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DB Cooper

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Is anyone seeing northern lights the last several

Current POES satellite coverage map at:

Intensities are increasing in a swath from the
NE to Midwest USA, as deep as Missouri.

But, is anyone actually seeing anything from this
X-flare event?


[edit] real time intensity plots can bee seen at:

No, G, I haven't seen a thing, and it's been clear for a couple of days. Full moon though, so that might have dimmed things.

Also, I'm in the trees, and the Northern Lights that I've seen before were all along the horizon.

BTW: Thanks for the update on Zecharia.

I appreciate the feedback Bruce. Lets see what
the next few days brings.

You really should read Sagan's early book.
It's a landmark work. Sagan risked a lot
academically, writing that book. (He is very
much missed).


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For hours I have gone thru old files - I started with 2000 and 2001, but I do NOT even discuss the route Duane I took except to the producer of the segment done in 2001.

So I went back to 1996 when I first started to talk to Ralph H.
This letter mentions some of what I remember, but - note I had NO map other than a STATE map so there was NO detail. Also consider that until I went out to WA this past Oct of 2010 - I had never been behind the wheel of a car in WA - and this is when I learned how close all of these things are and that I had misjudged distance.

In this letter to Ralph I draw a pencil map. I start out telling him what I am trying to draw.

I draw what is HWY 14 and a circle which I label Washougal I put an X above the Washougal and one inside of the loop (the river). to the left and above I draw a road - I label 500. I explain this is the area he took me to.

On the upper map I draw a body of water (I had NO maps in 1996 to show this). I think it is a river.
I show a road and going over a small stream - and said this is Where Cooper walked out of the woods. I write on this about a concrete covert. I explain I don't know where this water was and that maybe we where already on the interstate when I saw it - but I remember the road was only a 2 lane. I have drawn in these 3 cabins - that where NOT there when he and I stopped at the water. Beyond that I draw a map of a road that went up a hill.

All I had was my memory and I am trying to draw my memory.
I indicate a logging area and the tower that was not there. But on this map I put everything close when actually they were miles apart....but I would NOT know this until Oct 2010.

I do talk about about Mt. St. Helens and St.Helens and he knew a woman there who had a store and the I mention his comment about Longview and the forest after we are on I-5

Then I mention the return trip and our stops in Vancouver. A dead end road and there are NO houses on this road or at the river...we are not far off the Hwy.
Duane points out an area across the river and tell me he knew somone who lived there. When we first get there Duane tell me to stay in the car.

Tomorrow I will find another old letter to Ralph. This was my first effort to explain what I had tried to describe. It is around this time he puts me intouch with JT.

I am sure it make no sense to anyone other than Amazon and even she might have a hard time with the sketchy description i gave, but I only had a state map and my memory.

What did I prove to myself if no one else with these hours of frantic digging...that as early as 1996 and 1997 I was explicit that we where in the Washougal area and that we travel down the Wa side on Hwy14. That we Turned North off of 500 and ended up over on I-5 going to Seattle.

i didn't have a lot of detail because I had NO map from which to obtain DETAIL...but NOW I am exhausted and pouring the tears. Jerry Thomas can go to HELL. I have never been bitter before, but NOW I am and I have this in a copy of a letter I sent to Ralph....in 1996.

I have NEVER HATED anyone in my life, but HOW I know what HATE and rage feels like....along with the relief that I have told the same story for 15 yrs - I have it in black and white. Jerry kept throwing things at me and I kept telling him I didn't have a map. I do not remember who sent me that beautiful map in 2001 after I got home from WA, but I am forever grateful.

I can't go on - I can't see the screen...and the water is pouring and I am trembling so bad. I HATE I HATE I HATE --- for the first time in my life I feel HATE!

I wish I had someone to hold me.

It is now later and I am adding to this post:

I finally got enough composure to come back and let you guys know I am going to take a pill and go to bed....but I am still feeling the rage. I can't believe any human can be allowed to coerce and to demean another in this way - and it evident this has gone on for yrs. No wonder NO one ever believed me! I am actually a simple woman and this man took my words and molded them to suit his own needs.

If this has happened with every suspect in the last 30 yrs - no wonder the case has never been solve. I can't believe this man has been allow to do this and that someone has not stopped him. I am sure if he kept telling me that NO NO that can't be who was I to argue with the MAN on the GROUND. I do KNOW that the people who dug Symba up asked about the route and mention the wrong river and I-5.

