
can a big guy skydive safely?

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Sorry, you're not the head anvil anymore.;) I'm a 5'8", 265# out the door, fat-bastard and I do love to get my jump on.

My fellow Anvil Brothers; I am not the head anvil based on size, but endurance. I've been an "Anvil" since 1981 when I first showed up at a DZ for training at 6'6" 250# and had 20" arms.

I bought and jumped a paracommander. It was a painful period in my life which I would rather not go back and visit. PLFs, PLFS, oh the horror...

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MAN!!! Don't believe that bunch of crap!!! I weigh 250 lbs and made 40 jumps in 6 hours the day before yesterday (20 Aug 03). I used to be a bodybuilder and that might have made a difference. JUST DO IT!!!


The secret to life is not arriving at the grave in a well preserved body but sliding in sideways completely worn out yelling "holy crap" what a ride!!!

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The people here are all wrong.

Skydiving is only relatively safe for guys my size - 145lbs, 5 10. You need to be built like me (a flat, skinny rock climber) to skydive safely.

The reason being that IF you have a double mal, you can simply float to the ground like a leaf



The secret to life is not arriving at the grave in a well preserved body but sliding in sideways completely worn out yelling "holy crap" what a ride!!!

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Justin, you need to go and get your license ASAP it is of the utmost importance. JFields and myself just set the Justin-Way world record a couple of weeks ago with a two way. Once you are licensed, we will most certainly turn that into a threeway.

See, you haven't even started yet, and you ahve already been invited unto a world record jump. Go for it!!!!!!!!


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Just tell the little people to get stuffed.. nicely of course...

I jump with several people who are very tall and very heavy.. One of them is 6'5: and probably about 320 without his gear. He jumps a Triathalon 260 and does fine. I am 6'1" and not exactly a stick figure either. Even Tall Guy who is a poster here is one BIG GUY...at 6'9" and in good shape but aint exactly a feather either... in relative terms.

AS long as you are in good condition you have no higher chance of getting injured than does someone shorter and with less weight. If you are a body builder.. work on your legs... they are your landing gear.... so work on them and PLF's.

Just make sure your canopy is correct for you.. that includes your Main AND your RESERVE... especially your reserve...as a beginning diver stick in the 1:1 canopy loading.. that means a square foot of canopy for every pound of EXIT weight... you AND your gear. I would guess that your exit weight at 250 would be around 280.. so a Skymaster 290 or some similar canopy would be just fine. The only drawback is finding gear when it comes time to buy gear. Most of what you will find is for the wee little folk out there. But check with Ralph at Western Parachute Sales in Oregon. If anyone has used gear for big people it will be him.


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Yes Justin.. the Instructor and the DZO will be the ones who will provide the equipment. BUT... just keep asking questions so you can ask them the right questions about the equipment.. and you are definitely in the right place here to do that. An informed student is a good thing... that way you can make sure the DZ you have chosen is the right place for you... try to find some of the other DZ.Com people on here who jump at the place you have chosen to make your jumps. They can be a valuble resource to help you out when you show up to jump.


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Hell, just ask Gus and Harry if they are dead yet.

Couple a big bounders that love to skydive. Plus they are cooler than hell, and heavier than you.


Oh, except for the part when the steamroller pausie saw Gus naked. Oooo, Shiver.......

run away run away!

got a picture of Scott handy James??

he's only loading his Xaos 150 at 2.1 ish...
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Maybe this off-topic, but I am 6' 1/2"--about 210 (plan to drop 10+ lbs before jumping again) with an athletic build. Am *I* considered "a heavyweight" or a "mediumweight"? Most of the jumpsuit makers seems to allow for only "light" or "medium" weight jumpers (at least in the catalogs).

Am I doomed to wear only ugly thick poly jumpsuits that look like I should be pumping gas?

Did I make a $185 mistake by ordering a Slipstream II in "Large" that fits rather snug-ly (like a 2nd skin)?

I only have 19 jumps, graduated AFF and did a couple of RWs w/ my instructor as well as four solos.
I'm also 3 years out of currency and getting back into it for my "A" in another month. I've always hated the dorky school jumpsuits that either were two sizes too big or rode up my legs like Capri pants (DORK!!!)

Will I be a menace in my formfitting Slipstream II? Will my instructors be struggling to keep up with another "Anvil" (me) ?
“Keep your elbow up!"

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Dude, size doesn't matter. Well, it does, but then it doesn't, but when you think about it, damnit....... :S

Okay, haha, anyway, dude you're fine. Big guys can jump just as well any anybody else. Sure, you might need a baggy jumpsuit to slow your ass down, and a bigger canopy, but you'll be FINE. I've heard stories around my DZ about some guy before my time that weighed more than you that jumped a canopy that was practically a modified tandem. Whether this is true or not, I don't know, but I've heard it from A LOT of people. Either way, go for it. JUMP!!!!! ;)

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better to be in a big ass suit and in the formation then have a slinky spandex one and be looking at the formation from below....

