
Some Vintage Canopy jump pics

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I used to own a Cobra with a Baby Cobra reserve.
Eddie Grim based the Cobra on a PS06 canopy. At least that's what he told me.
I believe the cobra was on the market befor the Starlight. Mine was manufactured in 74 and they had been around for several years before then.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Not only are these great nostalgia shots, they are REALLY good air to air canopy photographs which are not easy to shoot.

Nice going. Keep em coming.

If you really trust old gear jump a Sentinel 2000 AAD. I have one I'll give you, but they probably are not legal any more. What are the rules on old AADs?

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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The Cobra is not a King Cobra which was based on a PS06. This is just a straight Cobra not a king or a baby. I didn't even know that this model existed but here is one. It may have been a prototype since the serial number is 1X.

Here are some ground inflation shots of the parachute and you will see what I am mean. To me, it does not look anything like a PS06 or the king Cobras I have seen either. This one even has a small OSI.

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The FAR's now require AAD's to be maintained according to the manufacture's instructions.

"(c) If installed, the automatic activation device must be maintained in accordance with manufacturer instructions for that automatic activation device."

Of course is called an automatic emergency parachute release system in the manual and of course is also referred to as an automatic OPENING device. ;)

The manual also give 'recommended' parts replacement intervals and says the sensing unit 'should' be returned to the manufacturer for testing or done at the DZ with their test chamber.

So, if you have a chamber you might be legal to jump it. But stupid.:S

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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When I had my Cobra, in 74, Eddie didn't have a model that I'm aware of called a King Cobra.
Just the Cobra, which looks like the one in Skypuppy's photo.
I also haad a StratoCloud made by Eddie about 76.
I know some of my grey cells have moved on to greater pastures but all the gear I owned in the 70's was Niagara stuff. Eddie may have made a larger Cobra and called it the King Cobra.
I may e-mail his son Perry and ask him to look at these photos.
Watch my video Fat Women

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Here is a pic of the data panel. This was definitely made by Eddy. It has his info stamped all over it.

I have not seen anything similar to this canopy in any of the old CanPara's or Canadian Parachutist's I own. This parachute is smaller than a PC when inflated. It would be interesting to find out more information on this chute.

On a personal note, I would like more information on Niagara Parachutes in general. If you wouldn't mind could you PM Perry's email.

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Unfortunately, I have never been able to track down an Eagle yet. Been working hard on it but everyone I have met or talked to that jumped them pretty much says the same thing. There were very few produced and they were pretty much prototypes.

If you have any leads or places to start, I would be really interested to know. Send me a PM.

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Bored tonight so I'll add to the thread.

Two pics of me flying a Paradactyl earlier this month ... backwards.

I could have hooked up the risers to the rig a wee bit more carefully. Fun nonetheless. With a strong wind keeping ground speed low, the backwards no flare landing wasn't bad. (But I practiced holding a 180 twist to face the other way if needed.)

Pics by Beatnik who was laughing his ass off.

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Maybe you need to get the kind with the arrow on the bottom so you know what why you should be going....:P

Two years ago on a round jump as the boys were loading up the AC I looked over at one of the guys rig and noticed the riser had one of the "piggyback" type RSL laynards on it.... but it was on the right side and not the left side, I nudged him and said there is a 50/50 chance you might be facing the wrong way as he got on the AC.

Lets just say he a lost the bet and had to walk back.:)

you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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Pics by Beatnik who was laughing his ass off.

Opened the first pic & the very first thing that went through my head was, caption this pic: "Dammit, dammit, dammit!"

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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I don't think Peter has flown a Delta II yet but I can comment. I have more parawings than anyone I know right now. I have five Delta II's (including two never jumped ones, a single and double keel dactyl and a PZ-81).

The Delta II and single keel paradactyl are pretty close to the same size of parachute. The line lengths and trim are obviously different and makes them fly very different. As for opening, there are some on the Delta II with the OSI that are really soft but for the most part all parawings because of the low profile of the parachute the fill time is very fast.

For performance, they are completely different. The single keel dactyl seems to be a bit more unstable compared to the Delta II. The Delta II with the stall panels for turns make it very slow and flat. If it has the wing tip steering mod that a lot of people did, the Delta II continues to fly throughout the turns and tends to swing you out more and have more of a performance turn. The dactyl tends to almost collapse a side to get the other to out fly it. This makes for a very interesting turns and quick ones.

Really the parachutes look similar but they are completely different chutes. Right now I am about 1000 miles away from home so I don't have all my reference material to give all specs but if there is something else you would like to know let me know what it is.

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