
Guiness 2004

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Back when I was 12 or 13 I came across a Guiness Book of World Records at my grandparent's house. It must have been a 1978 or so edition. I remember reading about all these cool people who built the world's tallest house of cards or pedaled a unicycle backwards for 302 miles or something. In college we idly considered breaking one just to get into the book; we practiced catching grapes dropped from 120 feet in our mouths and got pretty good at it before we found out someone had just beaten us at 500 feet.

Didn't think about it much for the next 15 years or so. At leat until last week, when I was in a bookstore and saw the 2004 Guinness. Opened it up to airsports and there I was, sitting in the base of the 300-way in a picture taken the morning before we got the record. And what's cooler (to me) is that I can pick out Carey, Julie, Mary Pat, Tony, Roger, Yasu, Pete, Elena . . . not only did I get into that book that 25 years ago seemed to be the epitome of accomplishment, but I did it with a bunch of my friends. And they all got to be in the picture too! (Well, most of them did. Jim Wallace got cut off by the text box.)

Not sure why I completely overlooked the Guiness thing. I guess I thought that FAI records were so far removed from the stuff in Guiness (world's fastest blind shrimp peeler and world's largest bog snorkeling event) that it wouldn't end up there - or at best would be in appendix D3, odd air sports.

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That's awesome, Bill! What a cool way of coming full circle! Thanks for sharing it in such a personal way.

I was at Eloy for three of the attempts and one of the end-of-day fly-bys . . . it was a sight to see.


BTW - I, like you, read the GBofWR as a kid. I got it as a birthday present. My attempt was catching pennies dropped from a stack on my elbow. I got pretty good at it too, although I don't recall the number I caught. :S
Arrive Safely


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From your post,
I'll be willing to bet-

It was the FISRT TIME!

you're in the book? ;)

Good catch airtwardo!!

------- SIGNATURE BELOW -------
Complete newbie at skydiving, so be critical about what I say!!
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

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Hey Twardo,

Maybe someone should go through the list of names on that jump and single out ALL the jumpers out of the 300 (I'm guessing at least 100) who OWE BEER.

Surely that could only be a good thing!!

Hope there's some Aussies among that.

Blue Ones,

I would say they all owe beer. It was the first 300 way.:P
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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Well shit... guess I just got "wally of the day" award.

How about Beer from all 300 for "the FIRST 300 Way", then Beer from all for whom it was their FIRST Formation Record Attempt, then Beer from all for whom it was their FIRST entry in Guiness?????

That's alot of free beer.

By the way, Congrats BillVon for your achievement, I forgot to say that before.

Blue Ones,

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