
How long to heal a sprained ligament?

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I know when I've pulled a muscle, it's healed FAST! But hell!...I pull my medial collateral ligament during Mardi Gras Boogie and this Friday will be 3 weeks that it is still not "normal". I'm walking like Fred Sanford..geez! I wanted to jump so bad during Safety Day weekend and try out the PD F111 reserve as my main for experience sake, but didn't want my knee to get any worse. Anybody know how long ligaments take to heal?


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i sprained something in my knee once landing... can't tell you what it was since i didn't go to the doctor.

but basically i limped for about a week, and was sore for a couple more weeks. if it really bothers you, go to a doctor or sports medicine doctor.

MB 3528, RB 1182

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Ligaments take longer to heal than bone, mainly due to their limited blood (and nutrient) supply.

If you KNOW it's your medial collateral, it'll be 6 to 8 weeks before it's good, regardless of how it feels. It'll never be perfect again - without surgery.

In the words of the "Sunscreen song"

"Look after your knees. You'll miss them when they're gone."

It's the year of the Pig.

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it takes longer than you think and never really get c100%, I sprained mine about 14 months ago.
It's good now but if I land hard on it it still bites me.
But then I didn't exactly stay off it either :$:$
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Ligaments take longer to heal than bone, mainly due to their limited blood (and nutrient) supply. If you KNOW it's your medial collateral, it'll be 6 to 8 weeks before it's good, regardless of how it feels.

This seems to be the consensus amongst the orthopedists that I work with. Taking the anti-inflammatory religiously can help. So can alternating ice and heat treatments. (20 min at a time, several times a day.) Some extra time elevating it probably won't hurt either. If you have access to the Raefordite that is a PT, I would ask for some strengthening exercises you could be doing-- both to help you come back from this and to prevent a reoccurrence. Good luck!

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I may be different than most but my general philosophy is if I can not run a mile than I have no business skydiving. About a year ago I really sprained my ankle bad see pic, I waited until I could run a mile without vicodin before skydiving which for me was 5 weeks. I am quite sure my doctor would not have approved but I felt fine with it.

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Ligaments take longer to heal than bone

Yeah, what he said. Torn ligaments suck, i tore my knee ligaments a few years ago and i still get pain in that knee sometimes. Definately talk to a PT and find out about some strengthening exercises.


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it takes longer than you think and never really get c100%, I sprained mine about 14 months ago.
It's good now but if I land hard on it it still bites me.
But then I didn't exactly stay off it either :$:$

That's the other part I'm not sure about...stay "off" or use it? I'm concerned that if I don't stretch it out, it'll tighten even more:S


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I may be different than most but my general philosophy is if I can not run a mile than I have no business skydiving. About a year ago I really sprained my ankle bad see pic, I waited until I could run a mile without vicodin before skydiving which for me was 5 weeks. I am quite sure my doctor would not have approved but I felt fine with it.

OWIE!!! That pic hurts me too![:/]B|:S


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The trick is to take care of it now. Go see a physiotherapist and get:
1. a timetable for rest followed by rehab.
2. A rehab program, and...
3. advice on a knee brace that you should use for the next year. Landings tend to put a lot of lateral stress on your knee ligaments.
Braces range from $10.00 neoprene tensers to $1000.00 post surgical exoskeletons. I have minor surgery planned for next Monday. I have already bought one that is mostly a comfortable, breathable fabric brace with one 'hard' component. This is a link going from above the knee to below it, giving support to the outside of my knee and preventing lateral stress to push my lower leg in. For that I spent $120.00 CDN (USD $90.00).
Good Luck
BTW asking the physio when you can jump again may or may not yield useful advice. Ask them when you can run.

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Thanks for your input. I did buy an ACE knee brace an it seems to help somewhat. Sleeping is the worst part b/c I can't extend my leg/knee all the way laying on my back (hurts too bad), but I can bend it. So when I lay on my side with my knees bent, I have to put a thin pillow between them otherwise that hurts too!:S This freakin' knee MUST feel better by the time my new baby arrives so I can jump it!..otherwise, what a waste of a rush order...so it'd be just snugglin' with a Mirage G3[:/]


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