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Everything posted by Bignugget

  1. Honestly...are you just a troll? You don't even read your own links..... This is the second time this week you own complete nonsensical crazy links don't even back up the crazy shit you say. FROM YOUR OWN LINK: 'On Dec. 6, Judge Martin dismissed the case for lack of evidence." Not because of 'Sharia Law' Zzzzzzzz.
  2. i dont understand why you keep repeating something that is so easily proven wrong. . You don't read a lot of OHCHUTE postings.....right?
  3. the article is about odd lots and has nothing to do with congress. odd lots are not reported to the consolidated tape but are NOT anonymous. they are still reported to FINRA and fully regulated. the author and OP does not understand the financial markets. I have no idea if Congress is front running legislation and neither does the OP. I will chalk that entire part of his post to his opinion and ignore it. i suggest everyone else does. with that said, there are teams of analyst who measure legislative risk and make market calls on them. there are teams of equity traders who act quickly based on their interpretation of a Pol's words. This causes market fluctuations. nothing odd about that. no different that reacting to an earnings report. You are kidding, that you have no idea about Congress betting prior to decisions made. How much do you pay for the reports? How can you trust anyone who chooses not to capitalize "i" in the first word of a sentence. Ummm... *dresses in foil* It makes more sense now. So the congress knows they are working out a deal. They run out and buy up tons of stock low...but all in odd lots...which avoids nothing as far as actual tracking goes.... Then they release the information, sell the stocks when prices rise, and make out like bandits. Makes perfect sense to me. Crazy there aren't some sort of regulations, and checks/balances put in place for that kinda stuff.
  4. Please cite your sources for this. How about a liberal judge who rules in favor of Sharia Law? "An Oklahoma constitutional amendment that would bar the state’s courts from considering or using Sharia law was ruled unconstitutional Thursday by a federal judge in Oklahoma City." 1. Federal, state, and local courts follow the law of the jurisdiction over which they preside, not arbitrary irrelevant religious edicts. So this was a "solution" in search of a problem. 2. The 1st Amendment of the Consitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." So this (utterly pointless) law was singling out a specific religion. Ok, but what about judges that "rule" in favor of a defendant who uses sharia law as a defense? This has happened more than once and in different states: wife beaters, wife rapists, etc. What about it? He was mistaken. Did you read your own link?
  5. I'm sorry, what?...can't be gay in 78, only 49 for lesbianism?! Well some homophobes still recognize that hot girl on girl action is pretty sweet.
  6. The GOP is committing suicide with the electorate... Really John? Thats not what I'm seeing on the outside looking through the asylum windows. The electorate appears to be so polarised that regardless of what the GOP did Dems would not vote for them anyway and the GOP supporters are espousing the line of Rushmc's OP. It is suicide for them because they do not possess enough numbers of RUSHMC's. They need to swing the independents, and moderates. The democrats managed to do it quite well in the last presidential elections. The republicans, not so much. They only control the house through technicality, not through popular vote.
  7. Fair point. It should have said 'possibly' not 'probably' I apologize to his parents. But I don't claim he is dishonest because he has an opposite opinion. I claimed it because he clearly misquoted me intentionally, and then insinuated I was lying about what I said.
  8. If the dishonesty boot fits. He should wear it. "Call your insurance company and ask them why your policy is changing. You also avoided the premium question. What was the coverage and premium before, without that, how could anyone make a valid comparison of the two? If your policy is the same and just the premium increased. Yep, that isn't news to anyone.... Mine didn't change. Premium rose $40 a month," There is the context he called me a liar about. I don't think I am the one being dishonest.
  9. No, you simply edited out the context because you are dishonest, and probably raised improperly as a child. My coverage did not change. That was the context of the conversation.
  10. I have never heard of the EU Times. However, the link appeared on my FB and it caught my attention. Why? Because you hang out with super fucking crazy people, and they speak the same language as you? I like the title though "Pentagon warns" By Pentagon they mean " highly troubling “urgent bulletin” issued earlier today by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) states that it has received information from the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) " who heard from a friend at the Pentagon. Lol.
