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now it's no longer "Altered" we didn't read it right LMAO

What's next with Knoss......this


"PM message from Bob Knoss when asked: "Who is TOG?"
Answer From Bob Knoss:
"Bill Rataczak (DO NOT REPEAT THIS) "


That statement is a lie. Screen shot attached.

So, we shall continue.

"Date Sent:
Apr 29, 2012, 4:24 AM
No, I am saying TOG planned a "false Flag" Government Operation authorized by Nixon. I accuse nobody. If you dig deeper you will find the parachute packing experience. His pack jobs were a very sought after item. He started out packing all his own, then for others. This is something that has been eliminated from his bios. TOG did the training, which tells you he was a competent experienced jumper. He did some high altitude jumps also. Remember, anything of any importance has been altered or omitted wherever possible. You might try to get his military records, but I know they made major changes in McCoy's records. He was Mennonite (Mormon) and would not take up arms to fight, just like me. He was NEVER in VietNam, me either. You are asking about one of the biggest cover-up legacies in History. It includes MLK's assassination and Jim Jones' Jonestown mass suicide, and perhaps other McCoy involvements. That stuff is all on the internet to read yourself. Search Richard A. McCoy CIA and hang on to your shorts. The ties are the lawyers, follow the lawyers' histories and the book unfolds. It is all in public view. With McCoy, his tie is O'Hara from 1968 through 1975, when Mac got his own undercover crew, "The Dog Boys". Happy reading. "

There is; no "Cooper Crew", no "False Flag Operation", no conspiracy, and most importantly, no evidence to back any of that up.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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Nothing U post is worth repeating so I will refrain from that. You have made a mockery out of everything I have accomplished in the last few yrs and you never knew Duane Weber - if you did at least prove that. I have never found anything in Duane's background that supports your ridiculous fabrications.

Sorry - NO Bananas from me and PLEASE refrain from mentioning me in any post you make.

THIS IS the SAME GARBAGE this man BARAGED the FBI with regarding Weber. What FBI agent in his right mind would continue to investigate a subject with BK constantly feeding GARBAGE to them? Now Do you GUYS understand what the FBI and MYSELF have put up with. BK has been a thorn in my side for over 13 yrs now - maybe longer (I do not even bother to pull the HARD copies I made OF EVERYTHING he sent to me prior to 2005....it is ALL this same kind of Gobbely Gook).

He thinks everyone is the enemy and creates such a commotion any place Cooper is discussed that it shuts down ALL productive efforts. It is a form of STALKING!

Some of you do NOT think too highly of my opinions, but they are based on what I know about Weber and having lived with the man for 17 yrs - plus. NO one on this earth has spent as much time as I did with WEBER - not even his mother (he left home at 16). His only relationship with anyone else was capped at 5 yrs by Jefferson (coupled with lots of alcohol) and then topped off 16 months later with 2 more yrs that did a lot of damage to individuals he capitivated with his "charm" - whatever one might call it.

This battle I fight is not just for me, but "others" whose innocent lives Duane damaged and in one case destroyed. I have NO idea how many fatalities he left in his wake.

In 1971 - he realized he had really screwed up big time - harm had come to "others" not by his hand, but by how he lived his life. My heart breaks with this knowledge and things I can never discuss. He was a failure as a man and provider and father and husband and protector. His life caught up with him - he did NOT think he would survive that jump. Frankly I believe he did NOT expect to have to make the jump.

Remember the crew talked about how Giddy he became after the money was delivered - that is because he did NOT expect it. He expected the plane to be charged and he would be killed.

He was going to GO out doing the BIG one just like he and the guys in Jefferson talked about.
I suggest anyone serious about Cooper might want to know who Webers "Roomies" were in Jefferson. This is where the Skyjacking Scheme was HATCHED! It was all talk, but when Duane learned he had inherited his mother's kidney problem - he felt he had NOTHING to loose.

I have said this since GET go (to the FBI, Himmelsbach and many others) because I lived with this man for over 17yrs and he talked about things - but nothing specific until those last 5 yrs. The pieces of the puzzle are all there - no one really wants this case solved. This is what fires the conspiracy theories.

If the FBI went back to the case file of interviews made at Jefferson after the crime - they will find Duane Weber and John Collins listed as a suspect. You see someone "slipped-up" and mentioned Jefferson yrs and yrs ago to me and then backed up and claimed that leads came from several prisons. Jefferson was the FIRST. Did the FBI agent who went to interview these guys - make notes - what happened to those files?