I told them I didn't know the names of the places Duane took me to and since I had come back from WA did not feel what I had been told to say was right. They were not the right places. I have lived to REGRET not following my gut and standing up for myself...

I am not going to go back and make any changes to this post. I have bared my heart and soul here tonight, but I am free. The MAN on the Ground is a manipulator and user not to mention another word that rhymes.

Since he has supposedly been involved in other parts of the Cooper search - how much damage has this man done to the case. How many others like myself have been silenced...thru his efforts? All he wants is to destroy anyone's efforts other than his own - this is RIDICULOUS. If when I sign on tomorrow the thread has been closed - I understand, but I really hope the TRUTH does survive.

I feel that if I can get the right support and someone to tell the story the way it should be told - and to do some research in the Coure d Alene and Bend area - we will find out that Weber was Cooper...maybe, just maybe it is NOT too late. Nah - that is a pipe dream!

Go to bed JO - its over! ( me talking to me ).
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Georger wrote:

But, is anyone actually seeing anything from this
X-Flare event?

Janet saw the X-Flare and the man in the moon. She smokes Raleigh Criterias. You can swap the coupons for Haldol.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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None of us here, INCLUDING ME, have absolutely proven their case. Trying to shout each other down does no good. Give it a break.

Me I am tired of defending myself -and I am tired of the abuse I have tolerated from a certain person. Knoss has his story and I don't agree with it, but he did NOT display anger and nor was he abusive. His story was sometimes funny and other times believable - but it did NOT fit the facts.

Another party continually assaults others and has NO story to tell and has never produce one iota of evidence, yet attacks and refutes anyone with a story to tell.

Then there is yourself and KC - it is a good story, but I never felt Christiansen was a viable subject - background or description. If I had met you 14 yrs ago - this case might have been solved by now.

Cook - When he gets quiet look out! He just might be on to something - now that is Florence's expression. feel he is probably the most unbaised researcher out there and I don't think he wants to put out another "wannabe" book. This man has invested a lot of yrs into his research as he has had other suspects - but he was alway honest with himself.

Geoffry Grey - now I expect that to be a GOOD book and really hope he was indepth and didn't fall into one of the Cooper pits. I expect it will be very differnent from other books out there and might be one that will survive the test of time as Norjax has.

Me - well I am not a writer and who wants another Cooper book?
I am just a woman who has spent 15 yrs of her life trying to explain a 17 yr marriage to the man who called himself Dan Cooper...and fit the profile to a T.
Not to mention that I held the evidence in my hands - therefore I must have imagined it all. Actually Weber is every suspect that was ever out there all tied up in one package - that make him the least likely to be Cooper.

Don't want to forget Coffelt and DS who wrote a book many yrs ago - but it has yet to be published. DS is an interesting character -but he won't engage in the garbage we have endured to prove his point. Heard it was coming out in March, but I think it will be a big disappointment.
Oddly enough it paralles the life of Weber....oddly enough they both supposedly worked for the same milllionaire in Tx and sold insurance.

I am sure I left someone out so let the credits roll on.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Blevins. This I will do. And it will not be on Drop Zone the best way to prove your book is made up is in the public eye.This will be done through the media. I will get started first thing Tuesday Morning. Jerry

A hoax involves deliberate lying, falsification, and possible criminal activity in order to make a cheap buck. I do not take this sort of accusation lightly, since it could damage the reputation of Adventure Books of Seattle.

Your posts have been recorded and stored for future reference. That was a friendly warning. Please do not use the 'H' word unless you have proof.

Just a word of inside advice, Robert....... I KNOW what is there, and he could put you behind bars without much fabrication. (In my opinion)
I'd suggest a phone call to your local Boy Scouts paper drive. Really.

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History as it really happened.

February, 1969. FAA created an eight man Task Force on the Deterrence of Air Piracy. (Included our FAA executive from Norjak)

August 29, 1969. First hijacking of a US aircraft outside our hemisphere.

March 17, 1970. First pilot death in a domestic hijacking.

April 9, 1970. 727-200's permitted to operate. (Jumbo)

July 17, 1970. First airport introduces passenger profiling.

September 11, 1970. Nixon introduces anti-hijacking program.

September 25, 1970. DOJ announces spit jurisdiction with FBI/FAA.

October 28, 1970. Air Marshals FAA program instituted.

May 14, 1971. Courts uphold anti-hijacking profiling and searches.

June 12, 1971. First passenger death in a domestic hijacking.

September 23, 1971. Montreal Convention signed, but not ratified until November 1, 1972. THIS WAS THE PROBLEM!

