
Solo jumps: who needs em ?

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well, about 240 jumps now, and solo jumps are still a part of my schedule for sure. I don't much care if it's from altitude or not, either work on a skill, a position, or just get out there and keep learning canopy control. It's all good.

S.E.X. party #1

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "f*#k, what a ride".

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I do solos quite a bit when I'm working on a new skill for freeflying. For example, a friend told me I was turning my body a bit in my sit when I did a hand dock with him. So, the next time I went to the dz I did a solo where I just stayed in a sit the whole time, trying to stay on heading and moving each arm in for a pretend dock. I do solos to work on head down the most though.

I'll move the thread for ya.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Like skymama said, i find solos are a great way to get out and practice, especially after a coach jump. I also find i like to do at least one to warm up and "feel the air" before venturing out on two/three-way FF's. I'm not nearly at a stage in my progression where i can just go out and be on it!

safe skies

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With 800+ jumps, I find little or nothing that I can learn in a solo. It's not that I know everything when it comes to skydiving, it's just that for most things I want to work on, I need at least one other person out there with me.
There are battered women? I've been eating 'em plain all of these years...

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I like solos. I can't push the limits on jumps with others that I can on solos. A clear and pull at 13k is a great way to work on those swoop approaches. A flight on my Birdman suit is about 90 seconds flying with others but 110+ if I'm on solos.
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Myself, don't really dig the solos. [:/] I think they're good for getting stable in a position before getting coaching to learn to actually fly it well, but other than that, I'm not really a big fan, even if its hop n pops. B|:P

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I don't like solos. If I need to do one because can't find people to freefly with, then I do a hop & pop at 13,500 and fly the shit out of my canopy. I find that I learn and enjoy the jump more that way.
If the pilot can't let me open that high because of trafic, then I practice the atomnauti or something I'm relatively new at until I reach the altitude the pilot tells me I can open.


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It definitely makes sense to practice some new stuff on your own. But it can be hard to tell how you're really doing without somebody in the air with you to provide a point of reference. You can be all over the sky and think you're falling straight down.

But hey... sometimes ignorance is bliss!

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Solo hop n pops, or solos from altitude?

I need to do more solos from 14k, but I rarely do them since I have so much fun jumping with my bf & others at the dz. I really should do at least 1 or 2 a weekend, though, to work moving around without having to worry about staying with the other person. Solos are fun!


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In addition to all of the other good reasons people do solos that have already been mentioned here, I do solos to relax. No pressure, I can work on a skill or just hang out and enjoy the air. It allows me to get rid of some nervousness from having a layoff or the get over something that may not have gone as well as I wanted it to on a previous jump.

I like them, but I like jumping with people more.

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"so let go, jump in...what're you waiting for? it's all right 'cause there's beauty in the breakdown"

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