
Lost Prairie Boogie - July 24-Aug 1

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Looking forward to a great boogie in Lost Prairie this year. Let's get thing rolling!!



Join us on FACEBOOK
43rd Annual (2010)
Skydive Lost Prairie, Montana, Boogie
July 24 through August 2

Skydive Lost Prairie, Inc.
FFI: Fred Sand
Voice: 406-858-2493
Toll Free: 888-833-5867
FAX: 406-858-2405

There are numerous
family activities nearby.
Parents are responsible for their children while at the drop zone.
Summer evening temperatures can go as low as 40 to 50 degrees. Summer afternoon highs may go into the 90 degree range.


Registration fee is: $30.00/$31.00

Pre-registration is not required

No personal checks will be accepted

No personal or business charge accounts of any kind

Visa/MasterCard/Discover is accepted

Traveler's checks are accepted

Canadian funds will be accepted at exchange rate to be determined on July 20, 2010

We are USPA affiliated and minimum "A" license required.

A general notice that if any gear needs work or needs to be updated or needs to comply with any Service Bulletins, we can do it here but the owner needs to ship it to us early enough (by July 6th) for us to do the necessary work prior the rush of the Boogie.

With that, it will be ready for them upon their arrival at the Boogie. All ripcords must comply with CW03-01 or there will
be a $10.00 fee for the test.
"We saved your gear. Now you can sell it when you get out of the hospital and upsize!!" "K-Dub"


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Well, it is March 24 on the East coast, and Sky Mama is sleeping:)
Looking forward to a great boogie in Lost Prairie this year. Let's get thing rolling!!


I was gonna be good....and wait till midnight... so I would not get banned yet again for some infractions.

She did request we put in RELEVANT information when we did post:):):)



Join us on FACEBOOK
43rd Annual (2010)
Skydive Lost Prairie, Montana, Boogie
July 24 through August 2

Skydive Lost Prairie, Inc.
FFI: Fred Sand
Voice: 406-858-2493
Toll Free: 888-833-5867
FAX: 406-858-2405

There are numerous
family activities nearby.
Parents are responsible for their children while at the drop zone.
Summer evening temperatures can go as low as 40 to 50 degrees. Summer afternoon highs may go into the 90 degree range.


Registration fee is: $30.00/$31.00

Pre-registration is not required

No personal checks will be accepted

No personal or business charge accounts of any kind

Visa/MasterCard/Discover is accepted

Traveler's checks are accepted

Canadian funds will be accepted at exchange rate to be determined on July 20, 2010

We are USPA affiliated and minimum "A" license required.

A general notice that if any gear needs work or needs to be updated or needs to comply with any Service Bulletins, we can do it here but the owner needs to ship it to us early enough (by July 6th) for us to do the necessary work prior the rush of the Boogie.

With that, it will be ready for them upon their arrival at the Boogie. All ripcords must comply with CW03-01 or there will
be a $10.00 fee for the test.

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I was gonna be good....and wait till midnight... so I would not get banned yet again for some infractions.

She did request we put in RELEVANT information when we did post:):):)



Join us on FACEBOOK
43rd Annual (2010)
Skydive Lost Prairie, Montana, Boogie
July 24 through August 2

Skydive Lost Prairie, Inc.
FFI: Fred Sand
Voice: 406-858-2493
Toll Free: 888-833-5867
FAX: 406-858-2405

There are numerous
family activities nearby.
Parents are responsible for their children while at the drop zone.
Summer evening temperatures can go as low as 40 to 50 degrees. Summer afternoon highs may go into the 90 degree range.


Registration fee is: $30.00/$31.00

Pre-registration is not required

No personal checks will be accepted

No personal or business charge accounts of any kind

Visa/MasterCard/Discover is accepted

Traveler's checks are accepted

Canadian funds will be accepted at exchange rate to be determined on July 20, 2010

We are USPA affiliated and minimum "A" license required.

