
I packed my own parachute for the first time today, and . . .

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Yeah, I bet you were all full of suspense, waiting to hear something exciting. Well, the canopy opened up perfectly and on heading this morning. It was a nice sense of victory and satisfaction. When I landed, I packed it right back up, and jumped the next load, only to find the canopy once again opening beautifully. Winds changed at the last second on that jump, though, and the downwind landing was interesting ;) I didn't know my Vans shoes would allow me to do such a great "standing slide" across the ground, even through/over all that dirt and vegetation! LoL. Oh well, what can I say, in the end, it was a nice, stand-up landing..hehe. I wonder if I should have done a PLF with such a high ground speed?

Oh yeah, I'd like to personally thank Bill for being such a friendly and extremely patient person while teaching me to pack. It really made things much easier and more enjoyable.


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Oh yeah, I'd like to personally thank Bill for being such a friendly and extremely patient person while teaching me to pack. It really made things much easier and more enjoyable.

Yep, extreme patience! Congrats! Now get that "A!" (We're low on :D.)

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Oh yeah, I'd like to personally thank Bill for being such a friendly and extremely patient person while teaching me to pack. It really made things much easier and more enjoyable.

Hey Congrats!!!

I'd also like to say Bill rocks!!! He packed for me on my birthday no charge (when he wasn't busy with tandems) and his openings are sweet!!! and consistent. And he puts up with all of us...


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Oh yeah, I'd like to personally thank Bill for being such a friendly and extremely patient person while teaching me to pack. It really made things much easier and more enjoyable.

Bill really is a doll. He even let me come out and help handle tandems last Friday when it was really windy. That was weird, but fun.

He's got a brainful of knowledge, and a heart of gold...and he packs really really well, too.

Great to hear, Lou. And while I missed chatting with you on Sunday, it was great to see your smiling face. YAY!!!!

Shark, I owe a case, and finally have found where to buy the kind Doug wanted. So you'll have some in the fridge come thursday.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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He packed for me on my birthday no charge


You weren't playing the "cute-chick card" were you Lew???;)

"When I die, I want to go like my grandmother, who died peacefully in her sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in her car."

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We had a guy this past weekend who has about 175 jumps land his first successful pack job. Last year on his first ever pack job he had a function... needless to say he was pretty nervous about packing. But he fought through the nerves and the frustration of not being able to stuff the D-bag and got the job done. It's a good feeling and will make you a better and more knowledgable jumper... Congrats dude!

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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It wasn't that long ago that I packed my own for the very first time just off AFF. My instructor showed me how to pack, then had me try it. As I was flaking the nose, he disappeared, then returned with coffee and a donut as I was stowing the lines. After I finished, I asked him if he wanted to pull it apart and check the pack job. To my suprise, he said "nope, go jump it!" Needless to say, on the plane up, I was sweating bullets and checking my handles repeatedly and getting ready to cut away. I pulled high on that one and I've never had a deployment that seemed to take so long. It probably opened in 600 feet or so, but it seemed like an eternity before it fully deployed and spread out nicely over my head.

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Congrats on your successful pack jobs and jumps! :)
It's nice to see your post... as tomorrow I'm going to the packing class at Perris. I hope my experience goes as well as yours!

"If the Bible has taught us nothing else, and it hasn't, it's that girls should stick to girl's sports such as hot oil wrestling and foxy boxing." - Homer Simpson

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Congrats! Feels good eh?

You realise this adds about %20 to your "You're crazy!" factor when whuffos ask "Do you pack your own parachute?"


I let the wife pack my rig when she wants to:)
Everyone thought I could pack really fastB|

Jumper, whuffo reaction about the same:S


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