
Weight Vest

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Sweet, it can hold up to 84lbs! So now I don't have to downsize, I could load my current canopy at 2.47:1...

Ok, seriously, that looks really cleanly built, although the buckles might be really uncomfortable under a rig...I also wonder how well it would work under someone's jumpsuit for regular skydiving beyond just adding weight for swooping.
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We have something like that in the Military that weighs almost the same if not more....it's called body armor;) Imagine chowing in the pond wearing one of those things, big time suck factor
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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yes, i have... I wont be buying either, no matter how good they are.

A decent weight belt can be made for MUCH less then that. The most i'd pay is 60 bucks - anything more and it's worth learning the ancient art of sewing :)
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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This weight issue has gotten totaly out of hand. It is my opinion that people are strapping on weights far to early in their swooping career, and for what? The performance you get from weights is negligable compared to that of good technique. If i were you I would spend the money on jump tickets or coaching instead of weights. You will get a better return in the longrun for your investment.

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while you make a perfectly good point and i agree with you 100%... wearing weights for swooping wasnt the topic of this thread.
SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you.

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The vest looks great, albeit EXPENSIVE. But the black ops cool factor is there.

I went to a scuba shop and bought a soft weight belt complete with PVC mesh backing, two inch webbing, a 2 inch fasttech clip, and a zipper top for $30. Premanufactered weight pouches were $2 per pound from 1 to 6 lbs.

I fit 60lbs. in the weight belt, 'course I was useing it as a boat anchor at the time, but it closed up nice. It holds 25 lbs nicely with a rig on.

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the best thing about that weight belt dan, was the fact that if you got under your reserve, you could shed the weight REAL FAST!!.. you can't with a vest..

by the way. dan, i got your scuba gear here at the house. it is going on ebay next week.;):P

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Reason I asked is because I have an old vest in great condition that holds 16 or 18lbs(I can't remember) I'll give you if it would fit and you want it. The weight pouches are devided individually to hold 1lb per pouch. The weight plugs are just peices of freebag bridle doubled over into 5" sections, sewn together around the edges and filled with lead shot. You could make enough weight for the whole vest for under $25. It should fit you if you wear L/XL T-shirt size. I don't need it, I've had it awhile and I'm not sure where it came from, and by the time I'm using weight, I'd rather wear a belt.

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if you got under your reserve, you could shed the weight REAL FAST

I'm not sure 'real fast' is the best way to go. How about 'real safe', as in at a low enough altitude that you can accurately spot the lead, but enough altitude to allow your canopy to recover to stable flight before your flare.

Dropping your lead on someone or something just so you don't have to land it is stupid. If you don't want to land your reserve with that lead on, don't jump with the lead.

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I also wonder how well it would work under someone's jumpsuit for regular skydiving beyond just adding weight for swooping.

IMO, I like my weights on my waist not the chest. When the weights are up to high it's harder to fly in a good mantis position.

Since I don't swoop, a question for those that do swoop wearing weights.

If you were to land in the water, and if needed, don't you think taking a belt off would be easier?
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Since I don't swoop, a question for those that do swoop wearing weights.

If you were to land in the water, and if needed, don't you think taking a belt off would be easier?

I don't swoop with weights either, however, i have not seen a swooper wear a weight vest for exactly that reason. That and the thought of being under a reserve at over 2.0:1:D

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