
PST Freestyle Open Pics: Link to gallery

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Thanks, everyone! I'm really enjoying using the new lens. Now to get my hands on a 1d Mk II :)

And Eric... don't you know that you should always check your landing area for obstacles, including copyright notices? :P

"Free your mind, and your ass will follow" - George Clinton

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Thanks for the props, everyone.


I was using the Canon 70-200mm 2.8 IS zoom on a D-30 body (sometimes with the 1.4x extender). Also, sometimes I had a 2-stop ND filter and a polarizer on the lens to cut down on water glare. I shot most everything wide open on the lens (2.8 or 4.0 aperature, depending on whether or not extender was in use).

The camera settings were for large/fine .jpg which allows for more shots in burst mode before the camera's buffer fills.

The 70-200mm IS is a rather expensive lens, and I love shooting it. However, I've had pictures published (PST Oregon in July '03) that I shot through a borrowed 75-300 (which is a LOT less $$). In fact, the top right photo of JC on the PST 2003 swoop video is from that batch.

My only complaint with my current setup is that the D-30 servo focus can't quite keep up with the action. I lost quite a few shots to focus issues that weekend. It will all be better when I get ahold of the 1D Mark II though ;)

"Free your mind, and your ass will follow" - George Clinton

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I put up some more pics (requests) in another gallery:
http://swoop.skydiveworld.com/pstfreestyle2/ (note the "2" on the end).

I have an "art" picture of Leif (motion blur) in this gallery, and would be interested in feedback on it.
Nice effect or not?

"Free your mind, and your ass will follow" - George Clinton

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