
Jump Numbers

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I recently moved to a new drop zone and feel like I am judged only on my jump numbers,

dude, that SUCKS!!!!! [:/] I feel bad that other jumpers are judging you, have they forgotten that they too once started out as a newbie?
ALWAYS be honest with how many jump #'s you have; if nobody wants to jump w/ you there, find a dz where people don't give a crap about jump numbers.

Memo to the Number Nazis
PULEEZE PEOPLE!!!! >:(>:(>:(
arrggggggg, that makes me so mad, those who look down on others.WHO FREAKIN CARES ABOUT NUMBERS!!!!!!!!! Lighten up Number Nazis, don't you find more enjoyment in actually being :onice to people????

I'd jump with you in a heartbeat;):)(haha, some people would say I'm telling you that because I have low numbers too:D)--forget them, if I ever see you at a dz/boogie I'd grab you and say "Let's go play"B|

Mother to the cutest little thing in the world...

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and feel like I am judged only on my jump numbers, what are everyone's feelings about not being honest as to how many jumps you have?

Lying about your jump numbers is not only unethical its a good way to get on dives over your head and cause injury or death.

Eitherway, once you jump with a couple of people people will either a) figure out you're lying or b) think you really suck for having so many jumps.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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pointless dishonesty. you can forge jump numbers but you can't forge experience. if you have 26 jumps people will think you are inexperienced. if you have 26 jumps experience and claim to have 200 jumps people will think you suck. the only way to lie about your jump numbers and get away with it is to already have the experience and/or skills to cover for the lie. once you have those skills what's the point in lieing.

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i have low jump #'s no shame in it
i always find someone to go up with
my dz has some really cool down to earth want to help everyone out peeps

dont lie buy some beer make some friends

Not only will you look better, feel better, and fuck better; you'll have significantly increased your life expectancy. --Douva

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always be honest about how many jumps you have done and the skills you have......keeps you from getting in over your head........if someone doesnt want to jump with you because of your jump#s then fuck them. There are a lot of experienced jumpers that love jumping with low time jumpers.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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You can't say you have never jumped with someone with way more jumps then you but way less skill. Things such as currency, coaches, and what you've done on your jumps have a lot to do with skill and expierience too but no one will ever listen to that. Jump numbers alone do not define how you jump.

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Everyone had low jump numbers at some point...everyone.

I am lucky that I have several mentors with thousands of jumps, who take the time to play with me...and always remind me that it's about fun, safety and fun...not about how good I am (or am not).

If someone doesn't want to jump with me because of my jump numbers, then bafooey on them...they're missing out on a fun jump.

Find someone to play with, to learn more with, and to be safe with. And then, when you have a ton of jumps under your belt, and can literally fly circles around a lowbie (like my mentors can - and have), bring them into the sky to play with, learn more with, and be safe with.

This is supposed to be fun stuff...so go have some.


~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek
While our hearts lie bleeding?~

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From your profile, it looks like you don't have many jumps.:P

I do some load organizing, and hey, someone walks on a DZ, a total unknown, you have to start somewhere with getting to know their abilities. Number of jumps is one quick and quantifiable way to size up a jumper. If you're way better than number of jumps indicates, it'll show in a jump or two, and you'll start getting the hero slots. I don't always get the back-in. I very often get stuck in the base. I've never seen anyone have to not jump because they had low numbers, but I have seen them moved to smaller groups. It's for safety and so the larger group can enjoy their jump.

I've got a lot of jumps (for a guy with kids and bills and stuff) but am a very average flyer. I've actually claimed to have fewer jumps at a DZ or two just so no one expects as much. :$

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I'm not trying to sound like a SkyGod, I know I have a ton to learn, but how can you prove anything if you can't get on a load. The people I have jumped with on cloudy days where I am their only option put in good words for me but the organizers of their groups don't care. They still pick the guy with more jumps who just fucked up the exit over someone with low numbers who did fine. They see a jump number and that's the end.

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Things such as currency, coaches, and what you've done on your jumps have a lot to do with skill and expierience too but no one will ever listen to that. Jump numbers alone do not define how you jump.

You are correct...to a point.

At the end of the day, even if you have 3 airspeed tunnel camps, SDU and a canopy control course, if you only have 100 jumps you *might* jump like someone with 300 jumps or 400 jumps. Eitherway its not many jumps and you don't have enough jumps to truely have the experience that will effect your judgement in a good way.

Judgement is more important then skill in skydiving. Having the judgement to not go on jumps, having the judgement to stay out of situations and the judgement of what to do incase you find yourself on a "bad" jump or a bad situation under canopy (or otherwise) is of primary importance.

You learn that judgement with nothing other then jumps, lots of jumps.

If you don't believe my two posts thus far in this thread, understand that karma is a bitch and as I've seen in my short time in this sport bad karma catches up with those that lie, cheat and steal their way in skydiving.

Lying about your jump numbers cheat you onto skydives and you might steal away someone's health or life.

However, being truthful and spending time with experienced skydivers learning what they'll teach you (which should be a lot) will turn you into a much better skydiver. Not only that but along the way of "paying your dues" you'll learn about giving back to the sport and to low time jumpers (such as yourself now) and will hopefully go out of your way to help out low time jumpers when you have something to teach them.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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Jump numbers alone do not define how you jump.

true, but they are directly related to your level of awarenesss. especially large numbers of jumps accumulated in short periods of time. imo, it's awareness that gives you the ability to recognize and control your skydive.

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hi there.
sorry to here some skygods are giving you a hard time, keep your chin up and eyes open dont worry about not getting invitations to do those big ways you will have more fun doing smaller formations anyway.

you have to wlk before you can run just keep honest with yourself and those around you, if it becomes a real problem speak to the dzo, he is there to make the operation work and if your not getting what you want then he should be able to help you (within your limits)
good luck
life is a journey not to arrive at the grave in a pristine condition but to skid in sideways kicking and screaming, shouting "fuck me what a ride!.

