
Conceptus switches reliability

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Basically their tongue switch gave up after couple of weekends (not reacting to any degree of oral stimulation). The reason remains unknown to me. Meanwhile I changed cameras and bought their bite switch.

Used it like on 40 jumps and its short circuited in the middle of the atmonauti boogie last week. No replacement was available and I was really upset. After some experiments we fixed it.

The cable has 2 thin insulated wires and a coax wire around them. The ultra thin insulation on the white wire rubbed out on one tiny spot and it was short circuiting (frantically shooting pictures every time I switched my 20D on. We took the cable apart and covered the injured white cable with some kind of gaffers tape and then taped the whole thing together. Not elegant but worked.

Some people at the boogie mentioned they had similar problems with Conceptus switches.

I wonder if this is a common problem and why a device made for skydiving is so delicate. Can you recommend an alternative to Conceptus switches?


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I've had the same problem. To Conceptus' credit though, they replaced the switches twice at no charge.

That was great, but what they really should do is fix the problem or just send out 3 for the price of one.

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I just had a brand new tongue switch go bad this weekend too. I jumped it about 8 times. There's a tiny little hole in the membrane. I'll bet it's the same problem. I found this post from a few years ago. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=237785;search_string=conceptus%20hole;#237785

Has anybody tried the self fixes they mention? I tried the superglue, but it didn't work.

They're very cool about replacing bad ones. I just wish I had known that they weren't very reliable. I would have bought two of them. I lost a lot more money this weekend because of this than what an extra tongue switch would have cost. Plus I sent them a pre-paid express mail envelope just to make sure I got it back in time for next weekend. Express shipping both ways cost almost as much as another switch.

Are the rim world switches any better?

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Wow. I've used my conceptus tongue switch for over a year and the only issue I've had with it is that it is sealed just a little -too- well.

During oxygen altitude jumps pressing the trigger once will have a tendancy to make it stick in the ON position during the long decent. I usually deal with this by sucking on the switch to pull the membrane back out until enough air can leak into it and get it back to equilibrium.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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i have co-workers that have hadd upto 5 or 6 in one year! i personally have a blow switch with an eye dropper on the end to control sensitivity. i have used it for over 1500 jumps and never a problem. i got it 2nd hand too and i estimate it had done over 2000 jumps before i got a hold of it.
i have not seen a conceptus switch last for more than a year at our d.z. and that woul be around 100 jumps!
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I know have had one mine for about 3 years with no problem and the other one for 1 year with no problems at all.

both mine are cut and spliced and put back together since I use minoltas which dont take the std plug.

All said and done I still have a brand new one as a spare just in case.


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For 20 D and others with non-standard plug - where you need to solder together the Canon remote cable and conceptus cable: perhaps another solution is to leave the minimum lenght of conceptus cable and cut it just below the switch as the original Canon cable would perhaps be more durable?

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My first tongue switch never saw the air before it started having issues. I was trying to sight things in on the ground and with in 30-50 shots it was sticking and then the membrane ripped complately. I sent is back and they sent me a replacement free of charge. The membrane on the second one ust feels thicker for some reason and its lasted 9 jumps and 100 shots so far.

I'm looking to replace it with a bite switch though, whats everyones luck with those?
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I have seen people having different problems based on the kind of helmet they have.

At my DZ, people with Flat-top-pro's have tongue switches that last forever.

People with other helmets go through switches quickly.

The problem, as we see it, is that people with Flat Top Pros have the tongue switch anchored in the chin cup, which leaves very little wire exposed.

People with other helmets often have the tongue switch coming out of the helmet near their ear, which leaves a lot of wire exposed to the wind. Under canopy, the jumper spits out the switch and the wind blows it around, eventually causing damage.


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Guy at my dz makes a really nice tounge switch. He uses a contact lense case and molds it around your teeth then drills a small hole in the rounded part, whitch sits perfectly in the roof of your mouth, then you just have to push the button with your tounge. Puts a balloon over the whole thing and supper glues it shut. Works great. I can ask him if he'll make some more if anyone wants one
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Puts a balloon over the whole thing and supper glues it shut.

Careful for those who may have latex intolerance with this solution. Also, it has been found that consistent exposure to latex can cause someone to develop this intolerance eventually.


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