  11. "US News and World Report Smears DC Trucker Protest with False Allegations - Here's the Truth" Well that makes sense. It was just a right-wing lunatic spreading random false information.
  12. From what I can tell, this isn't a SC issue, but a much greater USA issue. The two political parties have polarized significantly in the last decade or so, mainly by pandering to their more extreme elements. Currently people are more interested in figuring out how they can blame the other guy, than how they can band together and help/fix the US. Unless there is a large unifying event, I don't see this getting any better any time soon. Nothing will get better as long as Obama is in office What is happening is no acident Remember, he compained on fixing all devides and race issues HE has only made them worse with his child like antics Like I said, more concerned with figuring out how to blame the other guy.Maybe but you have to recognize the problem before it can be fixed Nearly everything we were told about what Obama would be to this county has been a lie The main one that bugs me is his more open and transparent government bs but you like pointing fingers So I just put you down as projecting here Skydekker, what you fail to realize is that RUSHMC was a diehard Obama supporter. That is why he is so angry that everything Obama said he was going to do, he didn't do. (according to Rush) If he had never supported Obama in the first place it shouldn't really surprise him that the guy lies, cheats, steals, and kills babies. The only logical conclusion to draw is that he supported the big O hardcore, and had his heart broken. Now he runs around like a jilted lover.
  13. Well it knocked the biker off and broke his leg. I don't know that you would be able to tell that immediately but it wasn't just a fender bender as such. Other than that pretty close. Also its under debate if the guy who is paralyzed was actually one of the assholes or if he was just friends with the assholes in the wrong place at the wrong time. Either way no sympathy from me. As to the cops who were "undercover". The cop wasn't even WORKING. He was just a fucking asshole biker who happened to also be a cop, from what I have seen so far, and then tried to spin it off so he wouldn't get in trouble for doing nothing as his friends committed felony assault in front of him. Screw that tool also.
  14. Is that the way it's supposed to work? "Hmm... what do we think they want to vote for... let's do that." If it were a Democrat controlled house sending bills to a Republican controlled senate, and the media reported it as "House sends funding bills to the Senate, but they won't vote on them, and if they passed one, the Republican president vowed to veto it!" Then whose fault would it be? You better believe that they THINK this is earning them more support at the polls. They are wrong, as usual, which is why they lost the last 2 elections so badly. Should it work that way? Not imo. IMO they should be lifelong appointments like the S.C. That way they don't have to worry about pandering to voters.
  15. Oddly enough, though I disagree with many of Ron's stances, I respect him more than some people with whom I agree. There is a big difference between thinking one's self superior and simply noting inferiority when it is manifest. Taking an author to task to avoid addressing content is a sure sign of a mediocre mind. BSBD, Winsor When the content is this "Our CIC's comments, however go well beyond what is required for self-preservation. If he spoke so glowingly about things homosexual I would take it for granted that he was gay (though being gay is like a badge of honor by comparison to being Muslim)" In all reality I thought I was on some sort of hate-mongering website. This content does not warrant address.
  16. Please cite documents. Obama and Reid saying so is not well documented. The house has been sending over "mini-bills" for them to sign, trying to get out bits and pieces that everyone can agree on, and the Senate has shot them down. But people are going to believe what ever they want, truth or not. Here's an article explaining the basics. Here's the actual document in question. Hilariously, the document is still on-line. After reading the rest of the article, I conclude that they have the law and the right to do do this. It is part of the Check and Balance system. If all they have is this left to comabt Obama care as it is, then more power to them. If the Left is too stubborn to give in, it's their fault. They have been out played and should acquiesce. Or they could just wait. They already have the presidency. Temper tantrums only work if you have something to trade, or the other guy is weak. I don't see Obama flinching on his signature legislation any time soon. Personally I don't care if the government stays how it is now. But I am pretty certain them refusing to send a funding bill up that will pass is not endearing more people to the GOP. Or rather, CONVERTING people from Democrats and Independents , to Republicans....which is what they need in order to ever have a president that thinks like RUSHMC again.