November 24, 1971. First extortion hijacking. Dan Cooper, et al. Take some of their money to get their attention.

November 27, 1971. Nixon signed into law legislation amending the Airport and Airway Development Act of 1970 to clarify further the intent of Congress as to its priorities for airway revitalization and airport development.

March 7, 1972. New security measures instituted. Nixon issues orders for immediate compliance of safety procedures.

March 9, 1972. Nixon orders new airport safety regulations be instituted immediately.

March 15, 1972. Nixon issues orders for increased security forces. More sky marshal deployment, he increases funding for metal detectors, bomb sniffing dogs, and expedited prosecution of hijackers. He signed his directive bypassing Congress.

March 22, 1972. Nixon signed into law the International Air Rates Act, which amended the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 to authorize the CAB to end unreasonable or discriminatory rates or practices by air carriers in foreign air transportation.

April 7, 1972. McCoy hijacks a plane and jumps over Utah. Maybe $500,000 will get their attention?

June 19, 1972. 24 hour world-wide pilot's strike against hijackers.

September 15, 1972. 17 nation hijacking conference signing was REFUSED!!

October 29, 1972. A rash of hijacking started to Cuba.

November 1, 1972. Montreal Convention finally ratified by Congress.

December 5, 1972. The landmark FAA anti-hijacking emergency rule that went from simple profiling to 100% inspection of passengers was instituted by Nixon. This was Nixon's magic edict.

January 5, 1973. responding to hijacking threats, the FAA initiates universal pre-boarding electronic screening of passengers and inspection of their carry-on luggage.

February 15, 1973. U.S. and Cuba signed hijacking agreement.

(Montreal, September 23, 1971) Formally called the Convention for
the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Civil
Aviation. The Sabotage Convention goes beyond the Hijacking
Convention by containing separate definitions of what constitutes
an offense on board aircraft, and specifying when that aircraft is
“in service.” The Sabotage Convention places additional
international legal obligations on countries to act against a wider
range of offenses involving aircraft. The United States ratified the
Sabotage Convention on Nov. 1, 1972.

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A Pilot's Union organizer with goals of airline safety and a lot of personal ideas meets a pilot friend with similar goals. They are both heavily into parachuting, one having made high altitude jumps and achieved instructor status as a rigger. They find they have very much in common and become lifetime friends. They come up with an idea to run a demonstration of how poor safety is for pilots and their passengers, incorporate a parachuting dream jump off the rear stairs of a 727, and draw attention to the need for the organizers designs for an aerodynamic lock for the rear stairs. They will ask for a ransom of $200,000 and return the money after the exercise.


In order to not be criminal, the ideas are discussed with Minnesota FAA officials related to a fellow NW airline pilot. The idea is applauded. So, the Special Agent in Charge, in Minneapolis is brought into the conversation, and being a pilot too, he likes it. So, they go up the ladder with the request to execute an exercise.


The plan is given a formal name in 1968, "Project Norjak." The FBI guy is put in charge of the Project. McCoy goes to Seattle to brief that office. Weber is chosen by McCoy as the jumper as he is afraid to do it himself. He has used Weber before successfully. A trainer is chosen from McCoy's past, and I am brought in as a witness in case thing go foul. Duane and I are subjected to MK Ultra (BlueBird).


The scheduled trainer gets a major job opportunity with Bell Telephone and scores highest in the qualification tests. He accepts a position in Omaha in the main office. The organizer decides to take a risk and do the training job himself.


From May through August Duane Weber is trained for the demonstration. Each detail is meticulously gone over, planned by the organizer, who is dyslexic. He uses his affliction to confuse the entire plan. It is easier for him to understand. In the meantime the plan has gone up the ladder while negotiations continue between the FAA and the airlines on how to improve safety. Regulations are written and presented to a balking congress. Duane's wife absconds with the rent funds from the apartment complex they are caretaking. Two weeks later they are returned and everything is hushed up.


No progress. Finally it is decided to use the safety demonstration as a coercion to allow the President to force ratification of the Montreal Convention and cram the new FAA regulations down the throat of the airlines by forcing legislation on Congress.


Holiday flights were always easy to get for a pilot with seniority as nobody really wanted them. An extra flight was added to insure minimum passengers, Duane was notified and the game was on.


When the anouncement was made the hijacking was in progress, McCoy was called at home. He was having Thanksgiving dinner with his family. He finished his meal and flew directly to Washington while the plane waited for him to arrive. He boarded a helicopter with an FBI Agent and attempted to follow the 727, but did not have the speed. Interceptors sent out were too fast to be of value.