Answer: Same thing that happened with me! The agent who goes out is in that state and not a WA State FBI agent who is on top of the case. He is just a note taker and sends his report to his superior, who then sent it to WA. The FBI missed Cooper because of this.

I will go so far as to say - if the FBI digs up the old Jefferson interviews (or Jefferson connected interviews) - I will put money on it that the snitch knew John Collins or Duane Weber from that prison...he may only have known him by a number, just one of the prisoners who stood in the yard talking about how to pull the Big One.Little stories Duane told after 1990 when he went on the kidney machine - all added up. He wanted to talk about his life, but I brushed him off by saying "I already know you spent time in Jefferson" - it was part of his past I did NOT want to know and if my family ever found out they would have disowned me in those days.

Remember when he was arrested in 1990 trying to obtain the John Collins ID (which he successfully did OBTAIN by the way), he had to reveal to me he had been in prison. He just told me about Jefferson - he didn't tell me about San Quentin, Folsom, McNeil and Canon.

If anyone is reading this you just learned something new - I don't talk about somethings, but at this stage of my life - oh what the hell! WHY not! No one believes a word I say anyway so why NOT! The truth is so unbelieveable & uncomplicated NO one would BELIEVE IT.

Now you Know the REST of the Story!
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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"There is; no "Cooper Crew", no "False Flag Operation", no conspiracy, and most importantly, no evidence to back any of that up."

You guys don't have the first clue of the truth, just the crap you've been directed to spew. Everything I have said is the truth. You still don't show your PM as it was written. YOU LIE LIKE A SNAKE that you are. There Is a Cooper Crew, there was a safety demonstration plan, there was a political approval to execute Project Norjak for International pressure at Montreal for the Air Piracy Convention, and the evidence is in black and white all over the internet in official documents from the FAA. The FBI documents have been altered to include phony information to coincide with the other alterations in story telling. McCoy was never in VietNam, Janet saw the plane west of the FBI stated location. Ralph talked to the co-pilot about location. Jo knows far more than she tells. You crew guys only tell fiction and advance disinformation. NEVER have I read anything truthful except from Jo. Well, Jerry said Mac broke his foot and that was partly right. He broke a little bone in his foot, but he didn't have any trouble walking on it. ALL DISINFORMATION. Even the chief throws out lies now. That is really depressing. My hero, the guy who has to be deceptive. That's chicken-shit. "That's dangerous, don't go there." Tell me why? What's so frickin' important? We don't know how rotten Government is? Get over it. It's gunna get worse. You are not helping.

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You are what is called, washed up, your are hanging by a thread by continuing to make foolish statements without any evidence.

you keep accusing Matt of putting words into your mouth when all along that is exactly what you have been doing to many involved with this case, I'm sure it's a matter of time before one of them gets tired of hearing your assaults without any backing and do something about it.

Take a Google map calculator and go North South east west up down across and see exactly how far off from the FBI flight path is to your secret 30 mile path ! it's not even plausible with that milage!

Phony pipeline (never there)
Milk Can not plausible
Exam/Induction Never happened

you clearly have issues that are beyond the control or help from anyone on this site, I suggest you seek help because it's only getting worse as your mind has started to slip away from you, good luck and I hope you seek this advice ;)

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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"There is; no "Cooper Crew", no "False Flag Operation", no conspiracy, and most importantly, no evidence to back any of that up."

You guys don't have the first clue of the truth, just the crap you've been directed to spew. Everything I have said is the truth. You still don't show your PM as it was written. YOU LIE LIKE A SNAKE that you are. There Is a Cooper Crew, there was a safety demonstration plan, there was a political approval to execute Project Norjak for International pressure at Montreal for the Air Piracy Convention, and the evidence is in black and white all over the internet in official documents from the FAA. The FBI documents have been altered to include phony information to coincide with the other alterations in story telling. McCoy was never in VietNam, Janet saw the plane west of the FBI stated location. Ralph talked to the co-pilot about location. Jo knows far more than she tells. You crew guys only tell fiction and advance disinformation. NEVER have I read anything truthful except from Jo. Well, Jerry said Mac broke his foot and that was partly right. He broke a little bone in his foot, but he didn't have any trouble walking on it. ALL DISINFORMATION. Even the chief throws out lies now. That is really depressing. My hero, the guy who has to be deceptive. That's chicken-shit. "That's dangerous, don't go there." Tell me why? What's so frickin' important? We don't know how rotten Government is? Get over it. It's gunna get worse. You are not helping.

