
point of diminishing returns - reline or trash

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i got an old sabre135 with a bunchojumps on it. a few repaired seams and a patch or two.

as would be expected it responds to input as if i were sending smoke signals.

question is, is it silly to consider relining it?
namaste, motherfucker.

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Send it back to PD for an inspection and reline - and I'm betting it'll be as good as new. If it won't be, they'll tell you why you shouldn't bother with a reline.

(I'm a PD snob in Africa and STILL get great service.)

It's the year of the Pig.

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Does a sabre last as long as, say a stiletto? Any ideas?

For canopies made of the same materials, the lifetime factors I think are most significant are: time in sun, amount of dust/dirt around, salt water.

It isn't an issue of canopy A lasts longer than canopy B, but of the details above.

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Interesting point. I guess I'll ask is there anyone out there who has sent a canopy in for a reline and been
told, "This canopy is not worth relining" by PD?

I had over 2,000 jumps on my 107...PD said it was trash. It ripped at 12 pounds in three places.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Interesting point. I guess I'll ask is there anyone out there who has sent a canopy in for a reline and been told, "This canopy is not worth relining" by PD?

I sent in a Sabre 135 that was in good shape. Had close to but under 1000 jumps on it and was in great shape for 900+ jumps sans the looks of the center cell topskin tailhalf. It was a BabyBlue lot of fabric that seemed to just wear out compared to the rest of the canopy. Wear appeared to come from packing.

Anyway it needed a re-line so I sent it in. About a week after sending it in one of the CSR's called me and said it would cost $800 to re-line BUT that they would cut me a great deal on a NEW canopy. I asked her why it was so high and she talked about patches and that it had a "lot" of jumps on it. I asked to have a fabric pull test done. They did it and she called me back and said it passed no problem but that the cost would still be the noted $800 and I should consider letting them keep this one and buiying a new canopy. I did not want to do this and asked for a list of where they felt the patches should go and to re-line it and send back. She said "NO" which really tweeked me. After further discussion and stating the basic premesis of my case "It is a main canopy, it passed your fabric test so Re-line it and send it back! I will put the patches on myself" She still was fighting with me but finally agreed to express my desier regarding my canopy to the next guy up the chain and though it took some extra time and a lot of hassel on my end they ended up doing what I asked which should not have been as hard as it turned out to be.

Bottom line after the longwinded story is that I got the canopy back as I requested with the fresh re-line even though they tried to discourage me as much as possible from doing it and pused a new canopy. I wanted to $225 re-line not a $1000 canopy

I felt that it was a main canopy that was in good shape given the number of jumps but they made me feel as if it was a piec e of crap that should be replaced becuse it had a number of jumps on it ands was about 10 years old from DOM. I felt they wanted to sell me a new canopy more then they wanted to do the re-line which is all i really wanted.

DONT BE SUPRISED IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU IF YOUR CANOPY IS OLDER... Have your rigger look at it and get his opinion regarding a re-line. If there is a concern request a pull test. I said dont be suprised at what they say......

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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Send it back to PD for an inspection and reline - and I'm betting it'll be as good as new. If it won't be, they'll tell you why you shouldn't bother with a reline.

I'd be careful with asking their opinion. PD is notorious for acting like it is their responsiblity to recertify the airworthyness of you main canopy. They may indicate to you that the canopy is trash when it has a decent lifespan left.

Have a knolageable local rigger look at it first, and then you can decide what to do. If you send it to PD make it clear that no work be done that you have not authorized prior to your approval.

You can also have a linset built and shipped to you without sending the canopy in. May be faster.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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