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Soft or rigid gas perms? Do they fit good and tight?
The key thing with either is to keep your eyes moist. A drop in each eye before you jump, well-fitted goggles, and you will do fine.
If you do have soft lenses (which tend to come out in freefall easier than RGPs) don't panic, most times it will be stuck to the inside of your goggle lens. If this does happen, take your drops on board and moisten before putting your goggles on -- problem solved 99.9% of the time.

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I also jump with contacts- Like was mentioned before, keep a bottle of drops in you bag, I put some in before I jump and have no problems- Good snug goggles are a big plus. I open my visor on my Z-1 under canopy and have no problem either, but I understand some folks do- I wear soft lenses BTW-
Life begins at 14,000' - Shut up and jump!

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I wear soft disposable contacts...and both with my Havok on...and with my open faced Bonehead Millenium W/ goggles I have never ever had a problem....
"I have no fear of falling, I just hate hitting the ground"-The Badlees...

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I wear soft lenses, and lost two lenses in 14 jumps!!!! Yeah - landing with one lens missing can screw up your landing a bit, but my worse was trying to see the stupid wind direction with the lens missing. I lost mine purely because my goggles didn't fit snug enough, and I bought a new pair, but haven't jumped with it yet. I never saw any of my lenses again - must have dropped them when I took the goggles off during canopy ride....
Life is for the LIVING!!!!! :D

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Had a hard openning pop one of mine out, another time a dive while chasing the 10-way with a loose goggle strap popped another, funny seeing it folded over stuck to the inside of the goggles though. ;)
Landing is not too big a deal if you look at the wind sock and plan out your approach before getting on the plane (unless the winds do a 180 while you are up, of course).
Like everyone said, landings can be interesting - but keep in mind to do a PLF if you have trouble judging depth, and life should be good (I wear a -6.5 right and -7.5 left, so when I lose a lens, I pretty much lose the use of that eye) and nothing broken yet from the landings. :)Moral of the stories put here might be, make sure your goggle straps are tight - having disposables helps, as does taking a lens case and solution in your gear bag to the DZ.

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