
Bald Eagle

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I know that we had discussed this issue a little on some other threads, but...

So I am breaking of from a jump yesterday and I am turning and tracking. As I turn 180, I see this really big brown & white thing right in front of me. It was a bald eagle about 10-15 feet away. It was huge. I had to stop my track to avoid hitting this thing. It spooked me pretty good, because it was the last thing that I would expect to see in freefall. I am guessing the thing could have weighed quite a bit...I certainly wouldnt have wanted to hit it, but I am pretty sure that I could if I wanted to (it was that close). Other people saw it too, so I am not hallucinating again.;)

very bizarre...

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Saturday we were sitting out back by the landing area at Archway waiting to see load one jump when we noticed a very large bird overhead. When we looked closer, white tail feathers, white head, We had a large Bald Eagle overflying the landing zone.
Very cool watching it glide over the area, As the Caravan came over on jump run, the eagle just drifted off into the distance.
Ready, Set, Gooooooo

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Reminds me of a jump I'll always treasure:

Lynn and I were part of a 4-way at Flagler back in Rocky Evans' time; we had agreed to break at 5 grand because Lynn was still a very baby jumper, so I deployed at 4 grand to play around under canopy.

At around 3, i noticed an eagle about 50 feet off to my right. I flew a little closer to get a better look as she started to make a slow, lazy spiral down to her aerie at the edge of the swamp. Never got closer than 25 feet or so, but I was able to keep station with her down to 800 feet where I had to leave in order to make it to the landing area.

Lynn said she saw me circling "way over the trees", and was wondering WTF?, then she saw the eagle. She could see that my canopy was on the same level as the bird and that she didn't seem upset with having me there. Guess she was used to seeing these strangely colored big birds flying around her home.B|

I saw her and her mate many times over the years at Flagler, but never had the privilege of soaring with the eagles since.

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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A few years ago, I was driving along a country road around dusk. Up ahead I noticed a very large bird land on the road. I began to slow down and as I got closer I could see it was a bald eagle. I stopped the car and suddenly the eagle took off and perched on the hood of my car right in front of my windshield! For a brief moment I was face to face with the most beautiful bird I had ever seen. Suddenly the eagle opened up its wings (the span covered my windshield) and took off. I was in complete shock. It was an awesome experience I will never forget.



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Chris, that's up close and personal!

I was hiking in a local park about 3 years back, about this time of year. The trail was about 30 feet up the bank from the lake, and trees grew from the shore upwards. Sitting in one of the ponderosa trees were three bald eagles, 1 adult and 2 juveniles. We looked at each other for at least 10 minutes. Because of the angle of the bank and trail we were eye level, with the birds about 20 feet away. Wow :o

We have red-tailed hawks that hang out over the dz. Good hunting in all that grass! I haven't been in the air with one, but the visuals are great even from the ground.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
-Robert A. Heinlein

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Hahaha, reminds me of a first jump student we had once. She was one of the more nervous types, but everything had been going great through her jump, and she was under canopy about 1000-1500 up still while we radioed her back down. That's when we saw a vulture circling around and just over her canopy. We all thought it was kind of funny, but we were really glad she never noticed it.

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Was on an A one day checking the winds for a BASE jump. As we watch the napkin cross the wires we catch movement out of the corner of our eyes. We're 1000' up and 20' in front of us is this vulture kinda stalled in flight. After a few secs of hovering there, he lands no more the 30' below us on the A. I look at my buddy and say "See, the bird knows the winds suck for jumping. He's just waiting to see if we know or if we're gonna become his lunch."

I'm usually get in a bad mood when I drive to go surf and there's no waves but never in BASE. I always seem to experience something that still makes it enjoyable.

Problems just be opportunities in der workin' clothes.

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For the last few months a bald eagle has been eating his lunch in the landing area at Pitt Meadows. Then he usually stands around for another hour or two letting his lunch settle.
I sure hope he sticks around over the summer.
Eagles and hawks are always welcome her. The hawks like to sit on fence posts and wait until moles and mice appear. Then the mice become lunch for the hawks.

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Growing up in San Diego my lil bros and I would go exploring in the hills and canyons when not surfing. We'd find a decent clearing and then watch Red Tail hawks swoop for field mice. Birds of prey are amazing.

Problems just be opportunities in der workin' clothes.

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Is the bald eagle still protected? I thought it was off the endangered species act's watch list... OF course, I could be comPLETEly wrong.

highly protected.

Just because they aren't about to die out doesn't mean you can go killing them with your automatic weapons.

The fines for killing them are enormous. like $250,000.

It's still a very rare privilege to even see one in the wild.

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It's still a very rare privilege to even see one in the wild.

Not to mention perched on your very own car.

As far as the Bald Eagle being a protected bird, that will always be as it is the national bird. Their population is increasing and is not considered to be endangered anymore.



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It's still a very rare privilege to even see one in the wild.

Not to mention perched on your very own car.

As far as the Bald Eagle being a protected bird, that will always be as it is the national bird. Their population is increasing and is not considered to be endangered anymore.

We are lucky to live on the Mississippi River, right at Iowa/Illinois where the Eagles choose to make their winter home. It's nothing to see 20 to 30 of them fishing at one time.
One day I was working on a clients property, up on a ridge and this HUGE shadow came over me. When I looked up this Enormous bird was just hovering there. I swear the thing had a 5 foot wing span.
[email protected]

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Bald Eagle

I have a place near the San Juan Islands on the Olympic Peninsula. There area is full of eagles and thier nests. The property across the way cannot be devolped, nor any of the trees cut, even though it is privately owned. It is now considered a sanctuary. One day as I was out mowing the lawn a large salmon fell from the sky at my feet! I looked up to see one of these majestic birds flying over head. What a sight....and that has to be the best TRUE fish story ever told... additionally the place is 1 street down from a small airport. The house across the street ended up with a small aircraft lodged in its front room. Two moths prior another small twin engine aircraft crashed into a trailer adjacent to the house....guess its not a safe neighborhood...:S

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I can't believe I forgot about this! Another time I encountered a bald eagle was the day I did my first tandem skydive. I did the tandem in the morning and later in the afternoon I went out on an airboat on the St. John's River in Florida. Out there I saw a gorgeous bald eagle perched on a tree branch just looking out toward the sunset. Another beautiful sight.



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Must have been awesome. I really like birds of prey. We have Bald Eagles that spend the winter here in eastern Kansas along the rivers. We also have an abundance of one of the smallest birds of prey - the American Kestrel (also known as the Sparrow Hawk). The male is brightly colored like a parrot - very pretty. When I was in Germany on a project, one of the Germans I worked with raised falcons. Attached is a sketch I did of one of his Gyr Falcons. Regal creatures.

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A trio of trumpeter swans hung out by the bowl at Pitt Meadows all afternoon yesterday. There were two white adults and a grey juvenile. They spent the afternoon eating scum out of the pond immediately east of our bowl.
And people wonder why I don't aim for the bowl during the wet months!

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