
I could never BASE jump.

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I think what most are talking about is their own experience. It's like when I hear a first time tandem come down and breathlessly exclaim, "Man, I could have never done that on my own," when I know they could have, just like so many did and still do, when they aren’t presented with tandem as the only way to go.

Yeah, you're probably right, Nick... I think I just have a bad attitude about this subject from my own experience of having people trying to talk me into BASE jumping when I didn't want to, and from observed peer pressure at the dz. But I suppose saying "I could never..." and "I don't want to..." are completely different things.

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The important distinction with BASE jumping is that whatever you just jumped off of, you see it's structure as you pass by it on your way to the ground. That would completely freak me out.

Well, besides the other interesting replies you've gotten here, consider this. Sooner or later if you keep jumping, you will find yourself falling past the side of a cloud formation and believe me, the sensation of speed WILL present itself ;)

Another interesting perspective is to be base (actually any position is ok, but with few jumps you will probably not be last in) for a formation (2 or 20 doesn't matter really) and, after planning it with everyone else, punch out of it at break-off altitude. As your canopy opens, keep watching everyone else as they fall away from you...

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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Me either. That's crazy stuff.
I just can't figure out whuffo they want to jump off them cliffs fo'. ;)

Since I recently started jumping, I say about the same thing to friends and acquaintances who have just
found out that I'm jumping. It usually goes something like this...

Them: You're _crazy_, man! Whuffo you jump out of [you know the rest...]
Me: (explains it a little bit)
Them: I still think you're crazy... Hey, I saw some guys on TV jumping off of a cliff and then landing with a parachute, are you ever gonna do that?
Me: Yeah! That's BASE jumping. I'd never do that. BASE people are crazy.
Them: (mind boggles)

Seriously - at this point, I would like to see some BASE jumps in person, from different angles ("exit"
point, landing area, off to the side) but I don't think I want to do it -- disregarding the fact that I have
way not enough "regular" jumps to even think about it.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Hell Yea I would love to base jump, but my problem is there is no place out here to do it (eastern north carolina), heck the water towers on base are tempting (bout 200 feet). Well trust me as soon as I find someone in this area who knows what they are doing then I will be all over it.

The most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I'm from the government and I'm here to help’. ~Ronald Reagan

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Before I ever started Skydiving I used to work as a highrise Iron worker. I'd walk along a girder 20,30,40 stories up and think about people who had the ability to BASE jump. Just sorta daydreaming about it myself. I'd drop pennies to see what the wind did to them and count how long it took before they hit the ground. I'd like to give it a try. ;)

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of having people trying to talk me into BASE jumping when I didn't want to, and from observed peer pressure at the dz

I would stay away from these people. I certainly would never advise anyone to get into BASE, let alone pressure someone to get into it.

I dont understand people that encourage people to BASE jump. Most of the time the people encouraging people to do the sport are not respected jumpers. The best BASErs to know are the ones that dont really want to talk about it at the DZ, not the ones that make the most noise......

BASE is not cool, its hard work and can effect your life in BIG ways (ask anyone that has had a serious injury or lost friends - limping at my age is not very cool) that are very negative to the outsider. Its a big payoff, and you have to decide if the negatives are out weighed by your "personal" positives.

Fuck peer pressure - BASE is a pure personal adventure.

The funniest thing I have seen, is that I would say in 7 years of skydiving and 3.25 years in BASE, all the "I wanna BASE / I am going to BASE" I would say that 99% never make any effort to actually make this happen. They still years and years later say "I wanna / I will" to all the new skydivers coming up whilst cracking a beer open after hours whilst the ones that have taken the effort are stood alone & scared in a dark unfriendly place................. but then we flick and watch the object rush by....and then world then does not seem so unfriendly....... :)

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