The flight path had been carefully flown before noting fixed point references and vectors for radio signals in the light of day to insure accurate drop zone location at night. It was known that the flight path would be recorded accurately but the location would be based on other references. They could be 15 miles off course and not be recognized.
This was done to disguise the actual drop area. Unfortunately "Janet" saw the plane and reported it to the office.


The report of "Janet" came into the office and McCoy was notified as the Project ground supervisor. McCoy made a call on Janet as soon as possible and threatened her to be quiet. She could expose the real location of the flight path.


Duane jumped from the plane with a pre-determined verbal signal over his chosen spot. He wore combat boots, two pair of thermal underwear, a raincoat and tied the money to his body with parachute chord. He used the chute with the "X" on the outside and secured it to the back of his rig. He landed in the woods and walked 15 miles to his destination by following a clear-cut. He banged his right leg on the stairs as it rebounded during the jump. It was cold, but he warmed rapidly from his hike.


Duane stopped by the home of the Bell Telephone friend in Omaha for a meal, then off to New Orleans to a pre-determined job washing dishes.


Six months later, McCoy made a follow-up jump without any FAA or FBI assistance. Two aggressive FBI agents wanting to make a name for themselves would not play the game, and a prison sentence was handed down. It was turned into another under-cover operation to gain the return of a large amount of cash stolen in a bank robbery by a thief named Walker.


McCoy changed identities by the staging of his death and became Tommy Gunn, employed by the CIA. His record there is impressive.
Duane was given a job as an insurance agent for the company that reimbursed the money Duane was never able to recover.


Tina supposedly gets teased about saving everyone's life by distracting Duane with sex. She is given a bottle of French "whore" perfume. She gets repeatedly worse and is finally treated with BlueBird tactics.


Misinformation was generated from the very onset of the Project and has grown to an unmanageable proportion today. From the erroneous "DB" on Cooper's name that was let ride, to the far-fetched "KC" fable manufactured of late. Hundreds of 'wannabe' Coopers have shown up and plagued the FBI offices, draining resources and manpower. It is a really high price to pay.

Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive.
I cannot tell how the truth may be;
I say the tale as it was said to me.

~Sir Walter Scott

Our FAA official gets selected for a Presidential Task Force to study hijacking. Regulations are written, rules determined, a whole transformation takes place under new FAA management more compatible with the Pilot's Association. Action is finally being taken while our little 'demonstration' is considered for bigger and better things. The 'plumbers' see it as an opportunity to leverage congress if necessary, and the Project takes on a new potential purpose. When a second international attempt to treaty hijacking fails, the chain is pulled and the Montreal Convention gets ratified, allowing Nixon to execute emergency landmark legislation and institute 100% passenger and luggage searches, massively increased airport security, etc.

Project Norjak did exactly what it was intended to do, and without it Nixon would have been powerless.


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Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo...and he has done this since day one. WHY? Eveyone here has to ask themselves - WHY does JT want only to STOP JO?

I'm trying to decide whether this sounds more like sheer arrogance/egoism, or the more difficult problem of a persecution complex.
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Trying to get on the bottom of the list. I was told last Sunday there was a TV show that stated DB Cooper landed in his own back yard. Then depositeded $172,000 in his personal bank account two weeks after his jump. He was an unhappy employee of the airlines in Ohio and wanted revenge. He was interviewed as a suspect but determined to be to short to be DB. So all this post is for nothing. The guy didnt remember the name of the show but it was on the 12 or 13 Februrary

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Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo...and he has done this since day one. WHY? Eveyone here has to ask themselves - WHY does JT want only to STOP JO?

I'm trying to decide whether this sounds more like sheer arrogance/egoism, or the more difficult problem of a persecution complex.

Asked and answered. "I baked some cookies. They are a new receipe I came up with. It's walnuts and fresh strawberries, but I left out the chocolate chips because somebody might be allergic to chocolate. I also substituted Robin Hood Flour for the cookie dough because I really like the jingle I used to hear on the radio 50 years ago. Now, everyone WILL eat my cookies and send me a tape recording that says, "I really love Jo's cookies. They are the only cookies I will ever eat." If you don't, I will cry and send you nasty notes in red and blue with capital letters. And if you tease me, I'll sue you. Because these are really good cookies, and Duane made them." (Ed. Note: Of course he used chocolate chip cookie dough and added nuts then served them with freeze-dried strawberries.)

I think it is, "spoiled child syndrome."

P.S.: This is a parody, Blevins, not satire.

