
New Songs for Video Editing, What' new and hip?

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I have old music but what is good now a days and where is the best place to download music online?

Free downloads suck. I would like to buy 1 month and get all the songs.


Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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My biggest suggestion to you is to go to http://www.billboard.com/bb/charts/singles_index.jsp and look at the Top 40 chart, the Pop chart, the Rap chart and the Rock chart. The top 10 of each of those would be a good choice. Check the entire list of those as well. Since I don't listen to Top 40 or Rap on the radio (just country and rock) I use the Billboard site to keep current in music and keep my collection current.

It works like a champ since you don't have to guess or rely on people's word of mouth or spending all of your time listening to different radio stations to keep up. You just check the charts every couple of weeks to get the new songs on the list and update your collection as needed and wanted.

Tandem students tend to really appreciate having current and fun music as well as a few well picked "classics" to choose from.

--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Not to be a spoilsport, but does buying music from iTunes or the like include license to use for this purpose?

Has anyone here worked with the idea of having customers bring in their own music? Specify formats you can use, best time length range. Of course, keep the cliche list (top gun, jump, etc) and other most popular on hand.

Otherwise, going with the top40 as Dave says should work out fine, though your song list might start looking like a kareoke center in no time.

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Not to be a spoilsport, but does buying music from iTunes or the like include license to use for this purpose?


In fact, purchased tunes from iTunes can't be used directly in iMovie projects...you have to burn the tune to a cd and then import it from the cd to use it in iTunes. Burning it to a CD removes the digital rights management roadblocks.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Hey Clint, getting "New" music from the top 40 list is kind of like getting style tips from J.C. Penny but the mass market isn't exactly progressive. So, that's a good safety but to improve your personal collection, talk to some of your jumpers who put effort into following bands that tour smaller venues. The problem is that you'll quit listening to the radio because you're annoyed that everyone and their fucking grandmother is listening to what you played five years ago.

Hey Dave, check out Cast Iron Filter.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Hey Dave, check out Cast Iron Filter.

Very nice. A neat cross in sounds, a cross with Texas Country and a bit of Bluegrass. Thanks for the link.

Hey, I agree with you on the Top 40 to a point. For instance, I don't have the time to follow a lot of genres, so I "cheat" with whats getting airplay. I agree that you're better off keeping up with the "little" bands, I try to do that with the Texas Country scene. Its also handy if you're looking for a "sound" to get for free license music to use in tandem videos.;);)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I'm in the middle of know where so I don't get any good radio. Also I don't have ANY jumpers at my place so that's out.

What I want to do is have a video sheet, say how good video is, bla...bla... bla.. and then have them pick their 2 songs. Into/Freefall and then I play Pearl Jam's 'Alive' for the landing and ending.

So I want good songs for them to choose from. I only have older music but good for skydiving.

I'm not a music man also, never been into it so picking a good song for skydiving is hard for me and like I said, we don't have any alternative music. Mostly Britney spears, and such.


Clint MacBeth
Skydive Moab 435 259 JUMP
M.O.A.B. Mother Of All Boogies Sept 19 - 23, 2012

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I don't know if this will help you but here is an example of what we are using at our drop zone. We have licensed the use of all this music which I highly encourage everyone to do!

Admittedly the music needs some updating but overall it seems to work out pretty well. Occasionally students want us to use their own music, personally I don't like the idea because of copyright issues but some of the other photographers don't have a problem with it. Also, I started using this model release last year, this year manifest will hand this sheet out to each student that purchases a video or video/still package.

The model release is a standard stock item I found on the internet somewhere, most likley form a link provided here.


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Indeed. People will want to be able to see a list of music that they recognize. I just like taking the opportunity to let people know that there are a lot of good musicians who shun major record labels and the MTV era. But I personally would take Dave's advice about putting together a music list. Also, I try to talk students out of using Tom Petty's "Freefallin". I swear, if I hear that song one more time... Shit. It's stuck in my head now.
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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attached is the list of our 'GOLD' album (for now anyway) for the tandem movies.
you probably already have most of them, but who knows...

if it helps you i can put here the 2 versions we had before i uniteed them into that ('make me wanna shoot myself' music) Gold Album...
there are few more we crowned as best, but most of them are here.

some of them were edited by me (cut silence in the begining for a synced jump out, better and shorter mixes, etc). if you need anything - let me know.

good luck!

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