
whats up with parachutist

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I got a few shots published from WorldTeam '04, nothing fancy except for the photo finish shot, but they credited the wrong photographer :(:(:(

If you want publishing, send me quality shots with Dutch skydivers in 'em and you may end up in our SportParachutist :)

ciel bleu,

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I believe, a good photo with a well written caption, but no real story, would have better chance of being published in Mike Truffer's SKYDIVING. They use photos as filler to keep the publication interesting looking while PARACHUTIST would just fill the hole with another advert.

Nobody has to get SKYDIVING - so Mike tries a bit harder.

NickD :)

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LOL, one of my first photos in Parachutist was also credited to the wrong photog, but fortunately he's a friend and so I didn't mind.
Submit, submit, submit. And submit more than just pix if you want to get published.
I've submitted a lot of content to magazines over the years, of the roughly 600 articles that have been published, I'd bet it represents maybe a third of what's been submitted.

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Well the thing is ya see, a person takes the time to submit by their rules the images as a proof sheet and they came back and say to you, we want # 2,5,7,8,10,15,20,23,24,26,27 and you then take more time to upload to the FTP site and all the work to make sure they are the ones requested and they look their best and after you've done all that shit 12 or 15 or even 20 times and all you ever see is one small cropped image out of the tons you sent in that they requested and yet you see tons of less then steller crap make photo finish or other large printed images.

Like I said I don't bother anymore!
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Thank you for the compliment!
I didn't mean to "show off" with that picture of Tony.
I just tried to illustrate how some great shots never get published and how bad ones are sometimes making it to a significant spot like center fold, cover, or photo finish. I don't know either how they selecting them... But I'm pretty sure other photographers sent better pictures than this practicular cover shot.
In the other hand I don't think they always looking at the name of the person and making a descision based on that.
As 111 (Matt) mentioned that already if the picture is connected with an artivle or an event has a better chance to get published. Also you have to send them frequently, and good ones.
...but back to the begening, yes sometimes it's frustrating to see a bad picture, or a bad alteration of a good picture (happend lot with of us) in a large print. Further more I expressed some constructive criticism about bad photo selection to USPA/Parachutist once (July 2008 photo finish, a dark and soft picture of a hybrid). I'm sure everybody else can do the same thing. (send an e-mail, or a letter, or give them a call) But please make sure if you're criticizing a photo don't only say "I don't like it". Please explain every aspect and reason why is that you don't like an image.

the two shots are example how to "ruin" a shot after cropping. It actually happend with me...

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...the two shots are example how to "ruin" a shot after cropping.

I disagree. The second shot got rid of the horrendous fisheye distortion in the horizon, 50% of the lens flare, and drew more attention to the subject matter...skydivers. I vote for the second image. The original is a good shot, but the crop brought out the best of it.

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...the two shots are example how to "ruin" a shot after cropping.

I disagree. The second shot got rid of the horrendous fisheye distortion in the horizon, 50% of the lens flare, and drew more attention to the subject matter...skydivers. I vote for the second image. The original is a good shot, but the crop brought out the best of it.

I guess if you really hate distortion and lens flare, then this could be a good argument. But if "drawing attention to the skydivers" comes at the cost of removing a beautiful scenic backdrop (a sunset) then I think it's gone too far.

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Ding ding. You have better chances getting something published if it fits in with an article or photo spread. If you are at a fun boogie and nobody else is writing and article, write one yourself and submit a few photos that go with it. You might just get them all published.

This bears repeating... and I agree wholeheartedly...

I don't really expect random photos to be grabbed if there isnt' an article to go along with them... especially in Parashutist... although it would be nice to occasionally see some quality pictorials even if there isn't much of a story behind them other then perhaps a "theme" RW formations, freeflying, unique/outstanding exit shots, etc.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I guess if you really hate distortion and lens flare, then this could be a good argument. But if "drawing attention to the skydivers" comes at the cost of removing a beautiful scenic backdrop (a sunset) then I think it's gone too far.

I like the original shot better as well... of course this is one of the perils of composition... it is very subjective and what one person likes someone else may not like...

edited for oops... I goofed...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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That "horrendous fisheye distortion" is the whole point of the image. As Matt (The111) said that already it created an interesting scenic back dorop in the shot. I framed it like that by purpuse during that skydive. The whole image without the cropping gives you a feel of the "re-entry" into the Earth's atmosphere (even if we all know it wasn't). The whole point was to utilize the distortion of the fisheye lens and create something interesting (I hope it is...)
In the other hand I have to agree, everybody has a different taste. Some prefers Bach vs. Mozart and vice versa. Some likes Leonardo's paintings better than Picasso's. Some likes country music I don't...

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That "horrendous fisheye distortion" is the whole point of the image. As Matt (The111) said that already it created an interesting scenic back dorop in the shot. I framed it like that by purpuse during that skydive. The whole image without the cropping gives you a feel of the "re-entry" into the Earth's atmosphere (even if we all know it wasn't). The whole point was to utilize the distortion of the fisheye lens and create something interesting (I hope it is...)
In the other hand I have to agree, everybody has a different taste. Some prefers Bach vs. Mozart and vice versa. Some likes Leonardo's paintings better than Picasso's. Some likes country music I don't...

And this response (Phil vs. Laszlo) is exactly why sometimes you just won't like what gets published!

There's the person responsible for the photo selection and there's the artist (you / me) what looks like an awesome shot to me, might look like an average or even bad photo to someone else.

The editors at Parachutist work exactly the same, some have a similar eye for beauty than we do, others have a different look at it, which is why some photos that are "below quality" to you are still getting published.

I've been through the same experience, last year was a very good publishing year for me, for the simple reason that I was going to a lot of boogies, so when I submitted photos, they were of current events.
This year I've submitted at least as much as last year, but barely anything has gotten published, not because they were bad photos, but they were not related to any events. So now I just have to wait for these photos to fit in somewhere... which could be a while.

I've had photos published that had been in Parachutist's posession for over a year, and all of a sudden they show up in the magazine.


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