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Blevins Your post yesterday afternoon clearly states that this thread is suppose to be used for research. Is this what you call research. So far none of your post have been about research. So Please explain why you are posting.Just like you threatening me on using the word Hoax. You have posted that writing your book was a mistake also that you are not sure your suspect was Cooper. Find a good attorney that will take the case you have threatened me with. Jerry

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Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo...and he has done this since day one. WHY? Eveyone here has to ask themselves - WHY does JT want only to STOP JO?

I'm trying to decide whether this sounds more like sheer arrogance/egoism, or the more difficult problem of a persecution complex.

Not a persecution complex or egoism? The threats have been made publically...for all to see.
A man capable of making those kinds of threats is capable of much worse than what he has threatened. The personality that has come across on the phone and in this thread is capabable of a violent action...and it has to be dealt with as such.

His threats are only toward me and NO one else. He disagrees with others, but he does NOT threaten them with actions that can harm them as he does me.
This threat is not a physical one but one he knows would reduce my life to less than it is now.

I have physical limitations and a demographic limitation that restrict relationships and mobility.
I have stayed OUT of the media other than this thread and others for 10 yrs now...the privacy of my home is my sanction. Due to the recent waves of crimes against seniors and murders in my area - public exposure is a real physical threat for me. I would be a target for theft and harm....if this man is allowed to do as he has threatened by exposing me to the residents and media in my area.

My private life has NOTHING to do with Cooper. When I met my last husband, he had NO idea what I was involved in - but, he did NOT ask questions. When I had to go to WA - I told him what I was involved in. He didn't have a clue until that time. I told him before I went out there if he decided he did NOT want to continue the relationship that I would understand. This amazing man accepted me for what I am and never asked me any questions about the trip or about Cooper. We married in 2002 and he died in 2007 of cancer.

Only after his death did I learn that he had been reading this thread - he always knew why I was having a bad day. This was one AMAZING man. When I cleaned up his computer before giving it to his children - I found the DZ in his favorites and clicked on it...he was reading this thread up until a few wks before he died.

We always respected each others privacy - his pass word to various accts was with his birth certificate and other important papers.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Ooppps! While I was posting the local stalker - attacked Blevins.
Why doesn't this stalker ever offer any solid research evidence he has supposedly acquired in HIS search? The stalker maintains in prior media publications about his 'search" that Cooper died, yet he has never produced one bit of evidence to support this...instead he attacks the research and theories and writings of others who believe differently.

For instance - the areas he supposedly researched for me. Why did he say MY hill or MT was not there! He is also aware the place Duane said 'That's where Cooper walked out of the woods" is relative close to this 'hill'. The flight path would argue this is not the location of the LZ, but this is near the'hill' where Duane explained the power lines intersecting and the pipeline and stated you could walk for mile before the undergrowth was there.

I do not believe that during my initial accounting that I called the place over near the LAKE a covert - it was described as a little creek or tributary that ran into a pipe under the road (a 2 lane road) and down to the body of water which Jerry insisted was the Columbia. I kept telling him it was NOT the Columbia and that it was a river (but I found out later it was an elongated lake). Now Jerry had to have known what I was talking about when I mentioned the mansion and the cabins (those things do not exist on the Columbia). WHY did this man NOT recognize what I was trying to tell him?

I even told him that Duane claimed to know the caretaker of this old mansion.

In my accounting of the trip I do tell about 500 and when we got on I-5 (this is after the other accounting that he disputes). Going up I-5 Duane does mention a park on the left side of the highway (where the guys went) and on the right a covert of some kind that runs under the highway. He again mentions parallel power lines that I could not see and tells me how they intesect at places. Note this area is at the point of another covert. All he says is he knew someone who hid something there at one time (I have NOT a clue what this references).

On up the road before we get to the Lewis River he tells me about a cemetery (I didn't have time to find this cemetery when I was up there). At this time he tells me about the little town to our left called St.Helens, OR and that he used to know a woman who had a store there. My research (while I was in OR in 2011) has shown the store was an antique store that was still there, but under new ownership. The prior owner of many many yrs had died. I am still trying to find photos of the early yrs. The prior proprietor was the right age.

He talks about a resturant in a little town around Longview and tells me about parks to the West along the Atlantic. Because he knew where all the parks were located - I thought what he did in WA was connected to the parks, but found NO record in any of the archives of a Duane Weber. Was this through the penal system in those days? Parks, cemetaries (even remote ones), air stips and towers and power lines and pipe lines. What did this man do in WA. and under WHAT name that he woudl know the area in such detail?
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo...and he has done this since day one. WHY? Eveyone here has to ask themselves - WHY does JT want only to STOP JO?