I will let the Greenies deal with the insults and PA's.

This Chief you're referencing, is that the one I wrote about in my post?

The PM's are shown as written, you can't disprove it, because it is the truth.

Now I suspect your brushing up madly on PS and in a day or two you may show some thing doctored up, but I showed your PM's, and mine, as written. I even showed a screen grab, a grab left it as such so all can see it was not doctored up. The posts with direct questions are still here, they are what you replied to in such a vile manner as to be banned for a bit, remember?

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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So, can we get back to actual facts and mature discussions about the case now?


NO... I would like an accounting of someones expenditures for tin foil on an annual basis.:ph34r:

Stop nitpicking...

Different hats for different occasions!

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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So, can we get back to actual facts and mature discussions about the case now?


NO... I would like an accounting of someones expenditures for tin foil on an annual basis.:ph34r:

Stop nitpicking...

Different hats for different occasions!

I think "The Tin Man" fits the best B|
"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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So, can we get back to actual facts and mature discussions about the case now?


NO... I would like an accounting of someones expenditures for tin foil on an annual basis.:ph34r:

Stop nitpicking...

Different hats for different occasions!

I think "The Tin Man" fits the best B|

Nope...The Scarecrow!


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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So, can we get back to actual facts and mature discussions about the case now?


NO... I would like an accounting of someones expenditures for tin foil on an annual basis.:ph34r:

Stop nitpicking...

Different hats for different occasions!

I think "The Tin Man" fits the best B|

Nope...The Scarecrow!


BUT....we can't forget this B|

"It is surprising how aggressive people get, once they latch onto their suspect and say, 'Hey, he's our guy.' No matter what you tell them, they refuse to believe you" Agent Carr FBI

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Not one negative comment about the most direct & simplified post I have made. Thanks to the Creator and to all who fight this battle and keep looking and hoping the right clues will fly by on this thread...The clues that will finally put D.B. Cooper to rest for eternity!


Nothing U post is worth repeating so I will refrain from that. You have made a mockery out of everything I have accomplished in the last few yrs and you never knew Duane Weber - if you did at least prove that. I have never found anything in Duane's background that supports your ridiculous fabrications.

Sorry - NO Bananas from me and PLEASE refrain from mentioning me in any post you make.

THIS IS the SAME GARBAGE this man BARAGED the FBI with regarding Weber. What FBI agent in his right mind would continue to investigate a subject with BK constantly feeding GARBAGE to them? Now Do you GUYS understand what the FBI and MYSELF have put up with. BK has been a thorn in my side for over 13 yrs now - maybe longer (I do not even bother to pull the HARD copies I made OF EVERYTHING he sent to me prior to 2005....it is ALL this same kind of Gobbely Gook).

He thinks everyone is the enemy and creates such a commotion any place Cooper is discussed that it shuts down ALL productive efforts. It is a form of STALKING!

Some of you do NOT think too highly of my opinions, but they are based on what I know about Weber and having lived with the man for 17 yrs - plus. NO one on this earth has spent as much time as I did with WEBER - not even his mother (he left home at 16). His only relationship with anyone else was capped at 5 yrs by Jefferson (coupled with lots of alcohol) and then topped off 16 months later with 2 more yrs that did a lot of damage to individuals he capitivated with his "charm" - whatever one might call it.

This battle I fight is not just for me, but "others" whose innocent lives Duane damaged and in one case destroyed. I have NO idea how many fatalities he left in his wake.

In 1971 - he realized he had really screwed up big time - harm had come to "others" not by his hand, but by how he lived his life. My heart breaks with this knowledge and things I can never discuss. He was a failure as a man and provider and father and husband and protector. His life caught up with him - he did NOT think he would survive that jump. Frankly I believe he did NOT expect to have to make the jump.

Remember the crew talked about how Giddy he became after the money was delivered - that is because he did NOT expect it. He expected the plane to be charged and he would be killed.

He was going to GO out doing the BIG one just like he and the guys in Jefferson talked about.
I suggest anyone serious about Cooper might want to know who Webers "Roomies" were in Jefferson. This is where the Skyjacking Scheme was HATCHED! It was all talk, but when Duane learned he had inherited his mother's kidney problem - he felt he had NOTHING to loose.

