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According to the FBI, DB Cooper smoked a bunch of Raleighs before he jumped. He also drank some Bourbon.

Back in the 70s I was on some loads at Elsinore where all sorts of things were being smoked and snorted prior to jumping. Don't recall seeing any Camels though.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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According to the FBI, DB Cooper smoked a bunch of Raleighs before he jumped. He also drank some Bourbon.

Back in the 70s I was on some loads at Elsinore where all sorts of things were being smoked and snorted prior to jumping. Don't recall seeing any Camels though.


You could always find some on the Nulabor Plain... great place to see some, and unlike other places where they exist in sizable numbers... you only have to worry about the snakes and the climate trying to kill you.

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According to the FBI, DB Cooper smoked a bunch of Raleighs before he jumped. He also drank some Bourbon.

Back in the 70s I was on some loads at Elsinore where all sorts of things were being smoked and snorted prior to jumping. Don't recall seeing any Camels though.


The camels are large, furry, quadrapeds, some have one hump, some two, you can easily spot them on loads, they tend to fart a lot, moreso than the usual jumpers and they tend to be first out to form the base for relative work. One major way to spot them, there will be large piles of camel shit by the door, they tend to void their bowels jut prior to jumping.

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According to the FBI, DB Cooper smoked a bunch of Raleighs before he jumped. He also drank some Bourbon.

Back in the 70s I was on some loads at Elsinore where all sorts of things were being smoked and snorted prior to jumping. Don't recall seeing any Camels though.


No camels :( See any pink elephants:|
One Jump Wonder

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The camels are large, furry, quadrapeds, some have one hump, some two, you can easily spot them on loads, they tend to fart a lot, moreso than the usual jumpers and they tend to be first out to form the base for relative work. One major way to spot them, there will be large piles of camel shit by the door, they tend to void their bowels jut prior to jumping.

These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!

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The camels are large, furry, quadrupeds, some have one hump, some two, you can easily spot them on loads, they tend to fart a lot, more-so than the usual jumpers and they tend to be first out to form the base for relative work. One major way to spot them, there will be large piles of camel shit by the door, they tend to void their bowels jut prior to jumping.

These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!

Gee...guess THAT explains the scratches and the scabs. :$

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!


Gee...guess THAT explains the scratches and the scabs.

Hi Mr T

In the spirit of the continueing education the scratch's and scabs from beavers can be avoided by using safe sex procedures.

Muzzle the beavers mouth and cover all 4 legs with leather mittens.
One Jump Wonder

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These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!


Gee...guess THAT explains the scratches and the scabs.

Hi Mr T

In the spirit of the continueing education the scratch's and scabs from beavers can be avoided by using safe sex procedures.

Muzzle the beavers mouth and cover all 4 legs with leather mittens.

And hold on to the tail or he'll slap you silly!
If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!


Gee...guess THAT explains the scratches and the scabs.

Hi Mr T

In the spirit of the continueing education the scratch's and scabs from beavers can be avoided by using safe sex procedures.

Muzzle the beavers mouth and cover all 4 legs with leather mittens.

And hold on to the tail or he'll slap you silly!

People just have no clue at all about how nasty and ugly a beaver can sound and act when you get betwixt him and his pond and get him all excited about his being denied access to said pond. I also did not know the damn things got that big. Hey it looked like a nice trail to use to get to and from the pond to catch those 18" trout... really:ph34r::ph34r:

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There is film footage of a beaver attack, I think Discovery Channel has a bit about catfish noodling where they reach into holes to get catfish. One hole yielded a beaver which bit damn near through the web of the thumb on one guy, only think stopping it was the thumb bones, tore his hand up badly.
I've seen other footage as well indicating beavers are nothing to mess with on close quarters.

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These forums are very educational. The other day I read on the computer that a beaver was a small furry creature with buck teeth. Imagine that!


Gee...guess THAT explains the scratches and the scabs.

Hi Mr T

In the spirit of the continueing education the scratch's and scabs from beavers can be avoided by using safe sex procedures.

Muzzle the beavers mouth and cover all 4 legs with leather mittens.

And hold on to the tail or he'll slap you silly!

Yeah...but it costs extra! :)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Calm your nerves.



Sorry about the thread drift, camels, pink elephants and four legged beavers:$ I actually learned a lot about beavers from this thread, thanks HW;)

Getting back to the camels, in hind sight the cig companies did a marvelous job of marketing their cancer sticks, and the public bought hook, line ,and sinker.

To bad I won't be around to see the long term effects of cell phone useage if there are any.

Texting might be a good thing.
One Jump Wonder

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Sorry to hi-jack this thread!

Beaver are very capable of delivering scratches and bite marks.

I used to trap beaver. Sometimes my canoe would be loaded down with a couple hundred pounds of beaver and traps.

Spring is mating season for beaver. There's a lot of fighting that goes on then. You have to pull your traps when mating season starts. Most of the mature beaver will have huge holes in their back delivered from another beaver. They aren't worth trapping then.

Some big river beaver will weigh eighty pounds or more. Hardly anyone traps them where I live because the price of fur is way down. They can do a huge amount of damage to trees in the area.

So, that's about all I know about beavers!:P

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Sorry to hi-jack this thread!

Beaver are very capable of delivering scratches and bite marks.

I used to trap beaver. Sometimes my canoe would be loaded down with a couple hundred pounds of beaver and traps.

Spring is mating season for beaver. There's a lot of fighting that goes on then. You have to pull your traps when mating season starts. Most of the mature beaver will have huge holes in their back delivered from another beaver. They aren't worth trapping then.

Some big river beaver will weigh eighty pounds or more. Hardly anyone traps them where I live because the price of fur is way down. They can do a huge amount of damage to trees in the area.

So, that's about all I know about beavers!:P

Hi steve

Eighty pound beavers that fight during the spring mating season. :o

Note to self watch the tail and don't mess with the beavers during mateing season in their habitat or a couple of the male beavers might blind side you.

I wonder If I can get one in my car, bad idea:S
My rental car:ph34r: Do beavers like candy? Or drink booze? Are there some petite beavers?
One Jump Wonder

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We have a creek here and down stream the beavers build a dam.
Every yr my husband with another older gentleman would go break it out because when it backed up the water flowed over into the small pond (lake). Since Jim died in 2007 and had not been physically able the yr before to break the dam - well the lake filled in all I have is swamp now.

The sissy young queeky families who moved in around here don't want to hurt the little baby beavers. So now the value of my property is no longer based on Water View. A swamp and snakes.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Sorry to hear about that. There's a reality show on TV. Swamp Loggers

The beavers ruined a lot of good standing timber. I guess its a side effect of the dams and the beavers don't know better. Its not personnel

OTOH the humans are the problem and they could resech the issue, If the beaver huggers won't do anything could you hire a trapper to harvest them during the hunting season witout tresspasing.:ph34r:

IMO neigbors aree a pia unless you luck out. Then they will move and you'll have to train the new neighbor.

Have you tried Steve the beaver expert and trapper. see his posts in this thread and PM him for advice from a pro.

One Jump Wonder

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Yes, Arender did a Camels ad, might have been '64. In it he is wearing a black jumpsuit with an orange rectangular patch on one knee. At the time, when I was broke and working at the DZ for free jumps, i wanted a cool jumpsuit like that almost as bad as a 7TU LoPo in a pioneer 3 pin backpack.

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