
Crash and Burn

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B|B|B|B|B|I the great Chile Relleno crashed and burned while enjoying the blue skies in Davis,CA at Skydance Skydiving this last saturday 08/24...
There I was swooping into the landing area,it looked good and felt good so I went for it! ALAS I had failed to properly inspect my landing area before jumping at this new playground.The area I'd chosen looked like a nice gravel surface to surf in on but was in fact deep pea gravel and my right foot dug in on touchdown while the rest of me kept going!!!
:SB|:SB|>:(Result,spiral fracture of both the tibia and fibula,yes both of them!.I knew what was happening to me as it was happening (really weird feeling)I tumbled to a stop,confirmed what I already knew and let everyone within a country mile know that I was hurt.The DZ staff was great providing first aid and transportation to and from the Hospital in Davis and in gathering a few belongings out of my truck and getting me on the the next flight home to Mobile,AL. :)So the next morning I check into the hospital and that afternoon I'm in surgery and two (2)gnarly incisions,two (2)plates,fourteen(14) screws and 3.5 days later I'm here at home to recuperate for the next three (3) months.It looks UGLY(I'll post pics later) and hurts like hell,even while pumped full of Morphine,Demerol and some asst'd other meds, the only real relief is sleep.
I will jump again,live and learn,crash and burn,Chile Relleno.;)

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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UhOh, injured Rodriguez Brother! Take care, glad it wasn't worse and get the nurses to bring you tequila so you can make them honorary bumpy brothers!B|

Take your time and heal fast, the sky will be here waiting for you, bro!

Carné Sonic Rodriguez
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Screw photos -- post X-Rays!

Hey, now that would be a wonderful thread! Everybody post their x-rays (or CAT Scans) and we'll have a contest! bbarnhouse, Skymedic, and I could be the judges! :o

(got some knarley CAT Scans of my own around here somewhere...)

Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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B|I'll post photos after i expand my collection at my 1st follow up visit with the rigger for my inspection and repack;)(surgeon,checkup and new cast)hahahahaha:ph34r:
I probably won't be able to post xrays,I brought copies from CA and the surgeon was bitching about the quality I prayed that he wouldn't have them redoneB|[unsure]>:(

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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Screw photos -- post X-Rays!

Hey, now that would be a wonderful thread! Everybody post their x-rays (or CAT Scans) and we'll have a contest! bbarnhouse, Skymedic, and I could be the judges! :o

(got some knarley CAT Scans of my own around here somewhere...)

I think TomAilleo would win hands down.

I'm RICK JAMES! Fo shizzle.

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