
Question: About Still-Air Jumping (Helicoptor, Balloon)

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I'm curious, what's it like to jump out of something that is basically hovering in the air? Is it easier or harder than jumping out of a plane?

Anyone with experience with this stuff, tell a story. I'm curious what it's like.




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Harder or easier? Well...

Lets just say different.

I've only done one balloon jump, so here's my story:

Exited at 3200ft (give or take), I fell off on my back, barrel rolled, and punched the hardest track I can do. I didn't go anywhere for a couple seconds, but eventually I nosed down a little bit, picked up speed and started to track away. I deployed at 2k.

A very fun experience, some people flail, some don't. Some friends of mine on that same load with me fell away from the balloon doing FF transitions from HD to sit and stuff. Good video.B|
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did 2 jumps from a heli last month. what's it like. absolutely awesome. Only time I've ever got that true falling experience was when I was hanging of the skid and just dropped off.

It is harder in the sense you have no immediate wind to work with, but its not so much harder as just different.

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well, when you jump off a balloon you have very little control during the first few seconds until the air flow builds up. You can actually talk to your buddy during the first 2 sec. of the fall. You get a feeling of jumping into nothingness. It's also totally silent so you are very aware of each thought in your mind. It's just an amazing feeling.

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Out of planes you're flying right away "on the hill".

I've got two hovering-helicopter jumps, and it's much more like a high-dive. You have to step off stable, cause you got nothing to work with initially. You can arch all you want, cause until you get terminal, or fast anyhow, you're just falling.

It's great fun! It's the only time I've felt the sensation of falling while skydiving.

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I'm curious, what's it like to jump out of something that is basically hovering in the air? Is it easier or harder than jumping out of a plane?

Great fun! My first balloon jump scared me sh*tless; I was shaking so badly I could hardly climb out of the basket!!! Fell away backwards watching the balloon and listening to the sound of the speed picking up... awesome!

My first chopper jump was just as good but for a different reason; my mate Michelle and I climbed down, one onto each skid and fell away together... Stayed completely stable this time (lot more jumps by now) but couldn't track away for sh*t!!! Definite "got to do" jumps, but make sure you're confident with getting out low as it is harder to keep stable with no slipstream. Enjoy!


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Dead air exits rock! My favorite type of jump on my favorite type of jump is videoing somebody unfamiliar with dead air do the whole rolling up the windows and kicking thing. It's the bombdigity and even funnier when you watch the tape in slowmo.

Momentum from the exit is the only directional control for the first couple seconds, then deflection of the relative wind begins to play its part--increasing exponentially as time passes and speed increases. In other words, you have no air to work with as you leave the a/c. Kick and scream the whole way--it's just gonna make you go the opposite of where you wanna go 4 out of 5 times.:ph34r:

My suggestion to a first timer is to just exit and go with it. Don't try to change your body position until you have the speed to do so. It's actually probably pretty good training for cutting away from a low-speed mal.

I must say that if you do a skid hang on a helo, first make sure you talk to the pilot. Second and even more importantly, make sure you can get down without touching your handles on the skid! If you deploy your reserve people will die! Protect your handles!!!!!! I have seen a reserve handle dangling out after a person's second helo jump--first skid hang. Be careful and have fun!B|


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You get a feeling of jumping into nothingness. It's also totally silent so you are very aware of each thought in your mind. It's just an amazing feeling.

You just described my feelings after I let go of the wing strut on my first jump!!

I know it's not 'the same' but it sure felt like 'nothing' and 'silent' after the din and wind on the wing

Guess I'm just gonna have to seek out a baloonist


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I agree with AggieDave; It is just different.
I have never made a BASE jump but I am guessing it is similiar to that.

Don't forget you and I need to meet up and have a KRAMER contest. :ph34r:



"Be Slow to Fall into Friendship; but when Thou Art in, Continue Firm & Constant." - SOCRATES

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Don't forget you and I need to meet up and have a KRAMER contest

Haha...I'm 6'5" 165 pounds, redish-brownish hair that I can frey up just like Cosmo, and I'm clumsier than a pre-pubesent girl. I like my chances :)

Maybe after I get my license we'll run into each other at some big-boogie or something.

In the meantime, we should have a Seinfeld-Knowledge contest ;) Haha...later man.



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I have 1000+ hours of flying hot air balloons, but have only dropped 1 jumper. The balloon should be in a descent when the jumpers leave, otherwise the loss of the weight of the jumpers and their gear would increase a balloon ascent and push the top of the balloon down into the envelope, and the balloon would rocket to the ground, killing the pilot. This happened about 15 yrs ago ( I think in Florida).

I once used the balloon as a staionary platform which had a couple dozen instruments hanging around and below the basket, while De Havilland Aircraft Co flew a DASH 8 airplane directly at the balloon, starting their flight ten miles away.

The aircraft, and a technician in my basket were taking readings as to the performance of the plane, and the wing lights kept getting bigger and bigger as it approached.

Soon the Dash 8 swept past the balloon, and I could have spit on its wing as it went by. The aircraft slipstream then bounced us around pretty good..This was followed by a woosh of air as a large cylinder drone being towed by the plane passed like a bullet on a cable.

It is a good staionary platform for jumping, and the guy I dropped was smiling for a week.

I have jumped from Helicopters for TV commercials, and it was okay, but I was more interested in the job than the heli exit thrill.

Bill Cole D-41

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