
Post the 1st Page of your Logbook . . .

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Here is mine. It was one of those cheap blue paperback jobs. First jump was a Cessna 195 with 18th Abn Corps club, Ft Bragg, in July '66. Doug Colpert C-2993 was my JM. Jump "F" was JM'd & signed off by Walt Green D-835. Actually got cleared for FF that month (jump H) but didn't get back in the air until Lakewood NJ in October. Like Howard White I have some (not nearly as many) "Norduyn Noorseman" stamps too. Bill Hammell (UK D-367) put me out and cleared me for FF at LSPC. My friend Curt Curtis (then B5044, he got his "C" a few days later.) jumpmastered me on my first free-fall in Oct '66. Some place along the line an ASO transferred the 1st couple of pages to a 'respectable, hard cover log book'.

The older I get, the better I was!

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"Lucky" Hammell...a life cut much too short.
Pic 1: Bill and Lee Guilfoyle exit a Norseman over Lakewood
Pic 2: Bill and his son Scott on the flight line at with Bill Mehr, who was about to get his Gold Wings from Bill in freefall
Pic 3: a curbstone in Bill's memory at the VI World meet monument at the Orange Municipal Airport. I'm making an educated guess that Curt Curtis commissioned it.

(The first two pictures are among many that Lee (D-50) has posted on flickr.)

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Jim, I vaguely remember you, mostly due to your having your own gear, & you were one of only two that jumped your own rounds at that time. Definitely remember Joey & Dick taking someone on an unofficial AFF! As you said, "normal" jump altitude was 7.5K, though we'd usually make it up to 8K & occasionally 8.5K.

Those were definitely some wild & crazy times!
When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.

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Seems like some of you guys have a problem with measuring distance.
I didn't see one damn TFTM in the whole bunch!

Quite a few of them in my first logbook...wherever it is.

"Now I've settled down,
in a quiet little town,
and forgot about everything"

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How come none of you old farts didn't get any video of your first jumps?

For some reason everyones first page of their log book looks almost the same:o

Jump#1 S/L? C-180? 28'doubleL? Signed off by a low jump #:S

Don't forget "If you don't have video it never happened":P

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How come none of you old farts didn't get any video of your first jumps?

Hell, they didn't have video, back in the day! This is as good as I can do. It's a picture exiting our clubs 180. The camera man had no helmet mt. Just freehanded his 35 mm. You had to be tough to jump in tennis shoes...

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Lost my first logbook in a flood back in 98.

Any chance anybody here was instructing at Titusville in Dec of 75?

While home on leave for Christmas my step-father gave me 50$ for a gift. That was how much the first jump course cost. I thanked him, turned around and went straight to the airport to sign up for the course. When I got home he wasn't very excited that I'd wasted that money on a jump.

Would love to know who it was that put me out.

Great Thread!!


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