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Everything posted by Marz

  1. Welcome to this wondeful sport!!! Marz
  2. I was backpacking across Australia a few years ago and something struck me - Canadians are the only people that feel the need to sew a big ass flag on their back packs!!!!! It's actually a running joke in some hostels down there. I guess we have an identity crisis.
  3. I had three grand mals within 48 hours two years ago (almost to the day, actually!). That led to another diagnostic but that's another story. You can search on here for it... AAAAAnyhow, I've been on Dilantin for two years and I had no relapses. If you say you haven't had a seizure in 9 years, I would say you're probably OK. The advice I was given is to make sure that you jump somewhat of a conservative canopy, which shouldn't be an issue as you are just starting out and MAKE SURE to have a cypres and that it is turned on. That should guarantee that you at least land with rag over your head should shit hit the fan. Aside from that, have fun, Man!!!! My philosphy is that I can't change the past, but things are in good order now, so I'm not gonna worry too much.... Cheers! Marz
  4. Look Mommy!!!!! A dope on a rope!!!!! Teehee _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  5. There was a protest against tuition fee hikes at my university a few years back and a bunch of students (about 200 of them) came in to pay their tuition in one-dollar coins (I live in Canada). It made the news and the registrar was not amused. They took the money though.
  6. Having been banged around like a rag doll when I was the hanger on my last hybrid (from trying to get to a stand - VERY unsucessfully!), I voted "no". You hung on, it was stable, you weren't belly flying. In my book that equals 2 flat flyers and a freeflyer = hybrid. You might get ribbed for it for awhile if it was on video though... But what do I know, I'm still kinda new at this... Mars _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  7. I actually used Cleveland as a research topic in one of my Urban Sociology courses. I felt like you when I spent a few days there, that it was a nice town and I didn't get it.... Well, I looked at the history of the town and prior to the restoration project, it was a messy, dirty, polluted industrial city. Their claim to fame- the Cuyahoga river ( ya heard me - the RIVER! Not the buildings, not the boats - the RIVER) caught fire in 1936, 1952 and 1969. From being one of the top industrial cities at the end of WWII, it became known as sort of the armpit of industrial America, became an example of industry gone overboard and was the butt of many jokes. This all changed around in the late 80's and early 90's when city hall began retoring certain historical neighbourhoods as well as the river waterfront. However, i guess reputations die hard. If you google "Cleveland hitory" you'll find some good links on the history and turnaround of the town. Do I know too much about Cleveland as a Canadian???? Marz _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  8. Rocket Man by the Gimme Gimmes... I gotta get that on a skydiving video!!!!
  9. On December 21, I will be leaving from Toronto to fly to Cararas Venezuela with my wife with and kid. The next day we fly to Merida in the Andes where we will spend christmas eve with Angela's (my wife) mom and Dad. My buddy Chris who has been living in Venezuela for 7 years is meeting me on the 25th and we'll be taking the world's longest cable-car ride up Pico Bolivar, the highest point in this part of the Andes. The top of the peak is at over 16,000 ft however the cable car goes to 15,000 or so... Check out this page! (in spanish but the pics are worth it!!!) I've only been that high in a jump plane!!!!! This should be fun if I don't go hypoxic on the way up! I'm glad there are stations on the way... Anyone been to the Andes before? Anyone taken this particular trip? Any tips for the trek other than "quit smoking now"?
  10. Whitewater rafting is always alot of fun... I dunno if there's anything like that out your way. Another thing is a high ropes course. Always a rush and all built on team work.... Check this: Firewalking? It is a hell of a trip! _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  11. Geez, all you had to do was ask, really.... On behalf of (most) Canadians, she's our gift to you. No give-backs. EVER.!!!!! You keep her, preferably locked in a cellar. She apparently likes that. Marz
  12. I'm In Ottawa... It's hard to forget what this day is about in this town...
  13. I stand corrected. Forgive me, I'm french LOL. And with all the American influence on TV, I sometimes get my holiday titles mixed up. I still call it Christmas although I think the official Canadian name is "frozen piss-up with relatives you never liked" I took my minute of silence, and yes, I have my poppy proudly pinned on my jacket...
  14. Come to think of it, maybe that's a bad choice of words, given as today is Memorial Day in Canada. I work for a crown corpratation (read government) so it's technically a statutory holiday. I came in, along with a few people to bank the time for x-mas. There's no one around though-no bosses, no distractions. So I'm pretty much wasting time..... It should be a productive day, but I just don't care!!!! Who has the day off today? _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  15. DUDE!!! I'd totally be in for Sutton! As long as it's after the X-mas holidays, as I'm heading down to Venezuela for X-mas. We gotta get a helmet cam or something... PM me your tel #. I lost it. As far as winter jumps, I'm a pussy. Need I say more?
  16. hear hear! Its an awsome movie. I know on DVD it wont be as good, but I'm still buying 2 (1 for me, 1 for a denver budy ), yes to see it, but also support the people and businesses behind it! Do you know if Bert and the gang at Atmosphair have copies for sale? Then you'd know the $$ would go straight to the source...
  17. Yeah, quite a few people were decked out for the "pageant". The opener was the dog show (?????)-Kinda cute though and then a set by Talib Kweli, which was pretty awesome. Talib is very well known in the hip hop scene and could probably headline his own show. I didn't know him but he was dropping some pretty fat rhymes. The beasties did their thing-Rap set, a little break for some dancers and Mix Master Mike ripping it up and then an instrumental set and back to rap... It was cool.
  18. THe thing is that the movie was shot in IMAX and is meant to be seen on an IMAX screen. I can tell you that it's a completely different experience when you see it that way!!! On the last BASE of the cliff (the first person POV one where you see the guys feet) just rocks on a big screen. When the guy jumped, I started to arch in my seat. I went with a couple of skydiving friends and they all had the same reaction!!!!
  19. Maybe he wears thongs.... As a fellow Canadian, Remster, you know very well that I wear seal fur lined tighty whities.... THe show kicked some serious ass. To bad the other people in our box were lame!!!! Ya figure that if you're not going to enjoy a show, why bother going? Well, my buddy Ari and I keept to our corner and had fun...
  20. Marz

    Fox's Branson Show

    Shit, I'm a jumper and I think I would scared... At least pretty friggin nervous!!!! _________________________________________ Did I just kill another thread?
  21. Yeah..... It's a shame she's not going... ;) I gave the extra ticket to a friend.
  22. So do you have the same model shoe for inside and outside? I use the same ones inside and out, but then again I wore through a few soles pretty quick. I mostly climb indoors in winter now anyways. So two pairs is a preference thing?
  23. I wear a 8 1/2 size shoe and my climbing shoes are 5. I had 6 but I found that they got too big after awhile. Climbers will understand that!!!! Nothing worse that banging your big toe over and over again againt rock/plywood/cement/etc. I just take them off when I'm belaying.
  24. YEAHH!!!! My wife's work had extra tickets for the show so I scored two VIP tickets!!! Executive box, Section 105, Row 1, seat 1 & 2!!!! I'm so psyched!!!! The beasties rule!!! Marz
  25. Marz


    I got mine going early too!!!!