I'm trying to decide whether this sounds more like sheer arrogance/egoism, or the more difficult problem of a persecution complex.


Well the facts in this matter are very clear:

(a) it was Jo Weber who contacted people in
Washington and went there - not the reverse,
in those early years.

(b) Jo Weber is the one who began this debacle
with hundreds of phone calls to all kinds of people
in the beginning, just as she has saturated
DropZone with all of her verbage. JT and others
(including the FBI!) have always been complete
bystanders in Jo's whole process.

(c) Here is exactly what Jo said in the beginning,
in her own words, no less - as posted by Jo her
self here at Drop Zone. Quote:

" I have always said that "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". I have stated that from day one. " (Nov 12 2008)

There it is.

beginning or otherwise.

Well there it is, in Jo's own words. . . certified
by Jo herself on Nov 12, 2008. And there are
other examples in Jo's own posts at this and
other forums which say the exact same thing,
ie. 'that Duane thought he knew who Cooper
was'. Duane thought Cooper was McCoy. He
and Jo got involved in the McCoy case when
they moved to Virginia Beach.

It was probably through the McCoy mythology
at Virginia Beach that Duane and Jo first heard
of DB Cooper!

Jo needs to be very careful in how she replies to
this, because Jo has denied ever knowing about
Cooper prior to Virginia Beach. Where would I
get that idea? Once again, from Jo's own posts
here at Dropzone and elsewhere.

The truth may be that Jo and Duane were living
very isolated lives (marginalised due to Duane's
criminal past and lack of opportunities), when
they moved to Virginia Beach. Something in
their life at Virginia Beach brought McCoy to their
attention .... and from that to the DB Cooper
legend. I get this picture from Jo's own posts
she has made ever since becoming active on
the Internet. In prior writings Jo has said Duane
never read books and she herself 'was too busy
to give worldly matters much thought' ? Duane
did read newspapers however, she says. Jo has
never said if she read newspapers at Virginia
Beach or not, in her "busy" life.?

Jo's whole history in these matters is one set of
claims, then retreat and new claims, more retreats
then new claims, ad infinitum. Jerry Thomas is
correct. Jo is a history of claims and revisions,
until finally nobody could follow it, with Jo trying
to claim some consistency through it all. The
problem is: only Jo can see that! Nobody else
can who matters.

Jo has even gone so far as to claim Duane
changed his finger prints! In response to this
Ckret answered on Dec 10, 2007, saying:

"How do you come to the conclusion that your husband changed his fingerprints? May I have documents or evidence that reveals this.

What documents do you have that point to corruption at Jefferson Correctional? May I have them.

The research that you and the journalist conducted that points to your husband's criminal history being different then what is on record, do you have that for review?

Thanks for any help. Ckret"

Jo's spurious claims are endless. That has been
the case almost since the beginning. Jo's
voluminous posts here at DZ testify to that
fact. And Jo charges JT with having "damaged"
the Cooper case ?

Why on Earth would Jo jump on Jerry Thomas
fpr saying: "you said you thought Duane knew
'who' Cooper was..." when in fact Jo said the
same exact thing herself right here on DZ, quote:

" I have always said that "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". I have stated that from day one.

I am cleaning house and old files. You will be interested to know that although the FBI claims to have done an extensive background check on Duana Weber the following information is recorded and stated.

As of a post in March 2000 the FBI denied that Duane was EVER at McNeil and stated he was never in the army. They are on record as stating that the number on his military records belonged to a Wavy Greene.

Does that sound like a thorough FBI check of Duane L. Weber? I frankly think the FBI needs to let the public know WHEN they did this background check...and why the agent of record before March 2000 had told me these things.

I told the agent he had not done a check of Duane because I was holding the papers from McNeil and a letter written from a Army post.

Just want to refresh the mind of those who have not followed this from day one.

We NOTE a strange thing - the FBI has never STATED - which hand Cooper held his cigarrette in.

Statement made by ex-wife "I didn't go to Portand with him --- I was at my sisters in Lorranine". I dont' know what time span she was referring to...I knew then but not now. Question - what was Duane doing in Portland????

Note that one of Duane's ex's worked for an airport and we never found Daisy Schuler - a wife of record.

Date of birth on the McNeil Prison file is June 18, 1920. Duane was born in 1924 or 1925.

