
boc pull out... which side?

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I thought of putting it on my left side when I had a bad shoulder. I've only seen one other rig that had it on the left side. I can't see any real glaring issues with moving it riggin-wise, but alas, I am not a rigger...


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just curious if anyone knows someone that pulls from the left and why they do it?? i think it would be cool to have it switched over....B|

Our head pilot at Perris had a left side BOC because of a shoulder injury. Just need to becareful b/c you could never borrow anyone's geer, but no one should brrow your's either:)

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Solly from Majik has a left hand throw out - I think he decided to give his other shoulder RSI after 10,000 jumps... Steve Blincoe also jumps LH throwout, I believe as a result of a skiing injury.
I jumped Solly's rig; feels very, very weird throwing out with the left hand. Even being very aware it was the other side, I kept checking for the hackey in the plane, and finding nothing there. Amazing thing, muscle memory....
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[QUOTE]all very interesting reasons. i was wondering though if anyone had done it just to be different?!?


[QUOTE]there's a guy at my dz that does just becuase he wants to be different.

blue sky and long swoops

"hook low, flare late.......dirt, tumble, dirt.........ouch" [/QUOTE]

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Clay from our DZ jumps either side. He had a shoulder injury a while back. His pull out can now be configured for both sides.

Why do you wish to have it lefty?
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I did some crew this weekend with a borrowed rig taht had a left hand deploy. was really odd even on a hop and pop to pull from that side. didnt really make a difference, but jsut felt odd.

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the stunt person in Tomb Raider II deploys left-handed. My guess is because it was Angelina Jolie's stunt double, and Angelina is leftie

...and of course the Whuffo audience would pick that one up and protest immediately despite the fact that 99.999% of all gear has a RHS activation...

...and as I watched XXX for the first time last night (yes, I had a beer) I noticed something odd during the Beech 18 (??) scene where Xander gets into the 'turbulence' of the mountains and goes unstable on his skyboard. He appears to chop it, but I can't quite figure out where he gets his 'reserve board' from ... Hmmmmm, methinks tinseltown needs to spend a few more buckolas on skydiving consultants


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>i think it would be cool to have it switched over....

Yeah, but it might suck to dislocate your left shoulder and not be able to easily get to your reserve or main handles . . .

Why would that make any more difference then having it on the right side and dislocating your right shoulder.
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the stunt person in Tomb Raider II deploys left-handed

It could also be a flipped shot.
It's something that happens in editing every once in a while to keep the action on the correct axis

If something moves from left to right in one shot, then right to left in the next one, and then left to right again, the then audience tends to think you're moving back and forth...so they flip a few shots every once in a while to keep 'the direction/axis' the same..
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