
The Love Tap

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I just learned to pack this weekend (including first jump on my own pack job -- BEER!) and I noticed something that everyone seems to do. Once the chute is totally packed, they give it a little love pat. I've also noticed this on pin checks.
I did it on mine and wondered if this is one of those skydiver superstitions, like a good-chute-karma sort of thing.
Blue Skies!

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I know exactly what you mean, Zennie! I don't have my own gear yet, but even packing rental gear, I give it a loving little stroke when I'm all done. Oh, yeah, and there's a girl at our DZ that kisses & hugs her "SuperSpectre" while she's laying on it to get all the air out of it...it's so cute! I told her I was getting a SuperSpectre, and that I was going to love it & kiss it & whisper sweet nothings to it too, just like her! They are so much more than just fabric & metal, you can't help but show 'em the love. hehe
Purrrfect Blue Skies,

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Oh, yeah, and there's a girl at our DZ that kisses & hugs her "SuperSpectre" while she's laying on it to get all the air out of it

Hahahaha! That's great! Bet there's a lot of guys who wish they were that chute. ;)
Blue Skies!

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I dunno man. I'm seriously thinking it's a karma thing.
I forgot to pat the rig on my last jump and it wound up being "interesting". The group below me started dumping right inside a cloud that we were all heading toward so I had to dump high to avoid burning into them. She opened with a slammer & mild line twist. Then I biffed the landing when I mistakenly thought the wind shifted during approach.
Bad karma. Won't forget the pat next time...
Blue Skies!

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With the open corners on my 'tight' wings container......it gets alot more than a love tap to get the side walls neat with the bottom of container....

More than one person has quietly said......."you must really hate you rig to hit it like that...."

But I dont ....I love it......its just into S&M;)

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I see lots of people beating their pilot chutes flat when they get done packing. They flip their rig upside down, with the riser covers on the ground and the BOC in the air and they beat it untill their pilot chute is flat. Always looks kinda dumb to me cause when their beating on it, thr rig is kinda bending in hlaf where the main and reserver meet.

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The "Love Pat" after a pin check is to alert the jumper being checked that you are done. He/She can't see what you are up to back there. I was told it is proper etiquette to tap the side of the container.

As far as the "Love Pat" goes after packing, that could be either beating it into a better-looking shape (I am guilty of this myself), or a simple "There there, good rig." love-pat (also guilty).

... Hell, ask around my DZ, I am known to lay down behind my rig and spoon with it for a few moments after packing. Hey, you can't just jump 'er and pack 'er!! lol, and besides, it spooned you the whole way down on your jump. :D


My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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I dunno man. I'm seriously thinking it's a karma thing.

I forgot to pat the rig on my last jump and it wound up being "interesting". The group below me started dumping right inside a cloud that we were all heading toward so I had to dump high to avoid burning into them. She opened with a slammer & mild line twist. Then I biffed the landing when I mistakenly thought the wind shifted during approach.

Bad karma. Won't forget the pat next time...

Blue Skies!


Anyone of the instructors wanna pick up on the bold text no one else seems to have:S:S

BTW the fast opening in that scenario is a good thing
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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Anyone of the instructors wanna pick up on the bold text no one else seems to have

Repent ye, sinners, repent !!!
Confess to your sins before the congregation !!!

(Oops, my bad - I thought we was discussing religion...)

"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci
A thousand words...

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Anyone of the instructors wanna pick up on the bold text no one else seems to have

Nahh... I think Ted has improved a bit in the 5 years since he made that post. Plenty of threads about exit seperation have been written in the Safety and Training forum since then, if you'd care to link to one, that would be great. :)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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The Love Pat. Pummel till Tidy. Once tidy it's ready to go. Sure it's a karma thing. It's the universal sign of being completely done with the packing/ gearcheck too. It's a shaping/setting/conditioning thing as well. If the Love Pat gets to you a little you should'nt watch a rigger just after closing a rig after an inspection and packing. Pummel till Tidy.

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