
For Skydivers with Pillow Reserve: Same or Different color as Cutaway?

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It'd prolly be easier to order new handles with embroidery on than to get them done after.

Definitely true. I think we charge like $55 or so for an embroidered handle.

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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Well i think if you practice touching your handles religiously before every jump color shouldnt matter. I touch my handle constantly (ooo kinky) so the muscle memory thing kinda takes over no matter what situation you might be in. I was in a pretty bad CRW intanglement last summer and i found my hands were on the handles even before looked down to find them.
"I fought the Po but the Po won" Dont mess wit da popo mofo

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Hmm, everybody talks in a way that when you have a hard spin or you have a malfunction, that it's harder to see things and think which is left which is right. Well i don't say it isn't for some people. everybody sure is different. But as far as i know myself acting in such circumstances, my performance (thinking, reflexes, ...) was way better than in normal life. more like superthinking with superstrenght.
I'm not saying that you should have handles hidden in the color of your jumpsuit or similar and think "if i can't see them now, i'll find them when having a malfunction because my brain will work at 200% then anyway". Though i ordered a rig with matching soft handles, i'd recomend to anyone to get them in high contrast color (red, pink,..) and in different colors. but like it was mentioned before, you should trust/know yourself and how you will react at such times. don't always listen to others, you have a brains of your own too. listen to others advices and reconsider them, but you don't have to "take orders" from them, no matter who that person is, including me (this post).

Just something to think about.:)

"George just lucky i guess!"

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It sure is amazing what your mind and body can accomplish when it is put in the situation like a malfuntion, but when it comes down to it, its all about training! Anyone who is in sports especially martial arts do things over and over, so in a time of great physical or mental stress they react quickly without thinking about it because their body is use to going through those motions. I think skydivers are also alike in many ways, constantly mentally prepairing themselves for the jump that is ahead of them.
"I fought the Po but the Po won" Dont mess wit da popo mofo

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I think skydivers are also alike in many ways, constantly mentally prepairing themselves for the jump that is ahead of them.

Most skydivers I know are lucky if they're mentally prepared to tie their shoes in the morning ;)

"...and once you had tasted flight, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward.
For there you have been, and there you long to return..."

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