
Uni or Skydiving???

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Well i relise that this is totally a personal opinion.. most people have been telling me stick with uni do your degree and then go do wat you wana do and maybe i will. Ive only been skydiving for a year now with almost 80 jumps.. ( have been trying to jump as much as possible .. but i do live in the uk:) ) spent close to £7500 (just ordered a new Vector3 ;) ) I know im only a newbie but i still have the enthusiam as i did after my first AFF level and am totaly hooked.

I know i would be making more money if i were to finish my degree and sit behind a desk for years and i would need alot more jumps. If anything i think i would want to be a instructor, camera or tandem master. I know there is not a huge amount of money to be made, but its the lifstyle choice i have to make , sitting behind a desk or flying high! Also the thought of "Wat If" you only live once.

I realy just want opinons of other people that have been in this situation.. wether it be uni a job or other commitments. Wether you chose a job in skydiving or sumthing that pushed you away from it.

Not expecting alot of posts but any advice would be great.. thanks guys!!

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I was in the same position. Finish the degree, then take time off and jump. This past summer was one of the best of my life, because I was free to do what I wanted, without the worry that I should have been doing something more productive. Set yourself the goal of a degree, with the reward of jumping.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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MMM hard to imagine lol.. I do computer systems so i will be behind a comp most of the time :( but alot of money :)

Thanks for the other replies aswell guys

MY job is more fun than skydiving :)

Today I have the day off, and it SUCKS! I'm left to cleaning house, PWing, drinking a beer or two, AND....

I GOT MY HAIR CUT!!! I have short hair now....lol.


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I'm amazed that people even contemplate this choice.

Living in a trailer on a DZ sucks. It can be a brutally tough lifestyle, especially if you're in an area with harsh winters. I have some friends who literally park their trailer in a barn for the winter, and spend 4 monthes living there waiting for the DZ to reopen.

Alongside that, skydiving is one of the most expensive sports I've ever been involved in. You can't get a marketable instructors ratings without at least 500 jumps, so figure those costing you at least $11,000. Plus you'll need to buy gear, that'll bring the total north of $15,000 - just to get to the point where you can apply for a rating and start begging for work.

There are people who try to get into skydiving without a well paying job, but successfull ones are few and far between.

Get the degree, get a job so that you can pay for your skydives, then enjoy.

Many schools have skydiving clubs, so you can jump during school.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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Set yourself the goal of a degree, with the reward of jumping.

That is one of the best sayings I have ever heard, really. Get your degree, get a great job that pays you good money and then skydive your ass off. I did the same (computer engineering) and now I (luckily) am in a situation where I have plenty of money for skydiving (and other things).. if you want to hop on a plane and go to a boogie across the country, you just do it... don't need to worry about money.

I work from home so I have flexibility and don't "sit behind a desk all day". There are many Friday's that I split at noon and head to the DZ to skydive.

When I had 80 jumps someone once told me "finish school... skydiving will always be there"... they were right..


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Here is a thread from a couple of weeks ago.

As long as you have a goal, either can work. Drifting aimlessly means that you end up that many years older, without anything that you actually wanted for it.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I have been thinking about the same thing except I already have a good job. I have always wanted to be a ski instructor but never wanted to only work half the year. now I'm thinking skydive in summer ski in winter. So Ive been checking out this web site.


Anyone have any experience with this? Is it worth it? Sounds like a lot of fun:)
Oh ya my .02c is you should get your degree first. It would be good as a back up plan.
“Sometimes when I reflect back on all the beer I drink I feel ashamed. Then I look into the glass and think about the workers in the brewery and their hopes and dreams. If I didn’t drink this beer, th

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I do computer systems so i will be behind a comp most of the time :( but alot of money :)

So there's money in computers? I've got a few degrees and a job, but I manage to spend most of what I make skydiving. College is a lot of fun though.:S
BASE 1224, Senior Parachute Rigger, CPL ASEL IA, AGI, IGI
USPA Coach & UPT Tandem Instructor, PRO, Altimaster Field Support Representative

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I got a couple of degrees, worked the self-employed and corporate roads for a while, then decided to give it all up, get my instructor and rigger ratings and work in the wonderful world of skydiving.

From your post, I'd at least stay at school until you can spell, even that skill comes in handy in this business. :S:)

I don't regret the decision to get into this work, but I am glad that I got the education to make that decision from an informed and experienced viewpoint.
Pete Draper,

Just because my life plan is written on the back of a Hooter's Napkin, it's still a life plan.... right?

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Sorry, but while this program may be top notch and they may be marketing themselves well, it seems rather misleading.

GRADUATE THE NEW ZEALAND SKYDIVING SCHOOL AND GET....the glorious job of 'Packer' for $5 dollars or so per packjob! Wow! Or manifester for a few jump tickets or $10/hr!

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Do what makes you happy, that's all that matters at the end of the day. Lifes not all about the money, the nice house and the nice car so you can show off to your neighbours.

You don't need a degree to be successful or to earn alot of money. Just do what puts a smile on your face.

May Contain Nut traces......

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