
incredibly upset, incredibly scammed; really need advice

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I honestly feel like the most idiotic person in the world right now.

I posted in this thread that, in my impulsive eagerness to go skydiving, I got sucked into the Skyride scam by reserving my first jump with one of Skyride's fake domains (www.skydivephiladelphia.com).

I then wrote that I canceled with Skyrides and reserved my first jump at Cross Keys, NJ, instead.

I was initially told that, if I had to cancel with Skyrides, I would be refunded the price of the tickets but charged a $75 cancelation fee. I agreed to eat the fee because, after doing some research, I wanted to do my jump at a DZ that was legitimate.

Today I went to the bank and noticed that Skyrides had charged my account an extra $75 but had NOT refunded the $597 for two tandems (mine and my friend's). So I called Skyrides, and I was told that the tickets were actually non-refundable--that what I had been told before was, in fact, incorrect, and I'm not getting my $597 OR the additional $75 back.

The guy actually had the gall to tell me that places like Cross Keys, which don't require a credit card to reserve a jump, were "not certified like we are." I told him that was B.S., and all he said was, "I'm sorry, hon, that's our policy."

Now I'm not sure I can jump at all because I've already canceled with Skyrides and I don't have an EXTRA few hundred to pay at Cross Keys. (And when I reserved with Skyrides, I used my debit card as a credit card, so the money is already GONE).

I have no idea what to do. The first Skyrides woman I talked to *told me* that I'd be refunded almost all of my money, and now the people are claiming that no one ever said that and that I've just lost my money--end of story.

I really, really don't want to cancel my appointment at Cross Keys. I really, really want to skydive this Sunday--the thought of my first jump is the only thing that's gotten me through this week. I know this post is fairly incoherent, and I apologize, but I am astoundingly upset right now. (I graduated from college a few months ago, am swimming in debt from loans, and actually spent the last two months cutting back on all indulgences just for my first skydive. Ugh.)

Any advice at all would be appreciated more than you know.

hanks so much. My e-mail address is [email protected].


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You said you were charged approx 300 total... now its gone up?

Hmmmmmmm these emails are popping up everywhere since the counter-suit.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I was charged a total of $597 because I reserved two tandem jumps--one for me and one for my friend. He paid me with cash, though, so I really only paid $300ish for my jump. But Skyride stole $597,

The first thing you need to do is contact the bank (if you used a debit card or the credit card company if you used a c.c.) tell them you wish to dispute the charges. the people at skyride are probably not going to work with you. At this point it seems your best chance of getting any form of refund is going to be by disputing the charges through your bank. Good luck.

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If that is the case, you can contact your bank directly as you are stating on here you were scammed, they can investigate. Or make the jump, hell if you paid for it and the instructors are qualified then have a blast.

my first tandem with video was approx 290 and it was not with a skyride cert, theres not much to tell you besides to contact your bank or the BBB if the company scammed you, granted proving they did that may be hard, weather stops alot of skydives.

I still think this is connected to the counter suit but if its not, good luck and welcome to our world
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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What countersuit?

I can't jump with the initial reservation because I already canceled under the (false) premise that my money would be refunded. The money is gone, and the people at Skyride lied to me. :(

I will most definitely issue a chargeback with my bank, but I was hoping to get my money back within the next few days so I can actually afford to jump at a legitimate DZ. I spent two months saving up for this, only to be burned. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

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I can't jump with the initial reservation because I already canceled under the (false) premise that my money would be refunded. The money is gone, and the people at Skyride lied to me.

Well if you paid for the jump, try calling them back and re-reserving, hell they have your money. If you feel you can prove they lied then yes persue it


I will most definitely issue a chargeback with my bank, but I was hoping to get my money back within the next few days so I can actually afford to jump at a legitimate DZ. I spent two months saving up for this, only to be burned. I guess it wasn't meant to be.

Even on a charge back it could take awhile to get the money back, I know my bank issues a credit but if the charge is proved to be right then they would take the money back (stolen cc awhile ago taught me this)

Just because they are a skyride owned DZ does not mean it isnt a safe place to jump.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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I was initially told that, if I had to cancel with Skyrides, I would be refunded the price of the tickets but charged a $75 cancelation fee. I agreed to eat the fee because, after doing some research, I wanted to do my jump at a DZ that was legitimate.

Today I went to the bank and noticed that Skyrides had charged my account an extra $75 but had NOT refunded the $597 for two tandems (mine and my friend's). So I called Skyrides, and I was told that the tickets were actually non-refundable--that what I had been told before was, in fact, incorrect, and I'm not getting my $597 OR the additional $75 back.