I have said this since GET go (to the FBI, Himmelsbach and many others) because I lived with this man for over 17yrs and he talked about things - but nothing specific until those last 5 yrs. The pieces of the puzzle are all there - no one really wants this case solved. This is what fires the conspiracy theories.

If the FBI went back to the case file of interviews made at Jefferson after the crime - they will find Duane Weber and John Collins listed as a suspect. You see someone "slipped-up" and mentioned Jefferson yrs and yrs ago to me and then backed up and claimed that leads came from several prisons. Jefferson was the FIRST. Did the FBI agent who went to interview these guys - make notes - what happened to those files?

Answer: Same thing that happened with me! The agent who goes out is in that state and not a WA State FBI agent who is on top of the case. He is just a note taker and sends his report to his superior, who then sent it to WA. The FBI missed Cooper because of this.

I will go so far as to say - if the FBI digs up the old Jefferson interviews (or Jefferson connected interviews) - I will put money on it that the snitch knew John Collins or Duane Weber from that prison...he may only have known him by a number, just one of the prisoners who stood in the yard talking about how to pull the Big One.Little stories Duane told after 1990 when he went on the kidney machine - all added up. He wanted to talk about his life, but I brushed him off by saying "I already know you spent time in Jefferson" - it was part of his past I did NOT want to know and if my family ever found out they would have disowned me in those days.

Remember when he was arrested in 1990 trying to obtain the John Collins ID (which he successfully did OBTAIN by the way), he had to reveal to me he had been in prison. He just told me about Jefferson - he didn't tell me about San Quentin, Folsom, McNeil and Canon.

If anyone is reading this you just learned something new - I don't talk about somethings, but at this stage of my life - oh what the hell! WHY not! No one believes a word I say anyway so why NOT! The truth is so unbelieveable & uncomplicated NO one would BELIEVE IT.

Now you Know the REST of the Story!

Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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Perhaps no AGENT has done or even thought of what I am about to propose.

If the FBI notes sent to WA regarding the interviews at Jefferson in 1966-1971 NO longer exist or are buried within the files, what about obtaining a list of prisoners from 1966 to 1968. Use that list to see if a name comes up in the Cooper file as an individual who gave a testimony to an agent regarding knowing who Cooper was.

Surely such a list does exist and is available. Perhaps the FBI needs to enlist the aid of the Missouri prison records. It has been 41 yrs since the testimony was taken - and the individual would probably be dead - but, WHAT IF? I know I approached someone with the FBI with this idea or a similar idea - I believe it was agent Carr, but it might have been a couple of agents prior to that.

If they had done this 16 yrs ago there was a chance the man was still alive and I find it hard to believe they did NOT file or record all of the calls they receive from individuals claiming they knew who Cooper was.

In 1990 I found out about Jefferson because Duane got "Stupid" obtaining the John Collins drivers license. We separated for a brief period of time - to give him time to cool off about being arrested and to adjust to the kidney machine. This was at the suggestion of the Dr after Duane was arrested.

I tried hard NOT to rock the boat about somethings.

He was very angry and I tried to understand and did as the Dr. asked me and gave Duane time and space. It was the only time in our marriage we were separated and I worried because he was on the machine. After he came back home I asked him about Jefferson and what it was like in a prison.

Remember Duane's only safety shield from being found out was keeping me ignorant of his past, but he did answer questions I had regarding his being in Jefferson....this was within a couple of wks to a month after he brought the travel trailer back to the house and was ready to come home "if I would have him" - his words.

This is how I know there were discussions about the "BIG ONE".
Duane's wording. He did say more, but I hesitate to even post any of it for fear of being ridiculed. I discussed this with Himmelsbach, but never knew if he relayed our discussions to the FBI.

I will tell you very specifically Duane knew James Earl Ray ( the wife from 1966 was aware of this and I recorded part of a conversation about it). Duane also mentioned a writer. His name was J.J. Maloney. I tried to find him after contacting the FBI and after talking to the wife (long after the FBI interviewed her). I found Maloney 3 months after he died.

Regarding subject matter in the prison Duane told me they talked about pulling "The Big One". Even mentioned Hijacking a plane (remember that in 1990 D.B. Cooper was just not part of my world therefore discussions of this nature meant absolutely iota to me). He spoke of pilots and veterans in the prison system - the hows and ways to commit this BIG one.

