
4-way Formation Mnemonics

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It is my personal goal this year to memorise the 4-way dive pool by letter and number.

Anybody have any mnemonics they'd like to share?

J(elly) Donut
L(adder) Adder
M(r.) Bundy
O(rbiting) Satellite

I'm tellin' ya, I'm totally, freekin' at a loss for the blocks.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Anybody have any mnemonics they'd like to share?
A- aunipod
B- beartrap
C murhpy Cake
D Duan
E mEEker
F friends Opps the was for twins, but works for an open aaccordian.
G Gatacord
H Hoe
J Jelly donut
K hooK or ooK (french pronunciation)
L ladder
M Mr bundy
N craNk
O satOlite
p Peabody
q phalenX
Ok so some of these need help. Joey taught me most of these.

Don't run out of altitude and experience at the same time...

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Quade you are a bring guy you should be able to sing them while you watch from above. But I will tell you mine anyway;)
A-It is the first one so it is unique
B- Bairstep
C- Crapy murphy flake (to many bad exit on point)
D- Duan or Damn yuan
F- F'in New formation
G- Gatachrod
H- It kind of looks like an H
J- Jelly donut
L- Ladder adder
M- Murder at Bundy (I am from LA)
N- CrannnnK
O- SatOlite
P- Peabody
Q- Who knows but it is last.
Now for the numbersB|


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You dudes are too funny.
I just put a copy of the dive pool in my gear bag and to add further confusion, I bring it along in the plane. It is also cool to fly different slots at every opportunity, thus adding a new dimension to brain lock. The chicks love it.:D

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A - unipod looks like an A (kinda)
H - Ho"bo"
"Here's how you cure cancer: make it more cool for a kid to grow up to be a scientist than it is for him or her to be an athlete or a Pop Star. That's how you cure cancer."

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OK...here are some of mine. Now remember, before you laugh yourself out of your chair, the purpose of mnemonics is so you remember, and I guarantee, some of these are so stupid that I'll never forget them.

D-Yuan it Doggy style? :$ Hey, it works, OK! I bet you'll never forget it again, either!
G- Gee, it's a cataccord! My god, I don't know why that works but it does.
J- Jelly Donut
L-Ladder (Adder)
M-Married with Children (Al Bundy)
N-Just say No (to Crank) :ph34r:
O-Orbit (satellite)

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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A- Unipod is first so I just remember it
B- Bear-step diamond
C- Crappy Murphy Flake
D- Duan-- I don't know, this just works for me
E- mEEker
F- Friends-- used to be twins, so I still remember it this way
G- Gatta-chord (kind of like the movie Gattaca-- again, don't know why, just works for me)
H- HO-- Bow
J- Jelly donut
K- Kaptain Hook
L- Ladder
M- Mr. Bundy
N- Nasty Crank
O- OH Satellite!
P- Peabody- Sidebody
Q- phalanx-- cause it's last and my fave random, so I just remember it

Hope this helps!! Who's doing 4-way this weekend? ME! :ph34r:


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I just went through the old-fashioned memorization routine with the numbers-- other than that, the only thing I can suggest with the blocks is actually DOing them-- want to try? ;)

Actually, maybe have your team start talking about the skydives using the numbers/letters-- that way in order to know what the hell is going on, you'll have to know them-- kind of like each dirt dive will be a pop quiz for you. Oh, and flash cards help-- I used those too. :$


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only thing I can suggest with the blocks is actually DOing them

This is the key, I think, especially for the blocks. Until I had done them, they were just a number for me. It's so much easier to remember that 3 is Sideflake Opal-Turf after you've done it a few times, know where your slot is, and know what you have to do to execute the block. Especially since a lot of the execution depends on the team's continuity plan.

Once I've done the blocks, they are a LOT easier to remember!
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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The key is that you don't have to memorize all of the blocks at once. Start with the first 6 (or 5 or 4). Go over them each time you workout this week (you do workout, right?). Then, the next week take next "block of blocks" (sorry, just had to do that), and go over them along with the ones that you already know. Once you have all the randoms and blocks memorized, be sure to review them at least once a day, only takes a couple of minutes. Just a suggestion, although this may not work for everyone. I used this method to memorize the 4-way and 8-way dive pools...I know, I know, I'm one sick puppy...
"Here's how you cure cancer: make it more cool for a kid to grow up to be a scientist than it is for him or her to be an athlete or a Pop Star. That's how you cure cancer."

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Hey hot stuff, I love the way you think B|-- actually, at this year's Nats we did something very similar-- amongst all the leather couches, we walked all the randoms in slots we were unfamiliar with, and then did this whole rotating slots thing as we went from random to random... sounds confusing, and it IS-- everytime someone f*cks up, DRINK-- needless to say we were all pretty MF smashed by the time we got to the blocks... :ph34r:

Paul, I would not recommend this as a way to learn the formations, but rather a way to forget them the next morning...


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. . . DOing them-- want to try?

Oh, puleeze! Actually touch people?!?

Flash cards aren't a bad idea and I'm starting to get the hang of it just by flippin' through the AA Mind Maps CD-Rom over and over and over.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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This has been an excellent thread! Thanks for all the good tips :)This weekend my team is meeting once again to watch the clouds go by, but we'll have fun memorizing the randoms!
I guess the blocks will have to wait until some smart DZ.commer comes up with a plan on how to memorize those!!:P

Blue Skies Magazine

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