
Twin Otter Bench Seats and lights?

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The Conatser's at Perris have benches in all of their aircraft. I'm sure they would be happy to help. I can ask if would like. They have some nice features. The bench on the starboard side lifts and locks in two places, about the last 3-4 feet along with the entire bench on that side for bigway exits.

That would be great if you made that modification to your aircraft. Its so much more comfortable going to altitude.

BTW, I really enjoyed the 4 way scrambles today. I'll come out anytime you put one of those on.


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TK, you could also call Steve Boyd down at Spaceland in Texas. When I was down there a couple of years ago, his otter (he only had 1 at the time) had benches, and to this day it's the only otter I've been in with benches.
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RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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To build benches for our Beech 18 and King Air, we just glued together sheets of styrofoam until the pile was 18 inches high, then wrapped them in heavy vinyl.
If Transport Canada ever gives us a hard time, we simply say they are cargo!

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To build benches for our Beech 18 and King Air, we just glued together sheets of styrofoam until the pile was 18 inches high, then wrapped them in heavy vinyl.
If Transport Canada ever gives us a hard time, we simply say they are cargo!

Is that such a good idea? Doesn't styrofoam melt in a fire, and might there be toxic fumes if it burns?

-Tom Buchanan
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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Screw benches - just pad the floor with wrestling padding like the Chicago and Monterey Otters.
- More comfortable because you don't have to lean to the side all the way to altitude (everyone faces the rear of the a/c).
- No screwing around at altitude trying to fold up the benches.
- More room to move around.
- Tall people don't have their heads jammed into the ceiling
- Better lighting because all the windows aren't blocked by backs and rigs.
- Skysurf boards slide better and don't get all scratched up!


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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Screw benches - just pad the floor with wrestling padding like the Chicago and Monterey Otters.

Yep. I've never understood why DZ's ruin otters by putting benches in them.


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I love the straddle benches they have in the Otter at my DZ. They're more comfortable than the floor by a lot and they raise you up so you can look out the window. I don't know what they're made of, but they're just carpeted boxes. The people in the back of the plane need to sit on the floor, but at least 2 of them get backrests where the benches end. I've never been in an otter with benches along the sides but i've been in casas and a skyvan. I find that a little uncomfortable because you have to lean sideways the whole climb and you cant really look out the windows.


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Hrm, maybe put a bench down one side of the otter. Then the weirdos that like benches have one, and the people that prefer the floor, can be happy too. :)


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I love the straddle benches they have in the Otter at my DZ. They're more comfortable than the floor by a lot

More comfortable than a floor with 2" wrestling pad?


they raise you up so you can look out the window.

You can see out the windos when you're sitting on the floor. If you can't see down enough, you can kneel.

Works great with students. We can show them the DZ kneeling at the window.

Another great mod is the spotting bubble. Replace the last window on the door side with a bug bubble. You can look straight down and even slightly under the plane without opening the door!


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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for what it's worth, here's a vote for no benches in our otters!

don't like benches! they're more uncomfortable, at least to me. and they add weight, why add unecessary weight?

Do you think that the fact that you're 5'2" may have something to do with that opinion?;)

Personally, I can go either way. It doesn't make a big difference to me. But, if there are benches, I prefer the ones that fold against the wall. It makes exiting a large group so much easier.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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for what it's worth, here's a vote for no benches in our otters!

don't like benches! they're more uncomfortable, at least to me. and they add weight, why add unecessary weight?

Do you think that the fact that you're 5'2" may have something to do with that opinion?;)

Well, I'm 5'9" (I was 5'10" before I started jumping, damn Sabres) and have been in otters that have benches and floor mats. I vote for floor mats - easier to do gear checks, easier to move around the otter in case exit order needs to be changed, easier to get a 10 way speed out of the plane, less to get gear stuck on....benches and leaning on them during altitude is very painful for those of us with lower back injuries and I tend to not go to dzs with benches).

Kris, I'd be careful picking on those short girls...they are just tall enough to punch you where it could cause some serious pain. Besides, they are the perfect height to rest drinks on (remind me to wear a cup the next time I go to Zhills).
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no screwing around at altitude trying to get people to frigging move when you need to get ready - benches or on the floor it is all the same to me.

What kind of moving around do you do at altitude that you need more room?

Tall people do not get their nuts jammed by the person in front of them

Lighting? that's an issue? really?

We have had one skysurfer on our dropzone in the last 5 years.

How about faster loading - easier to find a place to sit (between the belts) - more comfortable becaue we are sitting - less wear on the knees of the people who jump all the time - better CofG for the airplane (safer) - MUCH easier on anyone over 50 or 60 who may be jumping.

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don't like benches! they're more uncomfortable, at least to me. and they add weight, why add unecessary weight?

Given that you can stand up straight inside the otter, I don't think your opinion will be the same as the people in the world who are not vertically challenged ;)

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no screwing around at altitude trying to get people to frigging move when you need to get ready - benches or on the floor it is all the same to me.

I find it more difficult to do a gear check in an otter with benches. I'm stuck jammed between two people and cant move my arms around. Plus that whole leaning sideways thing is way uncomfortable.

I would choose the floor over benches any day. There are 2 dz's within 1/2 hour of each other. One of them has $17 jumps on Friday, the other one has the normal $20 jumps. I chose to go to the $20 dz just because the plane was more comfortable. The $17 one had benches and it wasn't worth it to me to save $3 per jump to be uncomfortable.


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no screwing around at altitude trying to get people to frigging move when you need to get ready...

Agreed - there have been a couple of times I've had to explain to someone they need to move for the TMs to get ready at 9000'.


We have had one skysurfer on our dropzone in the last 5 years.

There are several "up and coming" jumpers interested in skysurfing (anyone I know - ;)) - I think we might see more as time passes...who knows.


...more comfortable because we are sitting - less wear on the knees of the people who jump all the time ... MUCH easier on anyone over 50 or 60 who may be jumping.

It's all about comfort, but you'll never make everyone happy no matter what you do...

So why not try a temporary bench setup one weekend to get a vote from all the "regulars"?

I'm still undecided (without a preference).
Z-Flock 8
Discotec Rodriguez

Too bad weapons grade stupidity doesn't lead to sterility.

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Taller ppl like the benches because they don't have to get up at 10 grand and hunch over or kneel until jump run? Is that what it is? But don't you have to get up and stow the benches anyhow? The ones that don't stow...those seem to crowd everyone too much...

I just find that whole sitting cock-eyed thing pretty uncomfortable. You can't sit straight...you gotta lean. (I'm with Sunshine on that!)

Wouldn't you guys miss having chicks sitting in your lap on the ride to altitude anyhow? ;)

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Hey TK,

We have straddle-type benches in our Super Otter at Skydive Orange. Everybody I know loves them. They are basically about 16-inch tall aluminum I-beams (with holes to reduce weight). They are capped with a padded and carpeted seat. We can put 8 jumpers on each bench and there's room for six on the floor, all pretty comfortably. Nobody is laying on your leg or pinching your foot to sleep. Pin checks are very easy with the benches too.

PM me if you want me to find contact info on our otter owner for more details.


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