Prior to the above discussion with Duane and his coming home:

Two wks before he came home he brought Symba (one of our dogs home) and asked if he could leave him at the house because "Symba" was missing Sassy (my dog). It was days before he and his friend went to Tallahassee for a market. A market I would learn later (around 2000) Duane left the friend incharge of and did NOT get back until Sat afternoon.

After Duane was back home I found a plane ticket purchased on my credit card and he said it wasn't his, but after I had this "fradulent" charge taken off it was put back on and then off again - he just threw some money on the table and told me to pay it - "it wasn't that much". Since he was always doing things for people I figured maybe he flew someone to the location - to help them out, but later learned after his death that the person who used that ticket had to have been Duane L. Weber. By the time I learned this - the charge was no longer available to research and I had no paper work - just my memory, but I know the credit card and number of the account. No records are available that far back.

Jim (his friend) told me Duane left him incharge of the market on Thursday and said he would be back Friday afternoon - it would be Sat afternoon before he got back to Tallahassee. This ticket was for that time frame and it was one way. The date co-incided with the Tallahasse trip. I told the FBI about this, but to my knowledge they did not go back to interview Jim as this was after their 1998 letter of dismissal.

This short separation and his trip was during a stressful time for him - his recognition that he was going to have to depend on a machine if he wanted to live and the fact that he was probably going to be found out. I still do NOT know how or why the law missed the fact he was an ex-con and the name he was trying to get a drivers license under was an AKA .
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So this morning I've listened to multiple appearances by Galen Cook on Coast to Coast AM podcasts, and read a bunch of web site content for hours. It really is a fascinating tale.

However, above all else, I have one very important thing to say on the subject, and thought I would post it here.

I found what appears to be "the movie" created, sort of, based on the D.B. Cooper story, which I had hoped would actually be something creative and entertaining given the possibilities.

Instead, what we got was a whole lot of...

banjo music

harmonica playing

definitely some jew's harp

lots more harmonicas

a ton more banjos

and a really horrible story

I'm highly disappointed. But I'm about 75 minutes into the movie and hoping it turns out to have at least a decent ending to it.

At any rate, is there any other movie or anything of this sort that was made that is actually, you know, good?


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So this morning I've listened to multiple appearances by Galen Cook on Coast to Coast AM podcasts, and read a bunch of web site content for hours. It really is a fascinating tale.

However, above all else, I have one very important thing to say on the subject, and thought I would post it here.

I found what appears to be "the movie" created, sort of, based on the D.B. Cooper story, which I had hoped would actually be something creative and entertaining given the possibilities.

Instead, what we got was a whole lot of...

banjo music

harmonica playing

definitely some jew's harp

lots more harmonicas

a ton more banjos

and a really horrible story

I'm highly disappointed. But I'm about 75 minutes into the movie and hoping it turns out to have at least a decent ending to it.

At any rate, is there any other movie or anything of this sort that was made that is actually, you know, good?


All the movies on Cooper are baloney.

Only one or two of the Cooper books in print are worth even a partial reading.

None of the Cooper books that are in preparation will be worth buying since they will just contain new fabrications on the subject in order to try to sell the books.

Probably not 10 people on this Cooper thread could tell you correctly which end of an airplane takes off first. Did I count anyone twice?

So keep your expectations low and you will not be disappointed.

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Update: More banjos, harmonicas, a fiddle, and certainly a bit of jew's harp. Dude just tried running over a possum in a pointless scene. My expectations are very low.

There's so much potential to make a good movie. Sad.


~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Update: More banjos, harmonicas, a fiddle, and certainly a bit of jew's harp. Dude just tried running over a possum in a pointless scene. My expectations are very low.

There's so much potential to make a good movie. Sad.

Be sure to be on the lookout for any tin foil hats... if the movie does not have any.. I am sure a couple people here will have a spare one or three.

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So, obviously I'm a newbie. And I see nearly 1400 pages of replies in this thread, and I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just ask for the regulars here to give me a brief answer to my question...

Is there one more prevalent theory as to who, out of the more likely suspects, was the actual hijacker? Cook makes a very strong case for Gossett. Do people generally put a lot of stock in his research? Is there any particular aspect of the Gossett theory that strongly indicates it wasn't him?

Sorry if I'm jumping into a detailed discussion here with silly newbie questions, but I don't even know where to begin, aside from page 1 of 1389 in this thread, to look for the answer myself.

