
Freefall bird strikes...

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We've had this discussion before and many, such as myself, have mentioned that birds don't normally fly that high, etc.

Well, here ya go, Tuesday I was doing some jumps, exited the aircraft at 4.5k, freefall till 3k and deployed. Sounds uneventful, except, at 3.5k, I passed a hawk (about 25ft away!).

I'm not real sure the Hawks around here normally fly that high, but it was a very odd day in terms of winds and thermals, there were some serious thermals right around the airport (we eventually quit jumping due to the wind/thermal stuff really creating a dangerous situation).

Just thought I'd share. Hopefully someone has some cool insight we can all learn off of.
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heh, that could have been messy B|

Think of it in the Hawks point of view...that would be like walking through a park and then all of a sudden a Mack truck falls out of nowhere and almost lands on you...I think that Hawk might need some therapy, good goin'

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I have heard of large birds as high as 10,000 ft. Of course I've never seen one that high. I am a tower tech and notice that the buzzards in central Florida stay relatively low, but have seen them and other birds much higher than I would have assumed they would normally fly.
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There was an article in the Australian Skydiving Magazine a while ago about a bird strike.

A guy hit one in freefall and was nearly knocked out. On the ground he got some first aid, and was sent to a hospital. Doctors there removed a bird's claw from his forehead! B|

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I am a tower tech

Dude, careful with admitting stuff like that on a skydiving forum. Unless of course you WANT loads of new friends.... ;):)
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my teammate descended from a recent competition 4-way jump with fresh bird poop on his jumpsuit. Sort of the birds way of letting him know how close it was.

I tracked through a flock (10-15 birds) at about 3500 feet last year. That didn't bother me as much as having to flare out of a track to prevent hitting an airplane (which I had to do on a jump at about the same time).

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