
UK -- Skydiver sends text message suicide note -- Press Clips

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SKYDIVER Alastair McLaren sent a final text message to his student girlfriend moments before plunging to his death.

Police officers checked his mobile phone which he left in the aircraft to see if he had sent a suicide message to girlfriend Hannah Bradman, a classmate of Prince William at St Andrews University.

It emerged that he had bombarded Hannah, 22, with text messages after the pair split up the day before.

Alastair jumped from 12,500ft and is then believed to have freed himself from his parachute at 9000ft. He was filmed performing a series of stunts as he fell.

Officers investigating the father-of-two's death seized his mobile phone and said a text had been sent before he made his final leap.
Tayside Police recovered the phone from the aircraft which the 39-year-old jumped out of on Sunday night.

He was among a group of 15 skydivers at Strathallan airfield in Perthshire. Alastair made the jump around 9pm but his body was not found until the following day.

Hannah, whose family are originally from London, met Alastair when she decided to take up parachuting. She did her first jump as part of a charity drive at the university two years ago.

Insiders revealed Alastair had performed stunts in the air for a friend's camera before hitting the ground.

Alastair unusually left his gloves, goggles and mobile in the plane before he jumped.

When he got to 9000ft, he is thought to have detached himself from his parachute pack, but continued to perform tricks for the camera.

The cameraman lost sight of him when he was forced to pull the cord on his own chute.

Police are still hunting for Alastair's parachute and helmet, which had a separate video camera attached.

Alastair, a joiner, had left his wife of 20 years only months earlier for the student.

His estranged wife Fiona and their two children spent yesterday surrounded by friends and family at their home in Longniddry, East Lothian, as they struggled to come to terms with the tragedy.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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What a fucking waste. :(:(:(

This whole thing makes me want to puke...

As someone who was suicidal once, I KNOW it can and does get better. In '98 I was the unhappiest person I knew. Now I'm the happiest person I know, in no small part because of skydiving.

I just wish I coulda talked to him....

damn damn damn. >:(
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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So your shootin' video and your buddy decides to start undressing himself from his parachute...

....what do you do?

Do you think they got the story wrong perhaps?[_________________________________________________/reply]

Probably not!

If some old guy can do it then obviously it can't be very extreme. Otherwise he'd already be dead.
Bruce McConkey 'I thought we were gonna die, and I couldn't think of anyone

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Yeah, I just read that a few minutes ago, but wasn't sure if I wanted to post the tabloid version.

Beats Harley to hell, doesn't it?

I feel for all that knew him. I, fortunately, can only imagine the pain of everyone involved . . . including Alastair himself.

Alastair . . . it's not the way I would have done it, but at least your pain is over. Rest easy.

Friends, family and lovers of Alastair . . . my sympathies go out.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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If the stories are indeed true (for Harley), then both these men left a cold, calculated, planned hole in their friend's hearts...forever.

I can imagine the pain they were in. However, it was dear friends who's love and connection that pulled me through.

I feel for their friends and family....those who loved them intensely and purely. Their pain is just beginning. Especially the unsuspecting cameraflyer. Geeze!


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Everybody has to deal with his or her own issues. In my case, one skydive a month pulled me through a year of unemployment and I came out the other side stronger than ever. I got by leaning on family and doing lose jobs that did not recognize my education.
I do not judge because I had a great support structure of friends and family when live tested me. It is easy to romanticize but lets make it a good way to live not a good way to die.
There is a lot of stuff worth doing but then there is a lot of stuff worth doing instead.

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His only chance would have been to fly to the cameraman and hang on to him to save himself using a special technique. But he chose not to.

Somebody hit that reporter.....hard
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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If you want to kill yourself, please don't involve our sport.

I keep reading this sort of comment. While true, it's also really interesting that not many of us are saying "if you are thinking of suicide, please don't. Please reach out to a professional and get some counselling and/or medication."


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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If this was an actual suicide, then he was a F****ing Idiot

If he was dieing of cancer and wanted to go out his way, I'd understand

- but no girl friend, boy friend, spouse, or situation is worth committing suicide over...period

I have no pity, or remorse for him if he committed suicide - only for those he left behind

I hope his family and friends will be ok with out him

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Steve --

I take it you've never had any pain in your life?

The fact is you can't say for certain what you'd do in his situation because you're not him and haven't lived his life.

Yeah, the situation sucks for everyone. No doubt. However, calling him an idiot for doing what he did only suggests to me that you've been very fortunate in your life.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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> If he was dieing of cancer and wanted to
> go out his way, I'd understand - but no
> girl friend, boy friend, spouse, or situation
> is worth committing suicide over .. period

Rationally you are absolutely right .. it's not worth it. But you don't seem to understand the completely irrational states that WE CAN ALL get ourselves in to if placed under massive emotional stress, or if suffering some form of depression.

If you'd ever REALLY been depressed you would probably understand. Don't come back and say you have .. and you still don't understand .. that just means you haven't ever been "depressed enough" to understand.

It's tragic that someone should be so messed up inside that they feel as though this is the only option to them. We're pretty much *all* capable of being very fragile if caught off guard or placed under prolongued stress, even the strongest most resolute people can wake up feeling as though their lives serve no purpose anymore.

Deepest sympathies to everyone involved.


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I share shadowjumper's viewpoint. Even though a close family member of mine commited suicide just a few years ago. Apparently, this option is beyond my comprehension. However, I certainly do sympathize with the family and friends this individual left behind. Especially after watching the pain my family went, and to some degree are still going through.


> Rationally you are absolutely right .. it's not worth it. But you don't seem to understand the completely irrational states that WE CAN ALL get ourselves in to if placed under massive emotional stress, or if suffering some form of depression.

If you'd ever REALLY been depressed you would probably understand. Don't come back and say you have .. and you still don't understand .. that just means you haven't ever been "depressed enough" to understand.

It's tragic that someone should be so messed up inside that they feel as though this is the only option to them. We're pretty much *all* capable of being very fragile if caught off guard or placed under prolongued stress, even the strongest most resolute people can wake up feeling as though their lives serve no purpose anymore.

Deepest sympathies to everyone involved.



You make a good point. But besides depression and/or emotional distress a severe amount of self guilt, whether justified or not, my cause someone to choose this way out too.

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Ali was a very cool, helpful, kind, fun person who has a lot of friends who read these post, and we do not need thoughtless folk like you coming on here and calling a recently deceased friend a "F****ing Idiot", I agree that suicide is a very selfish act, but so is thoughtlessly insulting people you know nothing about.
Think before you post next time please.

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