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Where was the ticket too?


I am gathering you are referring to the plane ticket. I did NOT see that until a yr before he died 1994 when he broke his leg, I cleaned out a box of records dated 1990. I have told the story many times about dumping the box on the bed and continueing to sort thru it over his objections.

All of the other taxes had been sorted and filed - but that box had never been reduced to a file and he kept it in his bedroom closet.

This sorting happened - around February of 1994 (if I check his medical records I would know the closest date). I recently obtained a copy of his intakes and outakes along with the facility used in the hospital, but no detailed records. This would be when I found the flight ticket....dated 1971 - Novemeber 24 and enquired about the old ticket. He stated "Used to mean something, but doesn't now". Before he was going to sleep he asked me what I did with that ticket. He seemed anxious so I went out to the garage and tried to find the ticket - in a throw away bag. I had NOT taken the junk to the garbage - just sat it in the garage. I let him know I could NOT find it and it must be in the box. He said ok - and he would get it tomorrow. I assured him he could check the throw away bag since it was all in a separate bag.

His leg is still in a soft cast and he is using a walker, but a few days later I am putting his clothes away as I aways did. He interupts me and said - just lay them on the bed he would do it later. Well, I just went about doing what I usually did (he had never offered to put his clothes away before) and low and behold in that top drawer with his shorts and tee shirts was that ticket.

I commented on it at the time, but I never saw that ticket again.


You may be referring to the ticket stub that read SEA TAC.
That was in 1990. It was laying on his desk during the separation time - after his mysterious trip (remember I knew nothing of the mysterious trip at that time and not until the FBI had investigated and Jim related the story he did to me and I informed the FBI).

I asked what Sea Tac was and he told me it used to be important, but didn't mean anything anymore. Things I repeated the first yrs with the FBI maybe more accurate as at this time (16 yrs later) and on this day - I do NOT remember if he told me Sea Tac was an airport in Seattle. I do have copies of earlier discussions on this matter that could be referred to for a more accurate accounting.

Remember I am 72 and I have had 3 surgeries since May of 2011 so my mind and memory is NOT as sharp as it was.

Before I left he asked me what I did with the ticket STUB and I told him I put it in the trash as he told me. This made me curious - Why tell me to throw it away and then ask me where I put it? SO I went back to the shop after he left for treatment and look in the trash basket - the TICKET STUB was GONE.

Due to the circumstances at the time - (his starting the machine and during a time we are living separate for a few wks), I did NOT dare ask many question. I just did NOTHING to rock the BOAT...and let things go.

I accepted only what he willing told me at that time and after he moved back to the house - even then I was very careful...asking questions about Jefferson.

I hope this answers your question and clarifies the story between the Ticket Stub in 1990 and the actual Plane Ticket in 1994.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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So, obviously I'm a newbie. And I see nearly 1400 pages of replies in this thread, and I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just ask for the regulars here to give me a brief answer to my question...

Is there one more prevalent theory as to who, out of the more likely suspects, was the actual hijacker? Cook makes a very strong case for Gossett. Do people generally put a lot of stock in his research? Is there any particular aspect of the Gossett theory that strongly indicates it wasn't him?

Sorry if I'm jumping into a detailed discussion here with silly newbie questions, but I don't even know where to begin, aside from page 1 of 1389 in this thread, to look for the answer myself.

Posters have changed over the yrs and the 'Theories' and explorations are multiple - YOU WILL HAVE TO READ.

There was another thread, but it crashed and Quade (the moderator) created this one. It is in history and trivia because I begged him to not put in a category that attracted young individuals seeking intertainment and a place to jump off. I came here to talk to jumpers from the old days and that is how this thread came to be.

Other posters on the forum were NOT happy this thread was in History and Trivia, but obviously they have come to accept it.

If we TRY to even repeat any portion of this story - with the change-over of posters you just would NOT get it and different posters are slanted in different directions.

Yes, it would make a good movie, but it seems to be a hands off thing regarding anyone making anything other than a comedy. Why? I don't know....perhaps because it is still unsolved and a slant toward any one suspect would and could be contrive to change public opionion....no producer wants to spend millions making a movie and just before it comes out - an entirely different subject has been declared to be Cooper.

It is like rolling dice...you never know how they will fall. A movie presenting ALL of the subjects would be very boring and will not happen plus the legal aspects of potential law suits.
Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 2013, 2014, 2015 by Jo Weber

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