  17. Well, to be fair, as regulator pointed out with firsthand knowledge. You don't have to be an altar boy to get raped by a Catholic. So I stand corrected there.
  18. One of the greatest sports in Islam is killing other Muslims. They may enjoy killing Infidels, but, left to their own devices, they will busy themselves killing those they consider the wrong kind of Muslims - Sunni, Shiite, or what have you. The sentiments voiced by our CIC would be impossible to say with a straight face by anyone who did not buy into the nonsense that is Islam. Speaking glowingly about so pathological a set of values is on a par with fondly discussing the marvels of sex with donkeys; if someone says they think sex with donkeys is wonderful, I assume they speak from firsthand experience and mean what they say, and if they show support for some fatwa or another I have no reason to doubt their sincerity. Indeed, when dealing with a group of violent psychopaths, it is good to remain polite. Being surrounded by a group of people on Harleys that have a common motif on their cutoff jean jackets is a good time to say "hey, nice bike!" Scolding them for their lack of mufflers or explaining how much better is your Japanese motorcycle will not get you too far. Our CIC's comments, however go well beyond what is required for self-preservation. If he spoke so glowingly about things homosexual I would take it for granted that he was gay (though being gay is like a badge of honor by comparison to being Muslim); his sentiments would be inconceivable to one who was not of the faith. Claiming to be convincingly Muslim may be a good idea for him, given that he listed himself to be Muslim in his youth and the Koran is quite specific that an apostate should be summarily killed. Nevertheless, his standpoint on the subject of Islam is somewhere between distasteful and revolting. BSBD, Winsor Just when you thought RushMC was as fucked up as it got....
  19. I didn't see him putting one over another. That is the point. Though I would prefer he, and all other presidents, don't make decisions based on religious faith. He is your president too, unless that flag isn't accurate.
  20. I look forward to the links I am sure they are out there What kinda political leaning you think these brainiacs have?
  21. Rush apparently has never watched late night comedy shows......Like leno, letterman, kimmel, etc etc Where they routinely go out and find TONS of fuckin' retards who don't know basic elementary school facts. Pretty sure it is not politically stacked one way or the other. Retards abound in America.
  22. I think its hilarious personally. How does the far right side justify paying them to just sit at home? It is 1000% everything that is wrong with America in their mind. People being paid to do nothing. I would love to hear Rush (MC and Limbizzle) weigh in on this one. I might have to turn talk radio on for a few minutes in the car to see how they have spun this one to be an "ok" entitlement.
  23. If I was a second term president I would just consciously insult you if I felt the need. Not like he has to worry about job security, hes gonna be unemployed in 3 years either way.
  24. This post makes your homophobic comments make a lot more sense. I didn't slander anything. Catholic Christians in particular have a very real rape problem. Bush said God told him to invade. Plenty of Christian sects argue gays will burn in hell.
  25. I have mixed feelings on this. I sympathize with the people who were negatively impacted by being placed on furlough status during the shut down. Personally, I have been at work every day since the weather service is deemed 'essential.' While I sympathize with the people who got an undeserved furlough, part of me also thinks it's not fair for their furlough to just turn into paid time off. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little bitter that I had to be in work for all of these days and will end up getting paid just the same as the people who stayed home. My question with all of this is-- why the essential and non-essential statuses through all of this? If I had to show up to work and work on an IOU as an essential employee, why can't everybody just show up to work and work an IOU since they end up being paid anyway even if they stay home? This is exactly what happened in the 95' shut down too. Interested to see what others' thoughts are on this. Umm yes for sure. Getting paid? Go to work. Otherwise they are just freeloading govt. teat suckers.