
Advice needed from the experienced folks

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What would you do?

I have 3 more jumps to complete AFF. The weather is supposed to be perfect this weekend. However, I have had a sinus infection that is affecting my ear canals for the past 3 weeks. I was put on one antibiotic and now a stronger one. I'm also taking a decongestant. I do feel improvement, but my ears are somewhat clogged. They're cracking pretty regularly.

Is the prudent thing to wait until they are 100% clear?

Thanks folks,


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Is the prudent thing to wait until they are 100% clear?

Yup. Don't screw with your sinuses. Wait until you're off all medications AND feel %100.

DZ's are littered with people who made the wrong choice, some of them have permanent ear damage.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Is the prudent thing to wait until they are 100% clear?

The answer is yes. Eventhough you may be feeling better on the ground, once you start gaining altitude you may find the pressure in your ears becomes quite painful. It may happen in a couple thousand feet or any where in between. Why risk having to deal with the pain and the possibility of haveing to come back down (and bring the whole load down) prematurely. Don't rush it, you need to be on your game if you don't want to have to go back and do those levels again because you wern't 100%
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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Definitely. I've jumped with a minor sinus irritation and it was so extremely painful. During freefall, my jaw started hurting and it shot over to my ear quickly and was quite painful. Not worth the permanent damage it could do to you. Continue to go out there and enjoy the company and refresh your skills on the ground but wait it out.
Best of luck.

"If you've never jumped out of a plane, the best way I can describe it is it feels as if you've just jumped out of a freakin' plane."
David Whitley (Orlando Sentinel)

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just wait...it's your best idea...glad your getting close to being done..but if ya bust your ears up...trust me when I say, the vertigo and feeling of a constant left turn is only fun for the first few minutes...then it totaly sucks!!!!! I burst an ear on a diving accident...not fun at all!!!! good thing my problem was paid by workmans comp....:|:|

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Especially since you are an AFF student and it's full altitude or nothing for you. I had this happen and was out for about a month. Then I did a low hop and pop when I thought I was well and just worked my way back to full altitude


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I have had my sinuses "explode" on me twice while ignoring a cold for the sake of making a jump.

I was very lucky they didn't get infected.

Sinus infections can kill you - I worked with a guy that was put in intensive care because of one.

Hang out and watch reruns until you're completely clear, then finish AFF and celebrate!!
Arrive Safely


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