
4-way Formation Mnemonics

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I agree with Kallend, memorizing the mnemonics was just an extra step. Memorization is about repetition. Just practice.

I would play videos of the top teams (taken off of www.Skyleague.com

and as the video rotated through the dive, I'd just identify the randoms and blocks by either name or number until I could keep up. Then try another video.

It started to stick pretty quick. Doing it to very fast teams I think helped, as you had to get it down to rote memorization. I think it's better than flashcards, but similar. Plus the blocks were identified as the entire move, not just the two end points and a picture of an inter.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Rehmwa said it perfect, that's exactly what I did, I jst sat down and watched the world class teams do em and would just call em off, I learned the names first and now go by the numbers and letters. Just get the video from a world cup or something and watch it til your brain melts;)
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EDIT - Sorry Quade to reply to a few year old post you put up. I just realized how old this thread was, or else I would have replied to one of the newer posts...

I am going to post mine WITHOUT reading all the posts... Then I am going to see how many of mine match. Then I am going to see if any of you have good ones...

A = Unipod (A = 1, Uni = 1)
B = Bear Step Diamond
C =
D = Do-on You-on
E = MEEEEker
F = Fallopian Accordion
G = Gattacord (or GGGot-a-cord) = Cattacord
H = Ho-Bow
J = Donut because one hand looks like a J
K = hooKKKK
L = Adder Because it sounds like AddLLLer
M = Moon Star
N = CraNNNk
O = Satellite because OOOO rings took down the shuttle with a satellite in it
P = Peabody
Q = Queer Phalanx (Phalanx = queer to me, and I have no clue why, so don't ask...)

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C=Crappy Murphy Flake ;)

Oh, and duh....J=Donut for "Jelly Donut" (which we all know and love...:P)


I think I might pick up your crappy Murphy flake...

But I like my visualization for the donut... Take 4 Js on a piece of paper, all turned 90 degrees... I makes a donut with everyone got one grip...

So, I am spending 3 hours in the tunnel with GQ_Jumper, SkyKittyCat, TDog (me) and Airspeed working on some blocks... Starting tomorrow... Hour a day, probably 5-8 blocks a day... I am switching slots to IC from OC and some tailage experience... Last time I flew IC was about a year ago...

Nervous as hell, as I am not good at memorization, and I have to start from scratch in a new slot...

Anyone got good mnemonics for the blocks... I know for sure I am taking my divepool cheat-sheets with me... I am the type of person that learns by doing, so that is what we are doing, but still, we are going to have some fun I guess...


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Nervous as hell, as I am not good at memorization, and I have to start from scratch in a new slot...


Well we all know what happens when I exit in the IC slot so we really didn't have a choice on who took what position!!! Besides the OC is always the good looking oneB|

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Post: It is my personal goal this year to memorise the 4-way dive pool by letter and number.
Anybody have any mnemonics they'd like to share?
J(elly) Donut
L(adder) Adder
M(r.) Bundy
O(rbiting) Satellite
I'm tellin' ya, I'm totally, freekin' at a loss for the blocks.

B / Stairstep Diamonds - Blondes wants Diamonds
C / Murphy Flake - Cop, Eddie Murphy
D / Juan - Don Juan
F / Open Acc - Few grips
G / Cataccord - Gataccord
H / Bow - Hunters Bow

But M no longer works with the Mr Bundy thingy.
Now we gotta come up with a new one for "Star".
M - Star - Moonlight and Stars?
M - Star - Stars have no Modesty
M - Star - May a Star shine upon you
M - Star - Mmm this is a good Star(t)
M - Star - Mainly aliens inhabit Stars

nahh... :S
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I now have the divepool memorized so you say a number I can tell you my slot and the name of the move... On randoms I actually now say the points in my mind as letters as I build them... I never thought I would do it, but I now do...

But the blocks were very overwhelming for someone like me who sucks at memorization... So I came up with very complex Mnemonic or memory aids, that some might find more difficult than just memorizing the numbers, but for people like me, here is the list... I am past the point of needing them, but a few days ago in the tunnel I saw a dive on the dry erase board and brainlocked and I am sure glad I had the tools to fall back on.

1 - Snowflake because a snow flake is a straight long line like a 1.

2 - because there are two ways to dock on a donut.

3 - tertiary = 3rd in rank and turf without the "f" is very similar sounding...

4 - monopod because mono = 1 and pod = 3, so mono+pod = 4

5 - opal because it rhymes with oval, and a circle is round in 4 directions (north, south, east, west) unless you push on one of the directions to make an oval... 4+1 = 5.

6 - Stardian because Jewish religious stars have 6 points

7 - Sidebuddys because you are lucky to have buddies, (see 13 for the opposite)

8 - Canadian Tee - because Canadians say "Ahe" and "Eight" can be "Aheght"

9 - Cat + accord because cats have 9 lives

10 - The 1 = a finger and the 0 then = the diamond ring to put on the finger.

11 - Photon because photons are rays of light, and just like ghostbusters, you keep your rays of light parrallel and don't cross the beams, and thus they look like 11 when shot.

13 - Hammer, because it is your unlucky day when a hammer hits you over the head.

14 - Bipole because my brain someway links the "4" into the picture of 4 people making the mirror image

15 - Caterpillar because Caterpillar Tractors have 1500 horse power (or so I convinced myself)

16 - compressed accordion box because I see a compressed and box both having 4 lines and 4 * 4 = 16

17 - because at 7 o'clock in the morning you have tea with your danish.

18 - Zircon because the things you use to grease fittings on machines are zerks and I envision two of those on each wheel of a car, which makes 1 car with 8 zerks = 18

19 - Ritz, Icepick because the 1 is a icepick about ready to stab the 9.

20 - Viper because you take 20 steps back from a snake when you are scared.

21 - Zig Zag Marquee, because the "2" and "Z" look nearly the same, and the "Marquee" is 1 big sign in front of a theatre...

22 - Tee, because it would be proper for 2 people to have tea at 2 o'clock on a hot summer day.

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