That same month I am on to the Fire Jumpers and the near calamity at Hanford E Works in WA.
Then on to Operation Firefly - so you see my chasing Fire Fighters started in the very beginning - I have articles dating 1997 and 1998 when I was allowed to do searches in the office after everyone had left.

I jump off into some firefighting episodes - such as 1945 Klamath National Forest in CA. Where was Duane in July of 1945? That is something for the FBI.

Communications with someone from Duane's past -- every time Chigago and "a specific name" came up in a conversation the subject changed abruptly - with "I do not want to go there".

Mc Neil prisoners where used in the logging industry?????

Coffelt is reported as being in the Phoenix, AR area in July of 1960.
Remember Duane's connections to Phoenix in the 60's.

Brown was in the Sandy Springs area where Duane lived. Coffelt met Brown in Atlanta.

My research showed a Coffelt in the Canon City, Co prison but unknown if related to the suspect Coffelt. Dated 3/2000. The Coffelt/Brown thing has been with me from the beginning..

(This post was edited by skyjack71 on Nov 12, 2008, 7:10 PM)

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Jerry Thomas says in part (regarding 'D.B. Cooper - The Fantasy')


'Blevins Your post yesterday afternoon clearly states that this thread is suppose to be used for research. Is this what you call research. So far none of your post have been about research. So Please explain why you are posting...'

Are you kidding? Do you know how much research and effort it takes to cast a major motion picture properly these days? And some of these stars are a pain in the ass to deal with. Real prima donnas, you know what I mean? It's a thankless job. B|

We've having second thoughts on Laura Linney as Tina Mucklow. Could be an age problem. Linney is over 40 now. We're leaning toward Hilary Swank.

Its a MOVIE Blevins!


Its not scholarly research, which you will never
do for lack of personal resources, or any personal
interest in.

Go make a movie. Who cares!

Get over yourself.

Most people will get over and beyond the movie
almost as soon as you (or whoever) makes it.

The MOVIE will be replaced by a 10cent piece
of paper with a few lines on it, written by a
sixth grader!

That is how real commerce works! Or did you not

Put a muffler on yourself -and drive in your own

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Jo, again a whole long post that did not address the point I made. You said:


Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo

I was questioning how valid it is to believe that someone's entire life, or at least his entire presence on this thread, has only one aim and that that aim revolves around you. Especially when it is patently obvious from even a cursory reading of his posts that that is not true. That is where the reference to either egoism or persecution complex came in.

btw, it's not exactly like you've never threatened anyone here ... even if those threats don't carry as much weight as you had hoped (recent ones i can recall are the threats to 'expose' the location of jerry's mine, and the hundreds of lawsuit threats that 377 patiently and tirelessly tells you are without merit)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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Here is exactly what Jo said in the beginning, in her own words, no less - as posted by Jo her
self here at Drop Zone. Quote:
" I have always said that "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". I have stated that from day one. " (Nov 12 2008)

I do NOT disagree with that - because that is the only way to explain the things I held in my hands...the ticket, the stub, the bag.


Georger, I have never denied I said that - and I stand by that even today!

I have never said Duane thought Cooper was McCoy. All he did was show me where McCoy died and then a couple of months later he got drunk and told me he felt responsible for something someone else did that resulted in his life being taken. He did NOT reference McCoy or Cooper and it was me that made this reference because of something else he said. I don't remember his exact words - but, it is enough for me (now after the fact and knowing who DAN Cooper was and that McCoy was a copycat ) to make the logical link.

Jo needs to be very careful in how she replies to this, because Jo has denied ever knowing about Cooper prior to Virginia Beach. Where would I
get that idea?

I knew about Cooper vaguely from the new articles in 1971 while I lived in Ga...I was a struggling divorce with 2 children and I only got the Sunday paper.

I knew about Cooper when Duane took me to WA, but I was never interested in this and I even thought the remark he made on the trip about Cooper odd and why I took a mental picture of a road sign.

I knew about Cooper when the article came out in the paper in Feb of 1998 when the money was found, but I had forgot about the remark he made in WA and actually didn't make a connection. Remember that I DID not get to read the article nor see the special on TV.

Duane could NOT afford for me to read that article or to see the TV special - he was afraid I might pick-up on something. Also NOTE that I did NOT see any composites nor did I know the name Cooper provide was DAN COOPER.

Jo has never said if she read newspapers at Virginia Beach or not, in her "busy" life.?

We got only the Sunday paper because we traveled for work and I do NOT remember reading anything about McCoy dying there or about Cooper.

Jo has even gone so far as to claim Duane changed his finger prints!

