak without having actually looked at how Ontario voted during the last federal election. Except for Downtown Toronto... and some NDP, it was pretty much all for the Cons. I wont debate this with you. You win. You are totally right about everything. Go you. Edit: I don't like Harper, therefore I MUST be a liberal. I can't be anything else, like a guy who hates partisanship and considers himself no party's mentally enslaved follower. Once again, you are totally right.. you have me pegged 100%. Good job. Must be all the corn fed beef out there in Alberta. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  5. I don't think I ever claimed those countries to be truly free. But their citizens do enjoy a greater level of freedom than, say, Egypt, Syria, Burma, China, Iran, Afghanistan, North Korea.... the list is fairly extensive. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  6. My GF was actually present for one of those bowhead hunts. She did not participate in the hunt, as they were taking only the people with the training (no experience, mind you... the art of traditional Inuit whale hunting has not bee practiced by anyone living... until recently). Rather, she was at the community. She was even given a bit of the whale blubber... That one whale fed two communities for about a year. The traditional whale hunt is not what is causing whale populations to diminish. It is commercial hunts that are the issue. Edit: By commercial hunts, I refer to international hunts, as there are no Canadian commercial hunts. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  7. Yep! Or Canada, Australia, Britain or anywhere else where the people are accustomed to a better level of freedom! Doing this would be awful for their profits. The only way they could recover is by making this sort of thing mandatory for all phones. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  8. Nope... going in two weeks! And then again the week following. I would have gone this weekend, but the GF and I had planned a camping trip with friends... only weekend everyone has available. But I am dirt diving every day, going over EPs... waiting... waiting... you? Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  9. Whoah. Thank the gods for Droid . . . so far. Agreed. Yet another reason for me to shun iPhone. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  10. Any boycott I undertake as a message will not affect OSC in any way. I understand this already. He has already made a ton of cash with his books and licensing... he wont lose any sleep over the lost revenue from one dude in Canada. I boycott it because I just don't want to support his products. Because I have an ethical issue with it. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  11. Thanks :) Edit: I was not trying to be testy or anything, but there is a lot of weirdness that gets 'reported' on the internet from fringe sources. And one story will get passed from one site to the other to the other to the other... usually verbatim. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  12. How does my not seeing the movie hurt people? Do I have to see every movie out there so that people are not hurt? I don't want to see it.. I don't like OSC, I don't like his views... I think the story is just meh to begin with. I refuse to support his product in any way. I don't make a lot of money, so I choose carefully where I spend it. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  13. I did.. but most stories seem to be on conspiracy related sites or sites with fairly strong political bias. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  14. Believe me Canadians can be buttholes. Just look at our Prime Minister! "Here you go China.. have our country!" Or look at Don Cherry... I could name a ton of butthole Canucks. Hell.. I have been called something pretty similar to that more than once... Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  15. Any slightly more mainstream sources for this? Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  16. Depends on the DZ. I jump at a couple DZ's that have several families that bring the kids, and they are welcomed. Teach them to respect the DZ, respect the jumpers, and help out where they can and you will be giving them an experience that none of their school friends have. Likely you will also be guiding a respectful skydiver. +1 !
  17. Sorry.. I guess I meant to say before the reserve is deployed. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  18. You could try here.... don't know what they have, but it cannot hurt! Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  19. That was a pretty snide remark... Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  20. When you are held up by lies and deceit, the truth will see you fall. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  21. Already covered :);sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread This is a forum for discussion. Good to remind people that this is not instructor advice, though. But no reason not to open it up for discussion. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  22. And how about tie-dye jumpsuits? Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  23. lol yeah! I imagine that since these vids are geared towards FJC, they keep it simple.... cut and reserve. My AFFI told us that if we have altitude, you can attempt to pull the now cut risers free, then us the reserves... assuming you don't have a RSL system going on. Since RSL is mandatory for all student rigs here, I don't think that is much of an option, though. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?
  24. After a while hell yeah it is cold! I swam once out in the middle of the lake. It was brisk but refreshing.. especially after two days of ship-board drills (Navy reserves training). But to swim all the way across... that cold would get into you. Why drive myself crazy trying to be normal, when I am already at crazy?