A general notice that if any gear needs work or needs to be updated or needs to comply with any Service Bulletins, we can do it here but the owner needs to ship it to us early enough (by July 6th) for us to do the necessary work prior the rush of the Boogie.

With that, it will be ready for them upon their arrival at the Boogie. All ripcords must comply with CW03-01 or there will
be a $10.00 fee for the test.

shall we start the list??????

Dr. Dive

I am thinking that this will be a great time!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Uh.. are you forgetting somone there missy????????

you didn't say for sure you were coming.......

yep I will add you :D:D:D:D:D

any chance of pms jumps at LP or at WPS for memorial day????

The List

Dr. Dive
NWFlyer (will your beau be there as well???)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Uh.. are you forgetting somone there missy????????

you didn't say for sure you were coming.......

yep I will add you :D:D:D:D:D

any chance of pms jumps at LP or at WPS for memorial day????

The List

Dr. Dive
NWFlyer (will your beau be there as well???)

Super Barbie will be in attendance at Both

I will not be using the chain saw this spring;)

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I'm gonna try really hard to go via Spokane ;) so until I know I'm not able to come for some reason, I'm going to be optimistic and add myself to the list.

Dr. Dive

Adrenaline is my crack

DPH #3
D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406

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we got your back chica......we will feed ya, and provide you with a sleeping bag and tent......until you tell us otherwise.

gonna be great seeing you again and maybe we will actually get a jump in together this time......;)

If there is enough interest we will host the red nighty nite that was traditionally started by McBeth and Guppie....just pm me and let me know if that is something that you all would like to do!

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I will be there:)
Not to sure if I will be driving the skyvan down or not. still haven't repaired the damage from the last trip :(

Might be flying in or hitch hiking, I'm sure I will figure it out.
Definatly won't be bringing any extra pants this year. Pants are totally useless at LP:P

Have you seen my pants?
it"s a rough life, Livin' the dream

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Hehehehehe! So excited!!! Gotta do red nightly night.....I will get something a bit longer this year so I don't chicken out.

Dr. Dive

DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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I was going to crack down on rnicks but I don't know him.....I thought it best not to scare off the newbie.

Vader on the other hand....follow the rules....add yourself to the list in ALPHABETICAL order. ;) Kidding...kind of....sort of....

Speaking of lists! I gotta start organizing mine! Oh and we have a dutch oven to bring along this year too. Thinking pulled pork like Mike Lyons makes.

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Oopsie, what did I do? And I'm a she!

Crap! That's what I get for talking smack and not checking the profile! :D

No worries LadyDyver was just making fun of me for having to organize everything.

Lost Prairie is a WONDERFUL place! I am sure you will enjoy your time there! Are you planning on coming for the whole boogie?

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I haven't decided yet. I do have 3 weeks off of work though! But I tend to be shy and get intimidated. I will know nobody! I went to the peurto rico boogie and wound up being the lonely girl in the corner cause the few people I asked to jump said no, then I became a chicken shit! I'm going to try to be more sociable!

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I haven't decided yet. I do have 3 weeks off of work though! But I tend to be shy and get intimidated. I will know nobody! I went to the peurto rico boogie and wound up being the lonely girl in the corner cause the few people I asked to jump said no, then I became a chicken shit! I'm going to try to be more sociable!

I went to just Fitz by myself and didn't know a single person and had a blast. I seriously doubt you will have any issues finding friendly people to jump with :)
Adrenaline is my crack

DPH #3
D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406

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I haven't decided yet. I do have 3 weeks off of work though! But I tend to be shy and get intimidated. I will know nobody! I went to the peurto rico boogie and wound up being the lonely girl in the corner cause the few people I asked to jump said no, then I became a chicken shit! I'm going to try to be more sociable!

Sorry to hear that people said no. [:/]

I know this crowd, they'll jump with ya. Hell they'll probably even go find ya. :)
And if all else fails, just show your boobs. :P
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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