I know there is something STRANGE about the fingerprint thing going on...and I still feel there is something amiss in this area. Why would Carr use the prints from McNeil and those are the prints that were used (note that you recently claimed Duane was NOT in McNeil per the FBI)?

You told me to be careful and that might go for you also. Now you have to explain why the FBI refused to make the Jefferson file available and how they could put John Collins in prison without prints. If they fingerprinted John Collins they would have know he was Duane Weber. There are some problems regarding the Jefferson incarceration that HAVE NEVER been ANSWERED.

The research that you and the journalist conducted that points to your husband's criminal history being different then what is on record, do you have that for review?

Carr never provided me with anything other than what he put in the thread - and I did provide what I had thru the thread. I never knew what came of this.

Jo's spurious claims are endless. That has been the case almost since the beginning. Why on Earth would Jo now deny Jerry Thomas saying: "you said you thought Duane knew who
Cooper was..."

I have always said that "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". I have stated that from day one since that is the only thing that would explain the articles (physical items) I saw and held in my own hands and my memories of the things he stated and showed me over the yrs....but I do NOT remember ever stating that I "thought" Duane knew who Cooer was.

I note that the rest of your post seems to be an old post of mine and I do not see much in the post that has changed:

As of a post in March 2000 the FBI denied that Duane was EVER at McNeil and stated he was never in the army. They are on record as stating that the number on his military records belonged to a Wavy Greene.

Does that sound like a thorough FBI check of Duane L. Weber? I frankly think the FBI needs to let the public know WHEN they did this background check...and why the agent of record before March 2000 had told me these things.

I told the agent he had not done a check of Duane because I was holding the papers from McNeil and a letter written from a Army post.

We NOTE a strange thing - the FBI has never STATED - which hand Cooper held his cigarrette in.

Statement made by ex-wife "I didn't go to Portand with him --- I was at my sisters in Lorranine". I dont' know what time span she was referring to...I knew then but not now. Question - what was Duane doing in Portland????

Note that one of Duane's ex's worked for an airport and we never found Daisy Schuler - a wife of record.

Date of birth on the McNeil Prison file is June 18, 1920. Duane was born in 1924 or 1925.

That same month I am on to the Fire Jumpers and the near calamity at Hanford E Works in WA. Then on to Operation Firefly - so you see my chasing Fire Fighters started in the very beginning - I have articles dating 1997 and 1998 when I was allowed to do searches in the office after everyone had left.

I jump off into some firefighting episodes - such as 1945 Klamath National Forest in CA. Where was Duane in July of 1945? That is something for the FBI.

Communications with someone from Duane's past -- every time Chigago and "a specific name" came up in a conversation the subject changed abruptly - with "I do not want to go there".

Mc Neil prisoners where used in the logging industry?????

Coffelt is reported as being in the Phoenix, AR area in July of 1960. Remember Duane's connections to Phoenix in the 60's.

Brown was in the Sandy Springs area where Duane lived. Coffelt met Brown in Atlanta.

My research showed a Coffelt in the Canon City, Co prison but unknown if related to the suspect Coffelt. Dated 3/2000. The Coffelt/Brown thing has been with me from the beginning..

:)Sound like this was taken from my log book or I am randomly making notes of interest.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Jo, again a whole long post that did not address the point I made. You said:


Jt has only one agenda and that is to STOP Jo

I was questioning how valid it is to believe that someone's entire life, or at least his entire presence on this thread, has only one aim and that that aim revolves around you. Especially when it is patently obvious from even a cursory reading of his posts that that is not true. That is where the reference to either egoism or persecution complex came in.

btw, it's not exactly like you've never threatened anyone here ... even if those threats don't carry as much weight as you had hoped (recent ones i can recall are the threats to 'expose' the location of jerry's mine, and the hundreds of lawsuit threats that 377 patiently and tirelessly tells you are without merit)

It was Jo who was married to Duane, not us.

At the end of the day that is all that matters
in this. Duane Weber was not DB Cooper.

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I have always said that "If Duane was not Cooper he sure as Hell knew who was". I have stated that from day one .

But you called JT a liar last week for stating
what you now admit you said. You said you never
said that...

The problem is Jo, when you call people liars,
then it turns out you told Ralph the same thing,
you told __________ the same thing, and others
who I personally knew. Jerry Thomas was the least
of those you made statements to.

So, what is your jihad about?

And does it even matter? Did it ver matter? The
world has since moved on while you have spent
years posting on the Internet the same old jihad.

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