
1st Cutaway

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Container. J-6
Main PD-260-Nav
Reserve PD-253

Dep. 3000 was in the saddle by 2300.
i went to un-stow my brakes and one of the toggles was stuck so i started to spin.
After correcting the spine by going in to half brakes on the left toggle i realized it was my own stupid packing error that has caused this. when i stowed my brakes i had let the loop come over the grommet some thing my rigger had pointed out to me to watch out for. The pressure had locked the toggle in place.
i looked below me and there was two canopies right there so i steered away from them.
went threw the options i had.
1. Land in half brake and PLF. 3rd jump at a new DZ that is 1500 feet higher then mine was not worth the risk
2. Cut the line and land on rear risers. I had never done that before and again was not worth the risk.
So i cutaway at 1800 feet(my hard deck) and was under my beautiful yellow reserve within 1.5 sec. The PD reserve was awesome and had a very smooth landing.
so thats it just felt like sharing this with all my peps on dz.com.
look when you pack don't be a dumb ass.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." - Kurt Cobain

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That's a much better response than my "toggle stuck" mal on a Nav 260, which I had on AFF 3... From my log book is something like "Canopy uncontrollable, student did NOT initiate cut away, took crosswind landing at high speeds narrowly missing obsticles" .... One of the obsticles being a building I could have probably kicked on my way past it at 30mph... :o[:/]:| I was offered a refund on my remaining AFF jumps since I had payed up front and basicly told bowling may not be a bad hobby, but was offered a second chance (thankfully)..

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Great job Darius. I had the same thing happen to me. One toggle got knotted on the top of the slider grommet and I couldn't stop the spin. Cut away and flew the reserve. I hope it is my last but I prepare for it every jump.
"I'm not a gynecologist but I will take a look at it"
RB #1295, Smokey Sister #1, HellFish #658, Dirty Sanchez #194, Muff Brothers #3834, POPS #9614, Orfun Foster-Parent?"

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Congrats on your first cut away! Sucks you just got a repack though :P I guess now you owe me and Brian some booze!! FYI he likes Vodka ;)

So did you get your main back? And now what are you going to do about your balloon jump, its on the first right? Is someone there going to re-pack for you?

Well talk to you when you get back form AZ. stay safe!! :D

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25 jumps and already two cut-aways? How did you do that? You must have had some really bad luck...that's one cutaway per 10 jumps..Those are not very good stats ;)

it's closer to one every 13 jumps.

And His bad luck is contagious to boot. :P

On my last jump, Dairus and Idlewild were on the load. I had my first reserve ride and Fish (idlewild) got his A.

It's ok, I'll still jump with you Fish. I have a lucky Alti.

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I had the same incident happen to me a couple of weeks ago. I had stowed my breaks then noticed a lot of twists on the steering lines, so i unstowed them, untwisted the lines and continued packing. i must have forgotten to restow one of them cause on opening i had one toggle all tangled up in the lines, i had to climb up my right riser to get it unstuck.this was atr about 2k i had it untangled by 1.5k but it still wasnt completely clear. a couple of gut tugs on the toggle and i got it working good.. landed it uneventfully... i am glad i didnt have to go to the reserve....

skydiving isnt for everybody... you have to be able to react under pressure as you did my friend and as did i. i hope we can all do it like that or better.

blue skies!
HISPA 72 ----- "Muff Brother" 3733

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