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Someone recently said that if I wanted to do xyz I should have 200 jumps. This is because I would have a good chance of having the experience in handling a range of undesirable situations by this time. This to me turned a light bulb in my head that made me understand why there are jump number limitations for certain displines.

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I recently moved to a new drop zone and feel like I am judged only on my jump numbers, what are everyone's feelings about not being honest as to how many jumps you have?

Don't lie. You might get invited to do stuff you're not ready for - and you'll have no easy way of declining, without revealing your deception. You'll put not only yourself but also others into danger.

Besides being a dangerous thing to do, it's unethical as well. Sooner or later you'll be found out, and then you'll feel the full condemnation of those around you, and you'll have a very hard time shaking the 'that dude is unreliable and untrustworthy' label off your back.

It's not about jump numbers at any rate. I've got a pal - he has around 230 jumps. Jumped with him since he had 40 jumps, and he routinely does sit-docks, kneestands and totems with me. Generally speaking, he's better in the air than people with twice his jumps.

It's about what you can do in freefall, how you handle yourself under canopy and how you handle yourself on the ground. Jump numbers do not determine how people perceive you - they basically are an indicator of experience, but not proof of skill. High jump numbers tell ya that this person has a lot of jumps and have yet to make a big enough error to get himself/herself killed :)
That's also worth noticing, heh.

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My best advice to you would be to impress people with your personality first, THEN with your flying skills. If people think you're a nice guy, they're gonna make the effort to jump with you whether you have 20 jumps or 2000. B|

And dude, lying about your jump numbers isn't a good call. You think they don't jump with you now? Wait till you tell them you have 500 jumps and you're flying like you have 150. Remember,,,..it's not the destination.....it's the journey. People don't expect you to be the best flyer on the dz at 150 jumps....and you shouldn't expect it either. Be safe, be realistic, and HAVE FUN!! :)

Wrong Way
D #27371 Mal Manera Rodriguez Cajun Chicken Ø Hellfish #451
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Just don't lie... Everybody had to start at a certain point. We weren't born with a number of jumps.

What would they say about me? I have only got 30 jumps yet, but I had a hard time the first 20 jumps, as it was mentally very very hard to do so, while I knew how much fun the FF was... If someone would say something to me about my (still) low number of jumps, I would relly ignore him and thinking in myself... maybe if you would have felt that mentally unsecure and scared as I was (and sometimes still am), if you would have done your 1st jump with an altimeter that broke down in the plane (oh yes, it happened to me) and you had to switch the altimeter with one of the instructors at 10000FT, if you would have landed several times backwards hanging against the wind during your first jumps if you would have had a brainlock during your first jump ... maybe you wouldn't have continued jumping. It is much harder for a person to do something when the mind isn't ready, than doing something you love from the first time. I knew I would love skydiving, but I knew as well there was (and still is ometimes) a bareer. But I am damned proud that I go on!!! From all the aff-ers that said they loved it and would coninue, only few did... and I am one of the few... and I never said I loved it from the first time, as I experienced a brainlock.

So, if somebody feels better because he or she did more jumps... screw them, because I know I did something that was very hard for me and I am still doing it, I love doing it and I am proud of it, especially when I consider my unconscient mentally resistance.

So don't lie about your number of jumps and if they appreciate a person because of the number of jumps and not because of the personalty... too bad for them and don't forget: we all had to start with zero jumps.

Bye ;)

No dive, like skydive... wanna bet on it?

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All the folks with tons of jumps that get on all the cool jumps were once at
our level and dealt with all the same stuff.

Everyone has to put their time in in the salt mines.

In what aspect of life is it any different?

The best cure for being excluded due to low jump numbers is to quit complaining make more jumps ;)B|

My mighty steed

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but how can you prove anything if you can't get on a load.

Get on another load and do well. Then you will make it to the "A" team.

Everyone wants to be on the "Hot" loads...Including the people on the hot loads. The people on the hot loads also want to be on good jumps where they are challenged.

Not everyone can do a 5 point 10 way....And not everyone should be allowed to just cause they want to. That does not mean that they will NEVER get on the cool loads.

It is a problem older than anyone that is posting here.

The trick is to do well on the jumps you are on, and then once you PROVE yourself then you will get invited to the "Hot loads". Don't fuck up and you will be invited back. At some point you will be glad that not just anyone can get on those loads...You would hate to have a perfectly built 9 way and the one guy with 100 jumps is nowhere to be seen.

Lying about your jump numbers just sets you up to look foolish. I'd rather be known as the guy with 100 jumps thats pretty good rather than they guy with 5,000 jumps that really sucks.

Just be honest when people ask. Then work to prove you can do it.


They still pick the guy with more jumps who just fucked up the exit over someone with low numbers who did fine

It might have something to do with being friends with the guy that might have screwed up the exit. Or the fact could be that the guy might have screwed up the exit but he is good enough that he got right back in. A newer jumper might screw up the exit and not have the skills needed to fly back fast.


They see a jump number and that's the end.

I think you think that since it is a situation that you are fighting.

Most organizers use jump numbers as a base. But they don't say you must have "X" number of jumps to swoop, or "X" number of jumps to do more than a 7 way...ect.

Case in point DZ.com record in Zhills. I have over 3,000 jumps and have been on 100+ ways. But that was YEARS ago and since I have only really done 4way. I was in the lead plane while people with 1/5th the jumps were in the trail....They had been swooping more than me, and it was the right call.

I think you just might feel that way. But that does not make it true.

Back when I started no one wanted to jump with the 20 year old kid with 100 jumps.....That changed once I proved myself.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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