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i haven't been doing this for to long. that's my disclaimer statement. but i think the whole sky diving scene could use......... something. the other day i call this dz in jersey. i ask them if they're open, how many loads they flew today, what kind of plane they are flying, and directions to get there. so this guy says yes we're open, we flew three loads already, we're flying a grand caravan today, and gives me directions. and he asks me where i'm coming from. i tell him nyc...about 1 1/2 hours away. it's my birthday and a beatiful day so i leave work early and head up there. i get there and there's a 6 people outside. the dz is closed, and these 6 people, all waiting to do there first skydive after talking to the guy i talked to, tell me they have,nt seen any one who works there. i ask some guys from the airpoert, and they say they've been closed allday and don't open on tuesdays ( it was indeed tuesday that i was there). now no one answers the phone.

all i'll say is that the skydivers in the movies are a whole lot cooler than the skydivers in real life for the most part.

the sky is amazing and the freedom is hard to describe ( i guess i shouldn't have to here). theres this guy on the ground telling students to chop away cause they've got a bad canopy. and the dz cool crowd are all laughing with the guy.

i hear people say about a guy with 20 jumps who they call unsafe. " i don't care if he kills himself, i don't want him to kill any of my friends".

i've been fortunate enough to bounce around a few real cool scenes and meet some real cool people in my life. and have meet a few real cool ones at the dzs .

in the 90's i was real into the nyc music scene. and there were always a few pricks with an atitude that thought they where the shit cause they were blowing a record exec or whatever. they were never anybodys, never went anywhere, and where always the loudest mouths. but this skydiving shit is life and death....i am surprised all the attitudes and rudeness and shit.

i'm someone who mainly keeps my eyes open and mouth shut around people i don't know. maybe i'll understand the vibe, or find a dz thats a bit more laid back and not so money hungry, or just keep hitting the boogies or something.

just sharing.....peace. ( if any one feels attacked by something i said, maybe it's personal inventory time.....or not)

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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all i'll say is that the skydivers in the movies are a whole lot cooler than the skydivers in real life for the most part.

So are the chicks I see in internet movies, but that's besides the point.

If you're not digging the vibe at your DZ, try other DZs. Each DZ is different with different people and a different vibe. Travel around a bit and find the one that you fit in the best at.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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all i'll say is that the skydivers in the movies are a whole lot cooler than the skydivers in real life for the most part.

oh, thats rich :D:ph34r:

When's your casting call? :P:D

Seriously, get real. I'm sure if you called the next day they would have explained to you what happened.

Arianna Frances

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Sounds to me like you definitely need to find a new dropzone, dude :)
I wouldnt want to jump there.

I have gone to my dropzone on a day I thought they were open only to find to my disgust, that I was wrong, and had to turn around and go home all disapointed.
Shit happens everywhere, and the skydiving world is no exception.

Like everything else in our world, its all run by humans. How could it NOT have its sour side?;)


My mighty steed

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I'll agree with what AggieDave says, try some different DZs, I've found the best times are often at the smaller DZs that are run for the love of the sport vs. making as much money as possible. If I drove an hour and a half to find out the DZ was closed and they had lied to me over the phone, I'd be upset, too. Call them back up, tell them the situation, and see what they say. If in fact they were feeding you a line, I'd never go back there. That's pure BS. I hope you find a good DZ with people you enjoy jumping with, it makes the sport much more enjoyable. Your post makes a lot of good points, but don't expect a whole bunch of people here to admit it. ;)

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Seriously, get real. I'm sure if you called the next day they would have explained to you what happened

If the guy out and out right lied to him, I wouldn't jump there ever again. Why make up a bunch of lies that 3 loads have flown. Its not a funny joke for someone to drive that far and the place wasn't open. It sounds to much like a skyride thing.

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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the skydivers in the movies are a whole lot cooler than the skydivers in real life

Can I use that as my new sigline?

Please? :ph34r:

Seriously, either you were on the receiving end of poor service, fraud, or just someone on a bad day. It happens everywhere.

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use the tag line....it was a joke, a joke i tell you...damn just a little thing to flavor and add to the mood of what i was saying. but i know you know that. for real though, i've went to 10 dzs in my little time doing this and see the same thing to varing degrees. and the whole skyride thing, the corny things the tandem guys always say. i'm in this and in it till it stops being fun if it . i'll find a few people that feel me, i'm not worried about that. i'm just saying, i hang around surfers , bikers, musicians,and bunch of other misfits too. in a millon years i didn't think the vibe would be what it is coming from the real it skydivers. if there is at all the vibe i'm talking about, is it good for the sport as a whole? i'm a dreamer , always have been, so it's my nature to picture co op dropzones run by a few of the main jumpers and a real welcome type of friendly enviroment. maybe a better marketing stratigy so tandems aren't needed as much for income . getting sponsorships to help some of the budget. and working harder to create a nurturing type of vibe.real organizers for loads....maybe i'll win lotto and do it ...

people see me as a challenge to their balance

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I like skydiving and, for the most part, skydiver. They have been mostly cool. Sure there are pricks, but there are pricks in every walk of life. Find a new DZ.

And find your return key and caps button. Vertical spacing and capital letter can be your friends...if only you let them into your heart.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Why would you travel 1.5 hours to go to a DZ you are not sure is open? The Ranch is open everyday now and is 1.5 hrs away. Skydive Jersey shore is about the same time by car. Not sure if they are open during the week; but, they would not jerk you around.

If you ever need a ride to the Ranch, PM me and you're welcome to come with me.

The vibe is what you make it. There are jerks everywhere. Just be nice and avoid the politics. Have fun and jump. That is the main reason we do this.

The only time you should look down on someone is when you are offering them your hand.

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