What Remster said....I can fall REALLY fast... ask anyone who has jumped with me in a base. BUT I have a BIGASS wing war suit from the early 80's that will give me the surface area/weight to float on faily large formations..even if it does cause flashbacks to POPS members.

I have seen some people put on little sleevelets to increase drag on their suits.. .. its all about wingspan-surface area of your body divided by weight... and how you FLY your body... flat as opposed to REALLY arched... you will fall slower flatter.. diffferent head position.. boxman...mantis.. all have a bearing on how you fall.....you will learn as you get more experienced.

BUT... I have to say when you are belly flying... and trying be part of formations.. its FAR cooler to look kewl IN the formation.. than looking really hot and not being in the formation looking at it.


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Suddenly, I feel like a lightweight.. 6' 255# exit weight.. I wanna skydive with you guys.. B|

I'm a strapping 165# nekid:D:D @ 5'9" am I'm not exactly skinny, man some of you guy a friggen huge:D:D:D
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
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How's yours doing?

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Hi There,

You couldn't jump at our club. The weight limit on the Tempo 250 reserves is 115kg which is 253lbs, but that's jumper plus clothing, plus equipment.

We limit our 1st jumpers to 100kg (220lbs) because of this. We could get larger gear, but at 5000ft ASL the ground is not friendly to big people, and the AFF staff is small. I'm 73kg (160lbs) and the biggest AFF I here. I could wear weight - but that would load my canopy to about 1.95 (instead of the relativly conservative 1,78)... which I don't want to do. I'm not keen on doing AFF with someone on the limit in borrowed gear either.

It's a numbers game. Find a club with the right equipment - both main and reserve. Then ask the I's if they're comfortable they can stay with you if you go 3D. Then skydive!:)
Good luck.

It's the year of the Pig.

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Am I doomed to wear only ugly thick poly jumpsuits that look like I should be pumping gas?

Did I make a $185 mistake by ordering a Slipstream II in "Large" that fits rather snug-ly (like a 2nd skin)?

I vary back and forth between a little smaller than you and a little bigger, I'm 6' and run between 205 and 215 (nekkid). Understand that your jumpsuit can be snug and still do it's job if it's got plenty of fabric in the right areas, i.e. calves and forearms. In addition to making these areas a bit floppy, having the fabric double layered with at least one of the layers being a bit more "rigid" than most jumpsuit fabrics can help. If you're trying to get a form-fitting suit that helps slow you down, you probably should have held off a bit, as booties can also assist in this regard, but it doesn't sound like you're quite ready for them (they do substantially affect your flight in freefall). Anyhow, I wouldn't worry about it. You're not *that* big, and if the instructors at your dz have a problem with your fallrate in your own suit, you can wear one of the DZ's until you're licensed. Of course if those I's have a problem with your fallrate, you're probably going to struggle with the transition into RW and may want to consider buying a second suit that's a bit slower. Personally, I have three suits, including a floppy freefly suit for slowfall, my "normal" RW suit for average rates, and a spandex/thin fabric thing for when I need to smoke it. Note the fast one was the first suit I bought off student status and I spent a couple hundred jumps occasionally going low with it before I wised up. So all this to make the point that "no, you didn't make a $185" mistake. :-)

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Mucho obligado to all for the input. I've been staring at my new suit hanging in the closet and have gone from totally pumped to totally bummed and back again.

But what the heck. I just need something to get me to my "A" and a few coaching jumps/solos, etc. I figure that maybe by Xmas time I can order the custom suit--either a badass FS or a freefly. I guess it depends upon where I feel pulled after getting my license.

My instructor never told me if I fell like a brick or not.

BTW: is it just me, or are 6-foot tall, 200-pounders in the minority in the male skydiving community???

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Don't worry abut what the little people say. I'm 6'04" 265. I knock on wood have yet to be hurt doing this. (Been lucky a few times) But you can enjoy this sport being a big guy. You'll find yourself in the base a lot but hell. It's all good.

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Don't worry abut what the little people say. I'm 6'04" 265. I knock on wood have yet to be hurt doing this. (Been lucky a few times) But you can enjoy this sport being a big guy. You'll find yourself in the base a lot but hell. It's all good.

We need to get together...start an RW team!!
I'm 6'4" and 240...
If we can't beat'em in the sky, we'll kick the snot outta them when they land!!! ;););)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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"You can go out like a leaf where a gentle winter whisper brushes you off the planet without notice or you can go out like a meteor and leave an indelible impression on the planet forever"

Hey--did you make that up or is it a quote? I LIKE IT!!!;)

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Go out there and have FUN! I'm a heck of a lot worse off than you. I'm 5'9" @ 260lbs. I've got 41 jumps, one was a 7 way, 4 way, a couple 3 ways and a several 2ways with a buddy of mine. Of course I was wearing a baggy ass suit and was flying as flat as possible and still having fallrate problems, but there's been no danger (err...relatively), and I've yet to be injured (knock on wood).

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