That's an interesting take on a 'cancellation fee.' Slam dunk small claims court if you could document the trail of bullshit. Hopefully your bank will see it that way as well.

Maybe they could call it 'cancellation attempt' to go along with the gear rental fee and the 'operational aircraft' fee.

This is also a reason why I don't used debit credit cards. Not that the banks are actually all that protective of their customers with a Visa charge, but at least the charge stays in limbo.

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I would try not just an attorney, but the attorney general in your state. You'll end up paying even more for that jump with just an attorney. The AG should have a consumer protection division that you can file a claim. I'm not sure of the timeliness of the process, though. If you do chose that path, post your results so everyone can learn from it.

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Also, call your local news station and tell them you've got a great business scam story. If they spend any time digging info on Skyride, they'll find loads of info and have tons of fun.

They say no publicity is bad publicity... So, this might HELP skyride by getting their name out there, WHILE proving to the rest of the world that skydivers are the dirty fringe of life people think we are...

But, some stories are done well, like the one that has been linked out there... Make sure the reporter knows Skyride is an agent for many different types of adventures and that the reputable DZs are suing and the USPA has issued warnings, so they can report on the "clean professional business" side of skydiving!

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Contact the BBB, dispute the charges with your bank and contact the district attorney in your area about what's involved with filing charges for wire fraud.


If the wire fraud crossed state lines, then it is a federal offense. Threaten to slap Skyride with an FBI investigation.

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Just because they are a skyride-owned DZ does not mean it isn't a safe place to jump.


This scary, but I might have to stick up for Skyride.

Skyride frequently contacts with legitimate USPA and CSPA-affiliated DZ to provide airplanes, instructors, parachutes, etc.. Usually it is only for one or two students at a time. Frequently only manifest knows that the jump was paid for through Skyride. A few times, I have heard manifest mentioning that students paid through Skyride, but I have probably jumped with another 50 or 100 Skyride clients and never knew it.
So at least the student gets the regular service.

There is a disadvantage to cross-border commerce. Skyride has become less profitable for Canadian DZs since the US Army invaded Iraq and inflation has devalued the US dollar versus the Canadian dollar.

There, I have said enough good things about Skyride!
I still think that the scam - pulled on the original poster - "bites the green wheeny!"

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Did you not see the reply back to your post here?

michaelmullins said at Nov 16, 2005, 8:33 PM :



If you will send me a personal email at [email protected] I will tell you exactly how to get your money back.


Have you contacted him?
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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so many of these stories now.. i live uk and i dnt reli know anything about the court case's, but i think the head of the american skydiving acsocaion (whatever its called) should reli do sumthing about this.. afta all its just giving a bad reputation to skydiving.

over hear we have the "office of trading standards" if any company is screwing people over in anyway they investigate and close em down.. is there not sumthin like that ? or has this already bin dun?

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I contacted Mike, and he gave me some extraordinarily helpful advice.

Unfortunately, I discovered today, it only applies to purchases made with a credit card.

I don't have a real credit card, so I reserved my jump with a debit card (which I can use as credit, but the money is physically withdrawn from my account the second I make a purchase).

The bank is going to do an investigation, so it may take a while to get my money back (or I could demand to do my jump, but I'm honestly really turned off by the outright lies I was given on the phone).

In any case, my friend and I are still going for our first jumps at Cross Keys tomorrow afternoon. Yes, I'll be eating Ramen for a month, but I know this will be worth it.

Thanks, everyone.

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Yes, I'll be eating Ramen for a month, but I know this will be worth it.

Bawhaha.....sounds like me for the rest of this month. I just mailed off a check to my sector captain for World Team:o But going to Thailand to do the 400 way will be worth every cent.

Hope it all works out for you.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Yes, I'll be eating Ramen for a month, but I know this will be worth it.

I think I'll be joining the Ramen for the month group :ph34r:

Chaoskitty's suggestion may yield the quickest response if your bank gives you trouble.
The people on those "Shame on You" type pieces generally get their refund pretty quickly.
If you choose to go this route, do some preemptive research here, so you'll have something substantial to show the news people.
You'll also be on TV :o
Inveniam Viam aut Faciam
I'm back biatches!

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This is mmytacism's best friend Ed again. Thanks again to everyone for helping us out in this very difficult situation. Incidentally, my criminal justice instructor is a former FBI agent. Would anyone object to me showing him (or other authorized people) this message board, in hopes they can help out? Jessica is going to contact her local district attorney this coming Monday, and we're also going to see if local news stations can get involved. Thank you all so much!

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